2.2 Sexual Behavior
Sexual behavior is a behavior that arises because of
a sex drive to attract the attention of the opposite sex
(BKKBN, 1999). Another definition describes
sexual behavior is any form of behavior that
provides sexual stimulation resulting in sexual
reactions, except for sexual intercourse. Sexual
behavior encompasses many types of behaviors that
provide sexual stimulation resulting in sexual
reactions (Pangkahila, 2005).
Premarital sexual behavior is a behavior that is
done without going through a formal marriage
process according to religion and belief respectively.
The meaning of premarital sexual behavior is the
communication of intimacy, a way of expressing
closeness with a partner, sharing emotional and
physical attachment outside the legal marriage
(Duvall & Miller, 1985). Premarital sexual behavior
is all behavior that is driven by sexual desire, either
with the opposite sex or with the same sex, outside
of legitimate marriage. The sexual object can be
someone else, a person in a fantasy or self. Some of
these behaviors do not have any impact, especially if
no physical or social consequence can be caused
(S.W, 2011). The meaning of sexual behavior is
intimacy communication, a way of expressing
closeness with a partner, sharing an emotional and
physical closeness.
The forms of sexual behavior include: embracing
(like grabbing the shoulders, grabbing the waist),
making out (like kissing the cheek, kissing the
forehead, and kissing the lips), palpating sensitive
body parts, swiping the genitals up to insert devices
sex (intercourse). Based on the above understanding,
the researcher divides into seven levels of sexual
behavior, where the division level of sexual behavior
based on the previous research with the same theme
conducted by Ahmad Egits about the relationship of
religiosity with sexual behavior.
1. Hand grip, this activity is not too cause strong
sexual stimulation but usually appear desire to
try other activity.
2. Hugging, this activity creates a feeling of calm,
safe, comfortable with sexual stimulation
(especially when it comes to aerogenic /
sensitive areas).
3. Kissing, a touch of the cheek with cheeks or
cheeks with lips, a touch of lips to the lips, to
the kiss on the neck
4. Feel, is the activity of sensitive parts of sexual
stimuli, such as neck, chest, thighs, genitals,
and others.
5. Petting is the whole activity of non-intercourse
(until putting the genitals).
6. Oral Sex is a sexual activity by inserting the
genitals into the mouth of the opposite sex.
7. Intercourse (intercourse), is a sexual activity by
inserting the male genitalia into the female
The physiological impact of premarital sexual
behavior of which can give rise to unwanted
pregnancies and abortion. The result is disruption of
health and maternity and infant mortality risk is
high. In addition, there is also a result of dropouts
and the economic consequences due to necessary
maintenance expenses and others. As for the social
impact caused by sexual behavior before it's time,
among others, excommunicated in teenagers
dropping out of school, women who are pregnant,
and changes the role of motherhood. Not to mention
the pressure from society that denounces and rejects
the State. According to Paxman & Sanderowitz, the
psychosocial consequences of this behavior is the
existence of mental tension, confusion and social
roles that suddenly change if a girl suddenly
pregnant. It will also happen to scorn and rejection
from the surrounding community (Sarwono, 2008).
2.3 The Results of Relevant Research
Research of Amy Adamcyzk and Britany E. Hayes,
"Religion and Sexual Behavior:" Understanding the
Influence of Islamic Cultures and Religious
Affiliation for Explaining Sex Outside of Marriage.
" The study tried to see and compare how Interfaith
religious influence in shaping the behaviour of a
person particularly in the study of sexual behavior
before marriage. Using the technique of modeling
data hierarchy and cross-national Survey of
demography and health, where the results of the
study also in the can that the religion of Islam and
Hinduism are the least of his people in a number of
sexual behavior before marriage than with other
The research of David Penhollow et al, "The
Impact of Religiosity on the Sexual Behaviors of
Collage Student" (effects of religiosity on the sexual
behavior of students). Where this research was
conducted to find out whether the frequency of the
presence of the religious influence on students '
sexual behavior. Which results in May that there was
a negative relationship between levels of students
who overturned the frequency with which are not
religious, where the higher the frequency of the
religious students tend to restrict the behavior of his