Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the
people of Pakuniran Subdistrict, some do not
understand the iddah and some already understand
the iddah. The "takmir musholla" who acted
married, in general, they understood the existence of
the law of iddah, but they did not pay attention to
this teaching. According to the researcher, the
absence of attention to the iddah, due to not
understanding the teachings of Islam, the absence of
institutions that pay attention to iddah, let alone
punish violations of iddah. Whereas in Islamic law,
all schools require iddah towards women. As for
their acknowledgment that they are sorry for
widows, the poor, no one gives a living, in reality,
this is true. However, poverty which is used as an
excuse to remarry within one week, two weeks or
one month after the death of her husband, cannot be
justified, because both Islamic law and marriage
laws in Indonesia require iddah.
Not carrying out the iddah is a violation of
Islamic marriage law and Marriage Law No.1 Year
1974. The wisdom of the iddah is to maintain the
sanctity of “nasab” and respect the deceased
husband and his family — the reason for being poor,
even though it is following the reality, but according
to Islamic law cannot be justified. However,
according to researchers, poor conditions can
become uzur, which can reduce the period of ‘iddah.
Because ‘iddah is worship, which can decrease or
fall due to uzur.
In the future, there should be more research on
the implementation of iddah in the community.
Moreover, especially how the role of ‘modin,'
religious counselors, the Office of Religious Affairs
and the Religious Courts are towards the
implementation of the iddah in the community.
These institutions are the front guard for the
implementation of the law of Iddah and marriage
law in general in the community.
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