details of data obtained. It is important because the
main source of data is from the results of the
opinions, interpretations, attitudes, and actions of
several important community groups. The
Interviews were conducted with 30 respondents
from 6 religious leaders -Islam, Protestant
Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Confucianism- 18 religious activists of each religion
(each consisting of 3 males and 3 female activists), 3
Muslim and non-Muslim students, and 3 government
employees of Tangerang City Muslim and Non
Muslim. Data collection took five months from
March to July 2010. The number of respondents
mentioned above is limited and certainly can not
generalize and represent all the people of Tangerang.
However, this research can capture the narrative or
voice of people who have similar characteristics to
the respondents, and the findings of research can be
applied in similar contexts.
This study interpretes that the identity politics
practice as an educative and progressive policy for
the city of Tangerang. However, Arabization
attached to the symbols in public spaces is
interpreted as exclusive and discriminatory against
minorities. Politics of multiculturalism can be an
alternative policy in responding to the injustice of
the identity politics practice and does not eliminate
the positive side of the identity politics practice.
The literature reviews is devided into two categories,
the studies about implementation the identity politics
and the studies about the implementetion of politics
multiculturalism. The debate of implementation of
politics multiculturalism can be found in Amy
Gutmann (ed) (2017), Multiculruralism: Examining
The politics of Recognition. (al, 2017) This book
compares how the politics of multiculturalism define
into some different ways by multiculturalist and
libertarian scholars. The multiculturalist is
represented by Charles Taylor who emphasizes that
the politics of recognition is the most appropriate
way for the state to response plurality. He shows
how Canada is become a success country in
applying the politics of recognition. While
libertarian scholars are represented by K. Anthony
Appiah, Jurgen Habermas, Steven C. Rockfeller,
Michael Walzer and Susan Wolf. They emphasize
neutrality is the best way for the state in responding
the plurality. At least, the are five discussion which
become the subject of debate between them. First,
The concept good of life of society. Second, basic
recognition of community equality. Third, public
sphere of plural society. Fourth, the best role of
government in responding the diversity. Five, the
life foundation that is applied in plural society.
The other literature is used by the authors is
Bikhu Parekh (2017), with the title Rethinking
Multiculturalism,Cultural Diversity and Political
Theory. (Parekh, 2017) Parekh describe deeply
about multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is not only
about differences and identities, but involves things
are embedded and supported in culture, such as how
a group of people understand themselves through a
set of beliefs and practices from culture.
Multicultural society involves three types of cultural
diversity, such as subcultural diversity, perspectival
diversity and communal diversity. The
implementation of politics of multiculturalism can
be seen when Pareks takes an examples of
multicultural society form from a few countries
(England, France, Turkish, Canada, India, etc). The
dialog amongst cultural groups is the key of
successful of realizing multiculturalism in harmony.
Another study is Will Kymlicka (1996) in
Multicultural Citezenship: A Liberal Theory of
Minority Right. (Kymlicka, 1996) Unlike the other
contemporary libertarian, who consider the politics
of recognition is contrary to the concept of
liberalism. In his book, Kymlicka emphasizes that
the concept of politics of recognition in line with
principles of liberalism, such as individual freedom
and social justice. This can be seen in the
determination of three rights of minority groups that
should be accomodated by the state, such as self-
government rights for sub-state national groups, no
discrimination rights for minority polyetnic groups,
and special representation rights for minority groups
in state legislature. For Kymlicka, citizenship rights
are a central issue in the future of liberal traditions in
all parts of the world.
There are studies examining identity politics in
Indonesia. One of them is the study has been
conducted by CSRC (Center for The Study of
Religion and Culture) UIN Jakarta (2007) with the
title Syariat Islam dan HAM, Dampak Perda
Syari’at terhadap Kebebasan Sipil, Hak-hak
Perempuan, dan Non Muslim. (S. Kamil, 2007)This
study explores the impact of the implementation of
politics islamic identity in six regions in Indonesia.
There are Bireun Districts, Tasikmalaya Districts,
Bulukumba Districts, Bima Districts, Indramayu
Districts and Tangerang City. This study focuses on
how the identity politics impact to the human rights
(expression freedom right, religion freedom right
and fear freedom right) of three groups, namely
women, non-Muslims and civil liberties. This study
shows that identity politics bring positive impacts to
society, such as increasing piety and public security.
Besides, the identity politics threaten the civil