strategies used through CARTER service quality to
Sixth, Umah, U. K. (2011), Penerapan Akuntansi
Zakat Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat (Studi pada LAZ
DPU DT Cabang Semarang). VALUE ADDED|
study situates Indonesia as demographically and
culturally has the potential to be developed into an
instrument of income distribution, especially the
Indonesian Muslim community, namely the
institution of zakat, infaq, sadaqah (ZIS).
Demographically, the majority of the Indonesian
population is Muslim, and culturally the obligation
of zakat has an effect, and Sadaqah in the way of
Allah SWT has been deeply, rooted in the Muslim
tradition of life. In managing zakat, the management
institutions must have accountability and
transparency. Therefore, it is important for zakat
management institutions to be able to prepare good
and transparent financial statements. Still, there are
many BAZIS and LAZIS who have not used zakat
accounting, especially the amil zakat agencies
operating in the village / kelurahan or mosque. They
still use conventional accounting. Even though
PSAK (statement of financial accounting standards)
has been issued no. 109 concerning zakat
accounting. This phenomenon is the reason for
conducting research on the implementation of zakat
accounting by zakat management institutions, the
mechanism of zakat management in the Amil Zakat
Wallet Caring for the People of Darut Tauhid (LAZ
DPU DT) Semarang Branch became the topic in this
study. Data Collection Techniques are carried out
by: 1) Direct Observation, 2) Interview (Interview),
and 3) Documentation. Data analysis consists of
description and content analyses. The collected data
is analyzed using the description method, with
qualitative analysis. In this case, the analysis is
carried out by explaining matters relating to the
conditions at the LAZ DPU DT Semarang branch,
especially in describing how the application of zakat
accounting to the Semarang branch of LAZ DPU
DT. Accounting for zakat funds carried out by LA
Semarang DPU DT Branch is carried out based on
the cash basic value where the accounting
transaction recording model records all revenues that
have been received. And in the reporting process
LAZ DPU DT Semarang Branch only reports
sources and uses of funds and reports on receipt and
use of funds. This is because that LAZ DPU DT
Semarang Branch does not have its own assets such
as land and buildings. Here LAZ DPU DT Semarang
Branch has not conducted five financial reports
according to PSAK No. 109 of which are balance
sheets, reports on sources and uses of funds, reports
of changes in funds under management, cash flow
reports, and notes to financial statements. Therefore,
the LAZ DPU DT Semarang Branch has not been
audited by a public accountant and not in accordance
with SFAS No. 109.
Seventh, Rouf, M. A. (2011), Analisis faktor-
faktor yang mempengaruhi minat masyarakat
membayar zakat di Rumah Zakat cabang
Semarang (Doctoral dissertation, IAIN Walisongo).
This study begins with a rationale that to empower
zakat funds optimally, a professional, trustworthy
and transparent zakat management institution is
needed. It is so in fostering a sense of public trust in
the interest in paying zakat in zakat institutions. In
addition to trust in zakat institutions, interest in
paying zakat can also be influenced by the level of
religiosity and income. The level of one's religiosity,
especially the understanding of the obligation of
zakat greatly influences one's awareness to issue
zakat. While income has a relationship regarding
whether the property has reached the nisab (obliged
amount) or not. This study explains the problem of
whether there is an influence of trust, religiosity and
income on the interest of the public to pay zakat.
This study aims to examine partially and
simultaneously how trust, religiosity and income
influence the interest of the public to pay zakat in
the Semarang branch of Zakat House. The technique
used for sampling in this study is a probability
sampling. The method used to collect data were
questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The
data analysis technique used in this research is the
validity, reliability and multiple regression analysis.
The results of research processed with SPSS Version
16.0 for Windows shows that the influence of
independent variables (trust, religiosity and income)
on the dependent variable (community interest) is
57.4%, while 42.6% is influenced by other variables
not included in this research. This means that the
ability of variables of trust, religiosity and income is
very large in explaining interest variables. The
empirical test results of the influence between trust
in community interests, showed a value of t count
3.323 and p value (sig) of 0.001 which was below
5%. This means that trust affects people's interests.
The effect of religiosity on community interest
shows a value of t count 3.945 and p value (sig) of
0.000 which is below 5%. This means that
religiosity affects people's interests. While the
influence of income on public interest shows a value
of 7.430 t count and 0.000 p value (sig), using the
Alpha level of 5%, the position of the probability
value is below its Alpha. This means that there is a
significant influence between income and public
Eighth, Sidiq, H. A. (2015), Pengaruh
Pengetahuan Zakat, Tingkat Pendapatan,
Religiusitas Dan Kepercayaan Kepada Organisasi
Pengelola Zakat Terhadap Minat Membayar Zakat