Test Effectiveness of Composting Techniques Rice Stump
Nana Danapriatna
and Ismarani
Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University 45 Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords : Composting techniques, compost, rice straw
Abstract : This study aims to determine the effectiveness of "in situ" composting techniques for rice stump. The research
method used experimental method with a randomized block design of three treatments and repeated three
times. The treatments for the experiment were: A (Technique of composting rice stump without additional
decomposer); B (Technique of composting rice stump by means of rice stump sprayed with decomposer
liquid); C (Composting technique by means of rice stumps lay down and then flowed fluid decomposer). The
response variables analyzed were content of N, P, K, C, C- N ratio and rice straw compost. The data were
analyzed using variance analysis and continued with the least signifiant difference test at 5% level. The results
showed that different composting techniques had a significant effect on organic C content, total N, K and C-
N ratio of rice straw stump compost while the P and SiO2 content variables had no significant effect.
Composting technique by means of rice stumps laid down and then flowed with decomposer more effectively
than the composting technique of rice stump without the addition of decomposer and rice stump composting
technique by means of rice stumps sprayed with decomposer liquid.
The continuous use of chemical fertilizers
causes the soil biological ecosystem to become
unbalanced, so that the goal of fertilizing to provide
nutrients in the soil is difficult to achieve (Sutanto,
2006). Excessive use of chemical fertilizers in
lowland rice fields will cause environmental
problems that will cause changes in soil chemical and
physical properties. This condition occurs because the
fertility rate and soil organic matter has decreased,
therefore if it is not immediately addressed then in the
not too distant future, these lands are no longer able
to produce optimally and sustainably (Parnata, 2004
in Pratiwi et al., 2013 ) The solution to overcome this
problem is to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers
and implement organic farming systems.
The solution to reduce excessive use of chemical
fertilizers is by using organic material in the form of
compost. The function of compost is to add nutrients,
improve soil structure, increase the ability to retain
water and increase plant growth and production
(Hardjowigeno, 1995). According to Murbandono
(2000) the use of compost can provide benefits,
among others, can provide nutrients needed by plants,
become an alternative substitute for chemical
fertilizers because the price is cheaper, quality and
familiar with the environment, is multipurpose
because it can be used for basic organic fertilizer , can
improve soil structure, heavy soil becomes lighter and
light soil will become better structure, can improve
soil texture, increase soil porosity, soil aeration and
can increase the composition of microorganisms in
the soil.
Providing organic fertilizer can improve soil
physical, chemical and biological properties and can
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
fertilization (Zurhalena et al., 2015). The application
of around 2-6 tons of straw compost is able to supply
the needs of plants to produce around 8 ton rice grain
(Simarmata et al., 2010). Application of 400 g ha
biofertilizer (Azotobacter and Azospirillum) and
straw compost as much as 2 tons ha
in Ciparay,
Bandung with IPAT-BO technology (System of
organic based aerobic rice intensification (SOBARI))
can reduce the use of urea by 33% by increasing the
yield of rice grain varieties Ciherang is 4%
(Danapriatna et al., 2012
The use of rice straw as organic fertilizer with a
dose of 5 tons per ha can increase the C-organic
content, N, and K on the soil (Widati et al., 1998).
The results of research by Danapriatna et al. (2012
showed that the application of 400 g ha
(Azotobacter and Azospirillum) and straw compost as
much as 2 tons ha
can restore soil health as indicated
by an increase in organic C to above 2% and an
increase in population and activity bacteria and
Danapriatna, N. and Ismarani, .
Test Effectiveness of Composting Techniques Rice Stump.
DOI: 10.5220/0009935317931798
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1793-1798
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
increased rice production and reduce urea use by
The use of organic fertilizers can streamline the
availability of a number of fertilizers provided and
help release nutrients that are bound by the soil, also
accelerate the process of decomposition of organic
matter/plant litter or can be used as a composting
bioactivator (Sitosu Agro Cemerlang, 2005). The use
of rice straw as fertilizer can be directly immersed or
composted first. Some farmers use straw directly or
only left without any addition, but this method has
several weaknesses. The use of fresh straw will
directly complicate tillage (Sawit et al., 1989 in
Suhartatik et al., 2001) besides the availability of
nutrients from straw is long enough for plants.
Rice straw that will be applied must be
composted to control the contamination of disease
seeds (pathogens) contained in the straw and improve
the quality of straw compost. Composting straw by
utilizing biodegradable decomposer consortium can
improve the quality (nutrient content and beneficial
microbial content), produce biodegradable straw
compost which plays a role in killing disease seeds or
pathogens and induce plant resistance to disease
(Simarmata et al., 2010).
The source of the material for making straw
compost that is widely available in the rice field area
besides the straw left over from the rice threshing is
the rice stump that is sucked during harvest. During
this time rice straw stubble has not been widely used
even most farmers burn it. Therefore, utilization of
rice straw stubble is worth considering. The technique
of composting rice straw after being harvested in the
form of rice stumps in the rice field
area needs to be examined so that composting
techniques are effective and can be easily carried out
by farmers. Effective composting technique of rice
straw stumps in terms of several chemical properties
of compost produced according to the standard of the
Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 70 /
Permentan / SR.140 / 10/2011. The purpose of this
study was to determine the effectiveness of
composting techniques for rice straw stumps so that it
could be considered by the community in making
straw compost more effectively, so as to reduce the
use of inorganic fertilizers.
The research method used was an experimental
method with a randomized design of three treatments
and repeated five times. The treatments tested in this
study are: A (Composting technique of rice stump
without addition of decomposer); B (Technique of
composting rice stump by means of rice stump
sprayed with decomposer liquid); C (Composting
technique by means of rice stumps laid down and then
flowed with decomposer).
During the composting process the rice stump is
left open without cover. After 4 weeks the process
was carried out by taking samples of rice straw stump
for each treatment unit and chemical analysis was
carried out at the Balitsa Lembang Laboratory. To
determine the effectiveness of composting techniques
is done by comparing the chemical response variables
with organic fertilizer standard compost according to
the standard Minister of Agriculture Regulation No.
70 / Permentan / SR.140 / 10/2011.
Data analysis was performed statistically by
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with
the Least Significant Difference Test (LSD) using the
DAASTAT program version 1.022 (Onofri, 2011).
The response variables observed were C-organic, N,
P, K content, C-N ratio and Si rice straw compost
(Table 1).
The study was conducted in the greenhouse of the
Faculty of Agriculture UNISMA Bekasi and the
Balitsa Lembang laboratory. The research materials
and tools used were rice stumps, decomposers, water,
liquid sugar, plastic tubs, buckets, and sample
containers. The decomposer used is EM4 which
contains Lactobacillus sp. (8.7 x 10
), lactic acid-
producing bacteria, and in a small number of
photosynthetic bacteria Streptomyces sp. and yeast.
Treatment of different composting methods
significantly affected the organic C content, total N,
K and C-N ratio of rice straw stump compost.
3.1 Organic C content, Total N and
C-N Ratio Compost of Rice Stumps
Composting technique by means of rice stumps
laid down and then flowed with decomposer
(Treatment C) experienced a decrease in organic C of
1.67% compared to composting techniques of rice
stump without addition of decomposer (Treatment
and a decrease of 0.91% organic C composting of rice
stump by spraying decomposer (Treatment B) (Table
2). This is because some of the C-organic is used by
microbes from decomposers for the composting
process. This is consistent with the statement of
Atkinson et al. (1996) that changes in organic C are
caused by the loss of carbon as carbon dioxide.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 1: Analisys Of Variable Response Of Rice Straw
C-organic (%)
Walkey & Black
N-total (%)
O (%)
Dry ignation
Table 2: Effect Of Differences In Pegomposan Rice
Stump Straw Technique On Organic C Content, Total N
And C-N Ratio Compost
C organic
(%) (%) (%)
Composting technique of rice
stump without decomposer
addition (A)
23.16 b 0.71 a 0.45 a 39.9 c
Technique of composting rice
stump by means of rice stump
sprayed with decomposer
liquid (B)
22.40 b 0.79 a
0.55 b
28.3 b
Composting technique by
means of rice stumps laid
down and then flowed with
decomposer (C)
21.49 a
0.91 b
0.65 c 23.9 c
LSD 0,05 0.88
Description: The number followed by the same lowercase
letter in the column shows that it is not significantly different based
on the LSD test
Figure 1. Influence of Different Composting
Techniques of Rice Stump Straw to Compost C-Organic
Decreasing the C-organic content used by
decomposer microorganisms during the composting
process significantly increases the total N content of
compost. The results of laboratory analysis showed the
treatment of Composting technique by means of rice
stumps laid down and then flowed with decomposer (C)
having a total N content of compost increased by 0.91%
greater than the results of composting techniques with
treatment of composting techniques without adding
decomposer (A) and treatment of rice stump composting
techniques by
means of rice stump sprayed with
decomposer liquid
(B) (Figure 2). The total N increase in the treatment
given decomposer indicates that microbes derived
from decomposers are active in the process of
decomposition of rice straw.
Figure 2. Effect of Difference in Composting Technique
of RiceStump Straw on N Total Content of Compost
The difference in the composting technique of rice
straw stump significantly affected the K content
(Table 3 and Figure 3). The application of
composting technique by means of rice stumps laid
down and then flowed with decomposer (C) increased
0.20% and 0.10% K content respectively compared to
composting techniques without rice decomposer
addition (A) and stump composting techniques by
means of rice stump sprayed with decomposer liquid
Test Effectiveness of Composting Techniques Rice Stump
Figure 3. Effect of Difference in Composting Technique
of Rice Stump Straw Stems on K Content of Compost
The addition of decomposers in the form of
bacteria or fungi that are capable of producing
cellulase enzymes (Meryandini et al., 2009) so that
the process of decomposition of straw can be
accelerated. Minimum technical requirements for
solid organic fertilizers based on Minister of
Agriculture Regulation No. 70/ Permentan /
SR.140/10/2011 for C-N ratio of 15% - 25%. Thus,
the technique of composting straw rice stumps on the
composting treatment by means of rice stumps laid
down and then flowed with decomposer (C) has met
the standards. Although this compost has not reached
the C-N value that is ideal for the maturity level of
organic matter (Kausar et al. 2010), mature organic
fertilizer has a C-N value of less than or equal to 20
(Goyal et al. 2005.
The difference in composting techniques of rice
straw stumps significantly affected the C-N ratio of
compost (Table 3 and Figure 4). Composting
technique by means of rice stumps laid down and then
flowed with decomposer (C) produces the smallest C-
N ratio compared to the other two techniques, namely
23.9%. This is in accordance with the research of
Husein and Irawan (2008) that the addition of
decomposers in the composting process can help
accelerate the process of destabilizing unstable
organic materials (high C-N) to stabilize (low C-N)
which takes place in a controlled manner,
characterized by heat release and CO
Figure 4. Effect of Differences in Composting
Technique of Rice Stumps on C-N Ratio Compost
3.2 The Content of P and Coarse
Silicates (SiO
) Compost of Rice
Stump Straw
The content of P and SiO
straw compost in rice
stumps was not significantly different in the three
composting techniques of rice stumps (Table 3,
Figure 5 and Figure 6). This occurs because the same
source organic materials, that is straw from rice stump
from the same planting area. During the
decomposition process, some nutrients will be
released through the process of mineralization.
According to Allison (1973) the composition of
organic matter, environmental conditions, the nature
of microflora and fauna will determine the nutrient
content in organic matter. Straw is a significant
amount of organic material available to rice farmers.
About 40% N, 30-35% P, 80-85% K, and 40-50% S
remain in the vegetative part of the plant.
Composting techniques by utilizing organic
sources such as rice straw stumps are a solution for
important sources of micro nutrients such as zinc (Zn)
and silicon (Si). Composting by means of rice stumps
laid down and then flowed with decomposer (C) and
then the compost is incorporated into the fields is an
effort to restore much of the nutrients that have been
absorbed by the plants and help conserve soil nutrient
reserves in the long term in accordance with the
opinion of the Dobermann and Fairhurst (2002).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Figure 5. Effect of Difference in Composting Technique
of Rice Stump Straw Compost
Figure 6. Effect of Differences in Composting Technique
of Rice Stump Straw on Silicate (SiO
) compost
Table 3: Effect Of Differences In Composting
Technique Of Rice Stump Straw On P And Silicate (Sio
P (%)
) (%)
Composting technique
rice stump withou
0.10 a
7.06 a
decomposer addition (A)
Technique of
rice stump by means of rice
0.11 a
6.88 a
decomposer liquid (B)
means o
rice stumps laid down and
0.10 a
7.83 a
decomposer (C)
LSD 0.05
Description: The number followed by the same lowercase
letter in the column shows that it is not significantly different
based on the LSD test
Different composting techniques have a significant
effect on organic C content, total N, K and C- N ratio
of rice straw stump compost, while the P and SiO
content variables have no significant effect.
Composting technique by means of rice stumps laid
down and then flowed with decomposer more
effectively than the composting technique of rice
stump without the addition of decomposer and rice
stump composting technique by means of rice stumps
sprayed with decomposer liquid.
Research needs to be done to test the effectiveness of
compost fertilizer as a result of the three techniques
of composting "in situ" straw of rice stumps on the
yield of paddy rice and an economic feasibility and
technical analysis of the use of rice straw stump
Acknowledgments submitted to LPPM UNISMA
Bekasi on research grants.
Test Effectiveness of Composting Techniques Rice Stump
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation