3.1.4 Phylogenetic Analysis
Phylogenetic analysis showed that Bantul, Cirebon,
Musi Banyu asin (Palembang) isolates formed a
group with Taiwan isolates (accession number
JX020701); whereas Cianjur isolates were separated
from other isolates and closer to Chinese isolates
(accession number KX534092). Kendari isolates are
closer to Puerto Rico isolates (accession number
GU191840, Brazil (accession number KC884247),
and USA (accession number KC774020) (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Phylogeny tree isolates CPMMV from Bantul,
Cirebon, Musi Banyuasin, Cianjur, and Kendari based on
the CP CPMMV gene sequence from Asian, American
and African groups and CarMV as outgroup
3.2 Discussion
Jumanto et al. (1999) reported mottled disease in
soybeans associated with CPMMV infection in Java
and Sumatra. However, after the report, there is no
current information regarding the distribution of
CPMMV in Indonesia, even though the area of
soybean cultivation in Indonesia is increasingly
widespread. In this study it was found that CPMMV
was detected on soybeans in Bengkulu, Musi
Banyuasin (South Sumatra); Cianjur, Bogor and
Cirebon in West Java; Bantul (Yogyakarta); Ngawi
(East Java); and Kendari (Southeast Sulawesi).
The results of this study indicate that the
diversity of CPMMV not only occurs in virulence and
the type of symptoms caused but also in diversity its
molecular level. Based on nucleotide homology
analysis, CPMMV isolates obtained from Sumatra,
Java, and Kendari in this study, had a relationship with
isolates from Asia (China, Taiwan), and America
(USA, Brazil, Puerto Rico). Close relationship with
Asian and American isolates indicates the possibility
of CPMMV Indonesia coming from that country.
Nevertheless, CPMMV from various regions turned
out to show genetic variation at the level of its
nucleotide sequence. Genetic variation in viruses can
occur through two events, namely mutation and
recombination. The high rate of mutation in the RNA
virus indicates an evolutionary strategy. According to
Agrios (2005) the evolution of viruses occurs as a form
of adaptation to environmental suitability, such as host
plants, strains of viruses, insect vectors. Different
environmental conditions between regions in
Indonesia, and climate differences between Indonesia
and other countries may cause environmental stresses
that cause genetic changes in the virus.
The distribution of CPMMV on soybeans covering
several areas of soybean production field in Java,
Sumatra, and Sulawesi. CPMMV is the dominant
virus found in 8 soybean cultivation locations from 9
sampling locations. Besides CPMMV, CMV, and
SMV were also found. Based on phylogenetic
analysis CPMMV Bantul, Cirebon, and Musi
Banyuasin isolates formed a group with Taiwan
isolates; whereas Cianjur isolates are closer to
Chinese isolates; and Kendari isolates are closer to
isolates from Puerto Rico, Brazil, and USA.
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