daily lives. According to Ali (2015), although both
studies, especially living Hadith study, do not
receive a significant portion of the study, they
indeed have large potential study (Ali 2015).
Living Quran and Hadith are shown by
presenting ayah of Quran and Prophet’s Hadith in
the opening part of Cinta Subuh movie and then how
the texts are understood and applied in the movie
plot. However, based on the title, Cinta Subuh
initially indicates the endeavor to earthed subuh
prayer. Angga and Ratih broke up because he did
not wake up for performing subuh prayer, he then
slowly changed to be better and perform subuh. In
Dodi’s case, the scene where he uttered his purpose
to propose Aghnia for marriage, Ustaz Jameel then
gave him pre-requirement to perform congregational
subuh prayer in masjid/mosque for 40 days. The
story is also about an ayah that forbids the act that
leads to zina in the opening of Cinta Subuh 2. It is
shown when Ratih has internal conflict and doubt to
decide whether she should maintain her love
relationship despite knowing her religion's
prohibition about dating or just end the relationship.
What has been presented by Ratih and Ustaz Jameel
and what has been practiced by Angga and Dodi are
the implementation of what they understand about
an ayah of Quran and Hadith. In general, the movie
plot as a whole is a realization of all the movie
crews' comprehension of the aforementioned ayah
and Hadith (Ummami 2014, 2015a, 2015b).
Looking up the above discussion, the study
shows that Cinta Subuh is a portrait of online
religion, mainly on the millennial generation. The
portrait is there along with specific characteristics,
such as representing the face of Islam which is not
singular, starting from traditionalist, fundamentalist,
modernist, and also liberalist – although in the
movie, the fundamentalist part is dominant.
Furthermore, this study uncovers the new paradigm
which is more specific than online religion that is
still relatively general and broad such as living
Quran and Hadith. It is just like what has been
shown in the opening of each serial of Cinta Subuh
movie. The texts of ayah of Quran and Hadith
related to the specific theme are comprehended and
then applied to be the dominant part of movie plot as
a whole.
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