and at the same time functions as a counter anti-
democratic narratives. Furthermore, this program is
important as a continuation of volume MMI 1. As
already done, volume 1 MMI received a positive
response from the community.
Many mosque
administrators appreciate and support the issuance of
In addition to the preaching of the Qur'anic
peace through the weekly Bulletin media on every
Friday, there are also several media including
conceptualizing the news in the social media arena
(Iftitah Jafar, May 2017), verses of the Qur’an in
the frame of the nation's daily newspaper (Adrika
Fithrotul Aini, June 1, 2015), Reading the verses
of the Qur’an through media propaganda (Jafar
Iftitah June 1, 2013), learning the Koran through
online media (Ginanjar Akbar January 2013),
Islamic diffusion through print media (da'wah bi al-
qalam, bi al- kitabah) is an integrated part of Islamic
sermon studies (da'wah). This is one of the media
or dakwah channels (Umi Halwati July 2012).
The adoption of the potential of religious
radicalism can run well through the development of
discourse movements based on religious nationalism
(Muh. Khamdan, February 2016), Islam is a
revelation religion revealed by Allah through His
Messenger, Muhammad SAW as a mercy to the
universe, rahmatan li al-'alamin, and is universally
applicable as a guide for humans throughout the
world, in the East and in the West, min masyariq al-
ardhi ila magharibiha (Suryan A. Jamrah, July-
December 2015), Indonesia, the country with multi-
religious beliefs is a country where radicalism can
thrive. Therefore, the cultivation of tolerance needs
to be emphasized in each individual, as already
applied to the pantura interfaith community
(Kholidia Efining, 2016).
This study focuses on the discourse of
modernity found in the weekly bulletin al-Fatâ
(Muslim Muda Indonesia) on verses of tolerance
and nationalism. Modernism literally means "new".
This term is popular or often referred to as the
modern time or the characteristic of the present of
the recent time. According to Mohammed Arkuon
the term modernization comes from the word
modernus (Latin) which was first used by Christians
around in 490 AD (Hellenic and Roman philosophy)
which showed the existence of a shift from the old
Roman period to the Christian period. While
modernization means renewal, then the word
modernism is a new view or method, specifically
regarding the tendency of the issue of religious
beliefs to subjugate tradition in an effort to
harmonize with new thinking (Joesef Sou’yb,1987).
In the Indonesian National Encyclopedia,
nationalism is defined as:
"Nationalism that grows because of the
similarities of fate and history and the
importance of living together as an
independent, united, sovereign, democratic
and developed nation in a united nation
and state and common ideals to achieve,
maintain and perpetuate identity , the
unity, prosperity and strength or power of
the nation state concerned ”.
While tolerance has three models commonly
practiced. First, tolerance among fellow (internal)
religious communities. The emergence of four
schools of jurisprudence is valid evidence of how
the Islamic world highly appreciates differences of
thought. Countless numbers of books discuss
different views with their respective arguments.
Second, inter-religious tolerance. We live in a
country that guarantees religious freedom. Whatever
religion we have to respect each other. Third,
tolerance in state life. This third, model tolerance
places Islam as a value order that is ready to
dialectically with democratic life.
The data used in this study uses Al-Fata media
bulletins and other related ones which are published
weekly. The authors particularly pay attention to
verses relating to tolerance and nationalism. The
data are described
and analyzed
in terms of how par
they are constructed to offer peaceful Islam (Lois O
Katsoff,1992). In other words, this research presents
the content of Islamic discourse that can counter
topics of violence and hatred spread by extremist
2.1 Al-Fatâ Bulletin (Muslim Muda
Broadly speaking, the bulletin publishing
performance is divided into 4 agendas. First, the
preparation stage in the form of program design
workshops, editorial internal meetings, and
enriched with focus group discussions (FGD).
Second, program execution which includes two
parts, writing the contents of the bulletin and
distribution. Third, monitoring, assessment and
evaluation, this section includes reporting the
process and response of the audience to each edition
of the bulletin. Fourth, the managerial secretariat
and members. To make things easier, this variety of