starting from simple things such as how to read
Quran well, ritual ablution, worship, wearing veil,
ethics of mingling with others, reading tutorial of
classical book, even the discussion of modern
Islamic law. It shows that through social media one
can find positive benefits to improve the quality of
their understanding of Quran and Islam.
4.1 Conclusion
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that
all informants use social media, the average use of
social media is 2 hours a day, they use many types
of social media such as line, whatsapp, Instagram,
ask fm, snap chat, BBM, facebook, twitter, and we
chat. They use social media to communicate with
friends and family, complete the school assignments,
communicate and coordinate among members of
organization, chat and refresh, and some others use
social media to show their existence in order to be
To improve the understanding of Quran and
Islamic materials from social media, they use
websites and blogs by Google, Yahoo and YouTube.
Through the social media mentioned above, they can
improve their understanding of Quran, they used it
learn about history, worship, wearing veil, the ethics
of mingling with others, even about modern Islamic
law such as bank interest. Thus, the roles of social
media in improving the understanding of Quran are:
as a teacher that is able to answer Islamic issues,
social media facilitates them to answer the problems
they face, social media provides reading tutorial of
classical book without having to stay in Islamic
Boarding School, as a means of learning and
religious proselytizing.
4.2 Suggestions
The writer would like to give some suggestions.
First, for students and all social media users, let's
use social media wisely, to communicate, learn and
proselytize. Second, for the religious proselytizers,
Islamic education teachers, Islamic spirituality
activists, we should be able to use social media as a
means to learn about Islam, to convey Islamic
messages which are easy and fun, and to share the
verse of Quran even though it’s only one verse.
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