descendants could improve his status. By marrying
Sayyid, the relationship that was originally broken
between her family and the other Sayyid family can
be reconnected.
From the syarifah’s story, there was an
understanding that Syarifah's marriage with ahwal
could lead to a state of isolation for herself or her
family. Arab society is bound by similarities in
religion and customs, including marriage. When there
are families who do not follow tradition, such as
marrying their children with fellow Sayyid families,
then there is the potential for the emergence of a
social sanction, in the form of isolation or disgrace for
the Arab community itself. This assessment applies to
certain cases and not a holistic assessment.
Social changes regarding Syarif and ahwal
marriages are a cultural necessity. This is inseparable
from the openness that is characteristic of urban
communities living in the midst of ethnic diversity.
The preservation of the tradition of a community
group, namely the Hadrami Arab community,
certainly faces various external problems that affect
the dynamics of cultural order that has been
maintained and preserved. The cases of social change
above are backed by Syarifah's association which has
come out of the veil of the Hadrami Arab tradition,
inwhich Syarifah is only provided to accept the
proposal of the Sayyids.
The Sayyids are a group of people who have a
glorified position in the eyes of Muslims in Jakarta.
This is because they still have a genetic connection
with the Prophet Muhammad, and their ancestral
profession which is an Islamic preacher and
wholesaler. This glory is increasingly maintained
when a wedding tradition is established that Syarifah
is required to marry Sayyid. This is an equal form of
marriage (kufu). Marriage between Sayyid families is
a tradition that is recommended in the Shafi'i mazhab
of thought, and to protect the purity of the
descendants of the Prophet Muhammad
Over time, Syarifah and Sayyid's marriage
traditions faded. There is a new meaning among
Syarifah that they also have the right to choose their
own spouse, including those from the ahwal group.
Syarifah's courage to sue tradition was due to the
widespread mobility of the profession and their
environment. Syarifah does not only stay at home to
wait for a mate, but many of them take tertiary
education including working in sectors whose
workers come from various ethnic groups. The state
of Jakarta as a cosmopolitan city has also contributed
to a change in the culture of the marriage of the
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