by students, but also by teachers, principals, and non-
educators involved in internalizing character values.
The task of educators is to provide a good learning
environment to shape, develop and strengthen the
character of their students. Students are expected not
only to understand education as a form of knowledge,
but also to make it as part of life and consciously live
based on that value(Mansur, 2016, Kristiawan,
2016).Character education is not enough in a direct
way that has the characteristics of indoctrination,
because its values will only be absorbed/memorized
but not internalized to themselves. On the basis of the
above thoughts, this paper discusses the integrated
approach to character education based on national
values and Islamic values.
Integrating the Pancasila ideology with the values
of religious religiosity requires a special approach.
This is because there is a clear mindset between Islam
as a spiritual teaching and Pancasila as a state
ideology. In history, it is known that (Al Batawi:
2017), it is possible that without the approval of the
ulama, among others Wahid Hasyim (Nahdhatul
Ulama), Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo and Kasman
Singodimedjo (Muhammadiyah Association), and
Teuku Muhammad Hasan from the representatives of
Sumatran Muslims, Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan
Indonesia (PPKI) was able to ratify the Pancasila
ideology, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, the
appointment of the President and Vice President and
the determination of territorial boundaries and the
establishment of eight provinces of the Republic of
That is a question that shows how important the
role of Muslims in establishing this country. The role
of the ulama is so crucial, the ulama is not only a place
to ask but gives a solution to the nation's
establishment at that time. this is what needs to be
known carefully, that establishing a nation state must
not be separated from the elements of Islam.
Indonesia is not a country based on an Islamic
constitution, but Islam in Indonesia is a warrior who
stands for this nation, which together with followers
of other religions is the main fortress of the struggle
for an independent Indonesia.
Al Batawi and Nandang Najmulmunir (2009)
explain the role of the Ulama in controlling the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)
that the ulama and society should continue to fight in
upholding morality as the successor of the teachings
of the Prophet. Leaders who can embody the
blessings of Allah SWT on the earth of Indonesia are
those who wholeheartedly guard the dignity and
honor of the nation and the nation by sticking to the
scriptures so that morality and social soul will grow
with the attention of the people. He argues Pancasila
and the 1945 Constitution have a high spiritual value
in controlling the Unitary State of the Republic of
The spirit of independence is plucked up by the
noble virtuous founders who rumble in his chest
about the fate of the Indonesian nation to be free from
the oppression of the imperialists.
Thus it can be observed that fostering the integrity of
the nation is based on historical virtues which has
proven that the Indonesian nation gained
independence because of the struggle, the spirit of
struggle comes from the character built through the
spirit of nationalism with the understanding of
Islamic spiritual.
2.1 Character Education
Character education is very important for the
development of the nation and state. The
sustainability of a nation is determined by the
cultivation of the character and noble values of the
nation that it has. Indonesia is a country that has
diversity in dimensions that are very diverse
including religion. Adherents of the largest religion in
Indonesia are Islamic religion. Islamic values are
strongly influenced by the Scriptures (Al-Quran) and
the Sunnah. Often this is where the interpretations are
mistaken by certain parties.
In fact, it is almost certain that between the virtues
of the Qur'an and the Sunnah there is absolutely no
contradiction with the ideological moral values of the
nation. History proves crucially that the founders of
this nation are religious leaders and figures who
directly struggle based on the foundation of
nationalism and nationality based on national
The term character comes from the Greek word
charassein, which means making sharp or making
deep. Character is essentially higher in value than
intellectuality(Widiatmaka, 2016).Characters are
universal values of human behaviour which
encompass all activities of life, both those related to
God, oneself, fellow human beings and the
environment manifested in thoughts, attitudes,
feelings, words, and actions based on the norms of
religion, law, karma, culture and customs (Suyadi,
2013). According to Nuril Furkhan (2014), take
opinion from Lickona, T (1991:50) said that good
character is what we want for our children. Of what
does it consist, While Aristotle found good character