Terrorism and Consumerism: An Analysis of Terrorism Development
in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity based on Paul Riceour’s
Critique of Ideology
a Maura
and Nau
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanity, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: terrorism, consumerism, liquid modernity, flawed consumers, identity, ideology
Abstract: Globalization is an era that is marked by the ease of interaction and the exchange information all over the
world. It encourages people to continue following the movements of the world, as an effort to survive, or what
Bauman named it as survival-and-gratification consumerism method. The pattern of consumerism leads to
the existence of flawed consumers, namely those who are unable to keep up the global world movement in
liquid modernity era. In the midst of liquid modernity, Bauman thought that the presence of terrorism is not
possible. Using descriptive analysis and alternative explanation methods, this study found that some of the
premises or reasons used by Bauman to support his claims contains logical inconsistencies if traced in
fundamentalist ideology. By rectifying some of the inconsistencies found in Bauman’s concept, this study
found that terrorism remained undoubtedly in the era of liquid modernity, even showing its still growth as a
result of liquid modernity, not as something that was separated from it. In addition, this research also found
that terrorism has already become an identity, or what Paul Ricoeur calls as a distortion and a dissimulation
of ideology, therefore critique of ideology is needed to overcome this problem.
Today we are living in the era of globalization
marked by the massive increase of use of information
technology which makes states borders fade. The
impact of globalization is the emergence what is
called liquid modernity with its signs of uncertainty
and rapid changes which were not predicted before.
This condition makes the society unstable and is full
of uncertainty. At the same time there appears to be
society of consumers in which maximum satisfaction
can never be reached because the ending point of
consumerism keeps moving on. “In the consumer
race the finishing line always moves faster than the
fastest of runners” (Bauman, 2000: 72).
The direct impact of consumerism and uncertainty
in this era is the changes in rate standard of happiness.
In the past, people looked for heavenly happiness
through standardized values and religious morals but
now people look for happiness in this
world through what they call earthy life. Therefore,
there is no room for the absolute religious
fundamentalists and and terrorist group. This is due
to the fact that terrorism is against the principles of
liquid modernity. The truth offered by the
fundamentalists is absolute about the happiness in
heaven, or future life, while this is in contrast with the
characteristics of liquid modernity. So, according to
Bauman, liquid modernity does not allow room for
fundamentalist movement including
terrorism. “The
liquid modern, consumer society settled in the
affluent part of the globe has no room for either
martyrs or heroes” (Bauman, 2005b: 47).
The idea of the failure of fundamentalism and
terrorisms in the globalization era is agreed by
Audrey Kurth Cronin as written in his research titled
Behind the Curve: Globalization and International
Terrorism. He summarized that globalization can
help curb terrorism through international relationship
among countries. Nahla Shahrouri noted the same
thing as presented in his research titled “Does a Link
Exist between Democracy and Terrorism?” which
concluded that democracy is the way out to prevent
and reduce the growth of terrorism.
The statements above are all interesting to
investigate further as some other researches posted
various findings and contradicted the existence of
Maura, A. and Naupal, .
Terrorism and Consumerism: An Analysis of Terrorism Development in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity based on Paul Riceour’s Cr itique of Ideology.
DOI: 10.5220/0009939420762084
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2076-2084
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fundamentalism and terrorism in the era of liquid
modernity. In 2013, Mark Davis wrote a research
about liquid modernity and its relation with
depression and solitude titled Hurried Life: Dialectics
of Time and Technology in Liquid Modernity. The
findings of his research state that the advance of
communication technology is expected to increase
connectivity among individuals as well as save time
in doing activities, but, on the other hand, it also
increases depression and solitude. Whats more, it also
creates marginal community economically and
politically, especially those in susceptible productive
age. According to Tinka Veldhuis & Jørgen Staun in
their writing titled Islamist Radicalisation: A Root
Cause Model, they claimed that the increase of
marginal community and crisis in identity cause
people to be fundamentalists and terrorists as solution
of their inability to follow the wave of changes and
uncertainty of global world, especially political,
cultural, economical global changes (Tinka, &
Jørgen, 2009; 63-64).
The same perspective is also presented by
Wilkinson in his writing, A World Uuthority in
International Relations and a Pioneer of the Study of
Terrorism and Political violence which says that the
movement of terrorism starts from the marginal
community either one of these; exclusion in religion,
nation, separation, religious fundamental, political
ideology or other (Sandler, Todd, 2013: 7). Research
done by Nahla Shahrouri which claimed that
democracy is a way out to prevent and curb the
development of terrorism is also antithesis with the
claim by Sadler which stated that the likelihood of
terrorism spread is more in democratic government
than in autocratic government (Sandler, Todd, 2013:
In line with Sandler’s perspective, there have been
a number and development of radical organizations in
Indonesia after the fall of autocratic New Order or in
Reform Era, such as MMI, HTI, and lately Ansharu
d-daulah and ansharu l-khilafah. The same thing can
be observed in Egypt in 2011 when the autocratic
regime led by Husni Mubarok was defeated by The
Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) in general election.
FJP is actually a political party owned by Ikhwanul
Muslimin, an Egyptian Islamic Fundamental Party.
According to Global Terrorism Index, even
though there has been a decline in the number of
percentage of loss in economy as a result of terrorism
at 7%, from US$104 billion in 2014 to US$84 billion
in 2016, this is still considered significant loss in
economy. Since 2001, there have been three major
causes of loss in global economy. The first wave that
took place in 2001 was 9/11 attack which claimed loss
of US$65 billion. This excluded the indirect loss
which affected the economic system of the US, which
ranged between 0.7 and 1% of its GDP (Gross
Domestic Product), or about US$190 billion. The
second wave happened in 2007, which was indicated
by terrorist movement in Iraq. This was closely
related to the massive activities of Al-Qa’ida and its
allies. Next development occurred in Syria and Iraq
beginning in 2013 when ISIS caused loss of US$84
billion by 2016. (Institute for Economics and Peace,
2017: 82).
Based on the above explanation, the author thinks
that fundamentalist and terrorist movement is still a
threat in the era of liquid modernity and its existence
is still on. So, it is prudent to further investigate and
analayze the root causes. This research also claims
that consumerism pattern and the absence of absolute
values which are the two special characteristics of
liquid modernity will still be the factors that can cause
terrorism even can become the factor to support their
spread and ideology growth. The author therefore
refutes the claim by Bauman on the failure of
fundamentalists and terrorists in the era of liquid
Zygmunt Bauman was born in Poznań, Polandia, on
November 19, 1925 and died at the beginning of
2017. Bauman was born in a Jewish family. His
background really influenced his development of
thoughts about liquid modernity. For Bauman, there
is no significant gap between Pasca Modernity and
Mondernity. What is called pasca modernity for him
is called liquid modernity. If modernity was signalled
by the emergence of industrial revolution initiated by
IP and technology with human as the center of the
universe, while universe is considered as object being
exploited. Human in modernity is considered as the
designer as well as the ruler to conquer the universe
(Robet, 2016: 143). Bauman emphasized modernity
as ‘an age of gardeners’ who treat society as a virgin
plot of land expertly designed and then cultivated and
doctored to keep till the design form” (Bauman,
1989:113). Historically, modernity refers to the
formation of society in Europe in 17
and 18
centuries guided by enlightment about human
reasonality. In the present day, human is optimistic
that IP and technology can determine the future of
nature and human. On moral side, Bauman
Terrorism and Consumerism: An Analysis of Terrorism Development in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity based on Paul Riceour’s
Critique of Ideology
formulated modern era as a war and human liberation
from mysteries and magics and a foundation for
human reasonality and freedom, as he said, “The war
against mystery and magic was for modernity the war
liberation leading to declaration of reason’s
independence (Bauman, 1992).
Modernity is also marked by the strong roles of
three pillars; state, religion and moral which he called
the strong roles of the big others (Myrs, 2003:35). For
Bauman, liquid modernity can be seen the liquid life.
Zygmunt Bauman firstly named the term of liquid
modernity on Liquid Life (2005). Bauman said that
Liquid life is “a precarious life, living under
conditions of constand uncertainty” (Bauman, 2005:
2). In liquid modernity human lives in uncertainty
and permanent conflict as a result of rapid changes,
so he cannot live his life as a routine (Bauman, 2005a:
1). In this condition, the way that human behaves is
determined by his ability to get involved in media as
the logic of news, and because everyday the news
changes and opens for
new unpredicted possibilities,
many things are not permanent. Everything in liquid
modernity must be liquid and fluid so that it can
sustain in the stream of changes. “’Solidity’ is now a
synonym of ‘waste’” (Bauman, 2005a: 89). That’s is
why, every individual is pushed to constantly change.
As a result, human loses his substantial foundation to
build life of certainty.
The constant changes cause unstable condition in
the society, uncertain situation and loss of trust. The
biggest fear and worries in this era are being afraid to
fail to catch up with the rapid changes of an event,
and consequently one can be left behind. Every event
that happens in liquid mdernity is the time flow of
pointillist, which is time flow that is unlikely to be
consistent. In the model of time flow of pointillist,
continual concept is not available (Bauman, 2007:
33). All events taking place in liquid modernity are
separated events from one to another, so for Bauman,
the continual concept can not be implemented. The
progressive concept in liquid modernity is not a
continual or developing concept, nor improvement,
but it is a repetitive short pattern that aims to make
sure everthing is alright in short time, or “staying
alive and well. When in solid modernity, the past is
considered determining factor for what will happen in
the future, in liquid modernity this does not apply.
The past and the future are not interrelated; what
happened in the past will not cause the future.
According to him, what has been disconnected, or
separated, cannot be connected again. By entering the
era of liquid modernity, presupposition of the concept
of totality, either the future or the past, has to be be
left behind (Bauman, 2005b: 22).
Something important happening today is how one
can maximize his power and ability to experience and
go beyond the changes that exist or may exist, like a
media containing countless opportunities, even
totalling more than individual’s opportunities to feel
every single available change. Consequently, what
happens is every individual does not focus on
exlploring one object more deeply, but focuses on
maintaining his ability to follow changes. Each
individual will have to be forced to be aware of every
possibility of what will happen. Generally, flexibility,
willingness, and readiness to follow the changes are
important aspects to sustain in liquid modernity. Due
to rapid changes in liquid modernity, this invalidates
the concept of loyality to something that is certain and
absolute including religious teachings or moral
system. What is considered good today can change to
be poison next day, as Bauman said, “Whatever is
good for you today, may be reclassified as your
poison tomorrow”. Liquid modernity does not give
opportunity to sustain in one spot.
This research uses the qualitative method through
primer reference, reference comparison, selection and
reference selection, matching concepts related
references, and reference analysis related to the cases
of fundamentalism in the era of liquid modernity. We
also establish syncronization between findings in
references and in cases. Later, analysis-descriptive
method is done to give conceptual analysis and
critical analysis on the thoughts of Zygmunt Bauman
on liquid modernity and consumerism and their
relation with terrorism fenomenon.
The writer also uses the method of alternative-
explanation. In philosophy, finding alternative
explanation is an activity which is done when the
present explanation is considered insufficient,
incomplete or contains distortion (Baggini & Fosl,
2003: 72). This method is done by asking critical and
deep questions. The responses to the questions are
combined with the available literature and the
author’s experience and reflexion to come to a
distinguished explanation different from the general
The two methods are chosen based on the
characteristics of problems being investigated which
are the thoughts of Baumann on the failure of
fundamentalism and terrorism in the era of liquid
modernity. The author thinks that the thougths of
Bauman on the failure of fundamentalism and
terrorism in the era of liquid modernity have defects
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
and therefore need to be investigated further. The
significance of using alternative expalanation appears
after the author thinks that the general explanations
on the problems of fundamentalism and terrorism and
their causes are still far from satisfaction, so this
triggers the author to try to come up with a different
explanation in the hope that the community will have
various and rich perspectives on the fenomenon of
fundamentalism and terrorism in this era of liquid
modernity. This research offers solutions to the
spread and growth of fundamentalism and terrorism
and that their existence at this time is not solely due
to economical factor or the factor of illiteracy of the
perpetrators but the fenomenon has become the
problem of ideology and the solution needs critique
over fundamentalist ideology in the era of liquid
modernity and this needs to be done using the
approach of critique of ideology by Paul Ricoeur.
For Ricoeur, the approach of critique of ideology
is an effort to uncover the hidden meanings of the
sacred texts that used by terrorism as an ideological
text that is able to legitimaze the terror actions. The
interpretation is an activity of reason to open one by
one the level of symbolic meaning behind the litteral
meaning by taking distance and behaving critically
towards what is called “ideal”, because ideology is
often distorted and assumed with heaven illusion.
This is necessary to purify the religious understanding
from illusions.
The idea of Bauman’s liquid modernity is a form of
disagreement or modification of idea presented by
Ulrich Beck, which says that the characteristics of
modernity era is the existence of the process of
disembedding and re-embedding (Atkinson, 2008: 5).
However, this relation is not valid anymore today,
according to Bauman. In liquid modernity what
happens is disembedding process without re-
embedding. Individuals are disconnected and
marginalized from their environment, but there is no
new environment waiting to accommodate these
individuals. What happens is each individual stops at
a disconnecting phase and has to continue moving
with flexible identity while building identity through
Liquid life grows in liquid society and each
individual in liquid society has to be a consumer in
the consumerism pattern. The law and the pattern of
consumerism is the impossibility of finished
satisfaction with assumption that what happens today
is only a small part of millions of opportunities that
have to be chased to get the next satisfaction. The
point of maximum satisfaction will always move
forward faster that what can be achieved by
individual. Even though each individual realizes that
he will not get maximum satisfaction, all individuals
in liquid modernity, in reality, will continue to
consume. This is based on the starting point that the
most important is becoming survival-and-
gratification consumerism to sustain or survive.
Survival-and-gratification consumerism puts forward
consumerism as a means of improving self in
participating in modernization stream. At this time,
people have shifted themselves from producers to
consumers. Consumerism in liquid modernity is not
interpreted as consuming actitivities to fulfil the need
of individual, but consuming products as a form of
freedom or embodiment of wants. Bauman quoted the
statement of Harvie Ferguson, who says that the
present consumerism is not stimulated by desire
anymore but by wish and fantasy (Bauman, 2000:
75). In liquid modernity, consumption activities are
solely based on freedom of choice and ability of each
individual. When consumption activities are assumed
as materialization of an ideal form, today it goes the
other way round which is an idealization process of
material form.
Consumption activities are personal activities
because the experience of these activities is purely
subjective experience of each individual or consumer.
There is no right-wrong value in the choice of the
consumer; each choice has its own right. This is based
by a concept that the most important is not what is
chosen, but the process in choosing. It is then realized
that what is interesting in consumerism is how the
responsibility is all on each individual. The freedom
received by each individual, on one hand, burdens the
individual with responsibility afterward. Satisfaction
or dissatisfaction is solely something each individual
should bear (Bauman, 2000:19).
The happiness received from consuming is
measured by level of satisfaction received even
though this is difficult to achieve considering the
volume total and intensity of one’s wants will
continue to increase and dissatisfaction becomes the
energy of consumerism. The improvement of the two
above influences the speed of object substitution
which is expected to give satisfaction. The continuity
of consumer society depends on social ability to
maintain the dissatisfaction which then becomes the
trigger in searching the new satisfaction. Promises
offered by producers can be interesting only when the
satisfaction from the goods does not completely
Terrorism and Consumerism: An Analysis of Terrorism Development in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity based on Paul Riceour’s
Critique of Ideology
satisfy. One of many ways to do is minimizing the
satisfaction score of an object slowly, so society
cannot reach the point of satisfaction and can cause
them to be addicted to consuming. Each promise
about satisfaction presented by the producer on an
object has to be cancelled, so frustration can be
created to chase the satisfaction.
The pattern in consumer society, according to
Norbert Elias, quoted by Bauman, was identical to
‘Society of Individuals’. Elias redefined the concept
of society and individual by replacing the term of
‘and’ or ‘versus’, which is usually used as connectors,
with ‘of’. According to him, relation of society and
individuals is not contradicting relation or separated,
but the relation is ‘reciprocal conception’. Society
forms individual members in it, and all individuals
form society through their actitivies in the
connectedness of social networks (Bauman, 2000:
30). Up to this point, the concept of society and
individual looks separated; is it the society that forms
individuals or the other way round. In reality, both of
them are interrelated. It is correct if we say that
individuals form society, but it is wrong if the
meaning of that relationship is one way only. The
society formed by individuals will then form the
individuals themselves.
It is unavoidable, in consumer society, that the
process of individualization can happen. In this phase,
identity is no longer something that is given, but
something that is formed and burdens the actor to be
fully responsible. Although it was described that it
was possible when individuals get together in a room
and their presence confirms social acceptance, in
reality it was only an action, not inter-action.
Individuals are still compartmentalized in an effort to
pursue their own satisfaction and interaction among
them are getting less. The characteristics in liquid
modernity are how to continually make ourselves
happy and not to interfere in other people’s affairs.
Interfering in other people’s affairs will only make
someone become dependent turning him into passive
person and this is something we need to avoid in this
In liquid modernity, identity building is fully up to
each individual with his ability and his idol. Desire
turmoil to own identity is based on instability built in
liquid modernity. The uncertainty in liquid modernity
and the feeling of present ambiguity trigger each
individual to form identity as a sign of his
participation in something and to gain ‘access’, such
as security and recognition which can only be gained
through that identity. Identity building then becomes
necessity in group to get the level of security and
strength in participating in the stream of changes.
Here, the identity concept is distinguished from
the concept of citizenship. The concept of citizenship
cannot fully explain individual experience naturally
and it cannot alone prove the facts of individual’s life.
Accordning to Bauman, the concept of citizenship is
not more than ‘forced, given, constructed’ identity by
the state to its people due to certain reasons.
Citizenship is solid and cannot change, but identity
itself is precisely a neverending job, something that
can never be fulfilled, a continual thing. Different
from the concept of identity, in citizenship there is no
competition. Citizenship is only a constructed
identity created by state and its personnel aiming at
monopolizing and giving distinction between ‘us’ and
’them’ (Bauman, 2004: 22).
The basic problem that appears in regard to
consumer society is the appearance of social groups
in a different social relation. The impact of this was
explained through a metaphor; that is as tourist and
the homeless (Peter, 2004: 2). In liquid modernity,
social disparity is experienced differently by the
tourists and the vagabonds. The tourists is the group
who has access and sufficient resources to follow the
changes. For the tourists, liquid modernity
various means, convenience and commodity that can
be faced with consumption. This group comes from
individuals who are at the highest level of social
pyramid. In contrast, the vagabonds are those who do
not have sufficient equipment to go round or those
who are at the lowest position of the pyramid. The
most basic of social obligations, which they do not
comply, is the duty to be active and effective
purchasers of goods and services offered by the
market (Palese, 2013: 2). Their existence is
considered unimportant and is not needed, so their
existence is underestimated and made a scapegoat of
global problem (Peter, 2004: 3). They are
marginalized and imprisoned because of their
limitations in economy (Bauman, 1997: 92). They are
even unable to bear freedom, like a child who cannot
manage himself but needs to be managed (Bauman,
2005b: 111).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
As mentioned earlier, Bauman is convinced about his
idea that says that in liquid modernity there is no
possibility of room for fundamentalism including
terrorism. This is due to the fact that the basic
principles of terrorism are considered against the
main principles of liquid modernity, that is eternal
happiness. In the imangination of fundamentalists,
especially the terrorists, promoting eternal life in the
hereafter on behalf of their religion is against the
concepts of happiness in earthy life embraced in
liquid modernity. Postponing happiness today for the
purpose of having it in the hereafter is considered too
imaginative. Other than that, sacrifying one’s own life
on behalf of religion or group cannot be accepted in
the thoughts of Bauman because, according to him,
individual happiness is the main aspect in this era. He
insisted that everything with its potential to present
satisfaction should also be consumed at the present
moment before it turns into necessity (Bauman, 2004:
74). For Bauman, Fundamentalists are not more than
flawed consumers who are not important and are not
able to follow the changes in liquid modernity, so they
will be excommunicated and they cannot survive.
Flawed consumers presented by Bauman,
according to the author, are not a representation of all
individuals who are not able to follow the changes in
liquid modernity. For the author, it is considered too
simple because it takes only economical aspect into
account. Bauman put aside the possibility that there
are individuals who are capable to consume and
follow the changes but do not want to do it. The
concept of “You can, therefore, you ought” (Bauman,
2013: 51) proposed by him clearly shows that he
focused on the importance of ability not the
willingness of the individuals. There is then a gap of
inconsistency in his thoughts. It can be interpreted
that he is not able to see the existence of middleman
minorities, the individuals who are able to follow the
changes but do not have the opportunity as they are
minority and then tend to get involved in
fundamentalist movement as they have access to
globalization as well as elienated from it. The
existence of middleman minorities refutes the idea
presented by Bauman that the ability in finance is not
the same as the ability to follow the changes in liquid
modernity. Middleman minorities are minority group
who come from middle class. They come from
different backgrounds; either etchincs, culture or
superordinate or subordinate group (Portes: 4). The
presence of middleman minorities in liquid modernity
refutes the idea of Bauman.
Fundamentalism and terorism are possibly
present and develop in liquid modernity. This can
happen due to the fact that in liquid modernity
someone can be trapped when pursuing his happiness
only to himself. The increased level of individualism
in liquid modernity is parallel movement with rate of
depression. Individual feels that depression and
thinks that his life is no longer meaningful and this is
the time when they are easily influenced by the ideas
of fundamentalism and radicalism which promise the
meaning of life and utopian eternal life. Therefore,
the consumerism pattern in liquid modernity which is
firstly considered to able to curb the development of
fundamentalist movement, in contrast, contributes to
the its development by separating those who are
capable to follow the changes from those who do not.
In addition, the ease of information sharing, on one
hand, has its noble function to bridge nations by
establishing cooperation on security system to
eradicate the terrorist movement but, on the other
hand, it provides room and helps develop the terrorist
movment and escalate terror scale by spreading news
which is not certainly true.
The fast changes in
liquid modernity followed
by the loss of solid guidance and universal norm can
cause true-false value to be shaky. The shakiness and
the intention of people to take control and have a free
life in liquid modernity supports and develops the
fundamentalist groups. People are losing their way to
let out their frustration (Robet:146). In addition, the
pattern of consumerism in liquid modernity also
participates in this support as it, on one hand, forces
individuals to catch up with the changes and, on the
other hand, it also separates those who are not able to
follow the changes or who do not want to follow the
changes from social environment, so the alienation
can take place.
The alienation felt by marginalized individuals
helps them form exclusive identity. They identify
themselves as others who are separated from their
surrounding. Their exclusive identity is formed in
enclave or small group. Even though they live in
liquid modernity and consumerism, the pattern of life
they apply in enclave is totally different from liquid
modernity. Their traditional way of thinking can still
be found in this enclave, that there is something that
is considered as the basis of decision making.
The flawed consumers that Bauman considered
as useless and unable to do things then become
potential to fall to terrorism after they identify
themselves as people with exclusive identity in the
enclave. They form this in the group that they create.
Terrorism and Consumerism: An Analysis of Terrorism Development in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity based on Paul Riceour’s
Critique of Ideology
They can be analogized as immigrants with their
minority status who come to and blend with the
majority who are totally different from them. Those
who act differently from liquid modernity and those
who are marginalized then form their own groups,
enclave-group separated from the surrounding. The
forming of the group is based on their unwillingness
to leave their traditional values that they embrace or
perhaps they are rejected by the majority due to race,
religion or other consideration (Portes, Alejandro.,
dan Robert D. Manning, TT: 2).
They are present by promising utopian condition
that they will obtain later that their efforts will be
rewarded with eternal happiness that cannot be felt in
liquid modernity. To fully become liyan (the others),
this group then use violence and terror in their efforts
to create instability in the society. This group also
believes in something solid, the eternal happiness,
something that is the opposite of the thoughts of
Bauman in liquid modernity.
Bauman second argument that says that it is
impossible for something solid to exist in liquid
modernity finally become contrast to the thoughts of
Beck that Bauman denied. The statement of Bauman
that in liquid modernity there is a process of
disembedding without re-embedding, is in contrast
with the concept of that there is ‘something’ waiting
there outside to welcome abandoned individuals from
their class or group (Atkinson, 2008: 5). Bauman
claimed that free identity forming in each individual
shows that there is always disembedding and what
left is the uncertainty and non-attachment. However,
Bauman also stated that each individual in forming
identity has to consume as realization of identity. This
can be interpreted that the process of consumption is
the same as the process of re-embedding presented by
Beck, that says that there is something solid in liquid
modernity and that is a stepping stone to move from
one spot to another. Consequently, it shows that
liquid modernity is not fully free from solid
substance. The substance is solid but the process to
gain the substance that changes into liquid.
Inconsistency in the thoughts of Bauman can also
be seen in his statement that uncertainty stemmed
from liquid modernity impacts the relation pattern
formed in society. To realize or not, individuals who
are haunted by fear of exclusion will look for
individual who can accompany and help him and
finally togetherness and solidarity can emmerge
(Bauman, 2004: 47). To conclude, fundamentalist
movement is able to promise the ‘reborn’ for its
followers, and is able to create solidarity and
togetherness that cannot be provided by liquid
modernity. Human basically when in crisis will create
bond in group to stay away from fear and various
actions. These actions can be done through terror in
society that creates chaos.
The idea of Bauman about fundamentalism and
terrorism is naive idea as it states the relation in life is
only black-white, like two opposing points. From his
points of view, the continual changes justify that there
is no possibility for terrorism to develop. However, in
reality, the black-white relation cannot fully be
implemented in life as there are a lot of variables to
consider. Bauman concluded when someone is not in
A position, it is sure he is not in B position; there is
no other option. The fact is not like that, there are
more possibilities ‘than A’. The existence of liquid
identity or liquid modernity cannot make it in contrast
or separated from solid identity like fundamentalism
and terrorisms because the two can relate to and
influence each other.
It is neither the poverty nor disability that is the
main cause of the spread of terrorism but it is the
basis, alienation. When alianated, someone can be
easily spoon-fed with utopian ideology, imangination
of heaven and illusion of happiness by participating,
bonding himself with the life in enclave. So, poverty,
disability, low education, mental unstability are
factors that support someone to accept the ideology
of fundamentalism and terrorism, ideology factors.
However, it does not mean that some factors above
cannot have singnificant roles to trigger the
emergence of terrorism.
From the explanation above, it is clear that
fundamentalism and terrorism are actually the
impacts of
liquid modernity. Looking at the pattern
taking place in liquid modernity; consumerism,
alienation, fundamentalist group, and terrorisms, it is
not impossible for terrorism to emerge and develop.
Terrorism is started with the enclave formation or
fundamentalist group who see that there is nothing
fundamental in liquid modernity. This fundamentalist
group consists of individuals who are exclusive; those
who are separated from their environment due to their
non-participation in consumerism pattern which
means they are not considered present in liquid
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
In the uncertainty of liquid modernity, fundamentalist
and terrorist groups cover their teaching with
ideology that promises utopian eternal happiness. The
birth of fundamentalist movement is not solely as an
effort to search for eternal happiness. Like other
ideology, this movement embarks from the political
interest. In the era of liquid modernity, this interest is
the feeling of involvement in group as an effort to
form identity. What is offered by fundamentalist
movement is eternal happiness. But what is true is
that they want to obtain identity and secure feeling for
the flawed consumers provided by the movement of
So, it is not a surprise when we find individuals
who are strong in finance, good in education but
endocritized by the terrorism teaching. As can be seen
in the latest suicide bombing committed by a family
of 6 members in three churches, in Surabaya East
Java (13/5). When investigated further, it is known
that they came from middle class and all members had
adequate education. It is for sure that the parents
decided not to send the children to formal school as
they were afraid the children would receive different
ideology form what the parents embraced.
“Certainty” is something promised by
fundamentalist movement, selling that there is
something solid in the middle of liquid modernity.
This utopian promise is used to be the hegemony by
the fundamentalist movement to add power and to
help spread their teaching. It happens here that the
schematic process of ideology of system of thoughts
into faith and into doctrine (Ricoeur, 1991:310-312).
As it is doctrinal, the fundamentalists often use the
ideology into slogan, such as ‘it is better to die as
martyr than live in uncertainty’. This distorted
message of ideology in the society is something that
is difficult to control and what’s more, because its
message is to comusplage the present reality or to
gain power in the interest of the individual who
conducts the doctrine. To release ourselves from this
shackles is not easy. The ideology and the utopian
message are interrelated and support one another.
Promises offered by the ideology are based on the
beauty of the utopia. This then is imagined to take
individuals to the eternal happiness which is actually
utopian. This can be observed in the relation of
fundamentalist and terrorist movments. The shadow
of happiness is able to push and convince the
followers of the teaching of terrorism to hold on to the
ideology. The shading between the ideology and
utopia creates social imagination, an imagination
believed and supported by community. The terrorist
groups are mesmerized by what is called collective
imagination, a situation when each member is bond
to each other and participates collectively when in
reality it is only imagination. Therefore, the solution
offered is using the concept of critique of ideology
presented by Paul Ricoeur. In critique of ideology,
each individual is asked to take distance and behave
critically towards what is called “ideal” because
ideology is often distorted and assumed with heaven
illusion. Ideology in its distorted and simulated form
can be seen in the fundamentalist action that only
justifies himself (Taylor, 1996, 8, Ricouer, 1991, 311)
and religion is often used as a tool to gain legitimacy
implemented in his terror attack. Critique is needed to
open the false awareness to eliminate distortion and
misuse of religious teaching for momentary interest.
Critique of ideology is also used to open guise of
interpretation that hides personal or group interest.
These people manipulate imagination of ‘certainty’
on behalf of religion which was nullified by Bauman
in the era of liquid modernity.
Fundamentalism and terrorism emerge as an impact
caused by instability in the era of liquid modernity; it
is not an anomaly or impossibility as said by Bauman.
Both are bond to each other. Instability in liquid
modernity creates imagination of utopian pictures,
peaceful and beautiful condition that is totally
different from the condition in liquid modernity. In
that illusion or picture, something solid and certain is
picturized which is called eternal happiness. This
utopian condition is turned into sweet promise by the
fundamentalist movement through the ideology that
they teach. Both bond one another. As a result,
terrorism can never be present as something
Fundamentalism and terrorism embark from the
alienated individuals who are unwilling and disabled
to follow the changes. Then they form exclusive
identity in the society that take them into
marginalized groups who then aim at disrupting the
stability by spreading terror in the society. These
individuals or the disabled consumers are easily
offered by ideology that dares to promise certainty in
its teaching. This teaching guarantees that there is
something solid that is worthwhile to fight for,
Terrorism and Consumerism: An Analysis of Terrorism Development in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity based on Paul Riceour’s
Critique of Ideology
something that is worthed to pursue although
reaching it requires sacrifice of present happiness. To
conclude, the existence and the development of
terrorism is closely related to the liquid modernity and
to avoid this, we need critique of ideology embraced
by fundamentalists so that we can stay away from
false awareness.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation