formulated modern era as a war and human liberation
from mysteries and magics and a foundation for
human reasonality and freedom, as he said, “The war
against mystery and magic was for modernity the war
liberation leading to declaration of reason’s
independence” (Bauman, 1992).
Modernity is also marked by the strong roles of
three pillars; state, religion and moral which he called
the strong roles of the big others (Myrs, 2003:35). For
Bauman, liquid modernity can be seen the liquid life.
Zygmunt Bauman firstly named the term of liquid
modernity on Liquid Life (2005). Bauman said that
Liquid life is “a precarious life, living under
conditions of constand uncertainty” (Bauman, 2005:
2). In liquid modernity human lives in uncertainty
and permanent conflict as a result of rapid changes,
so he cannot live his life as a routine (Bauman, 2005a:
1). In this condition, the way that human behaves is
determined by his ability to get involved in media as
the logic of news, and because everyday the news
changes and opens for
new unpredicted possibilities,
many things are not permanent. Everything in liquid
modernity must be liquid and fluid so that it can
sustain in the stream of changes. “’Solidity’ is now a
synonym of ‘waste’” (Bauman, 2005a: 89). That’s is
why, every individual is pushed to constantly change.
As a result, human loses his substantial foundation to
build life of certainty.
The constant changes cause unstable condition in
the society, uncertain situation and loss of trust. The
biggest fear and worries in this era are being afraid to
fail to catch up with the rapid changes of an event,
and consequently one can be left behind. Every event
that happens in liquid mdernity is the time flow of
pointillist, which is time flow that is unlikely to be
consistent. In the model of time flow of pointillist,
continual concept is not available (Bauman, 2007:
33). All events taking place in liquid modernity are
separated events from one to another, so for Bauman,
the continual concept can not be implemented. The
progressive concept in liquid modernity is not a
continual or developing concept, nor improvement,
but it is a repetitive short pattern that aims to make
sure everthing is alright in short time, or “staying
alive and well”. When in solid modernity, the past is
considered determining factor for what will happen in
the future, in liquid modernity this does not apply.
The past and the future are not interrelated; what
happened in the past will not cause the future.
According to him, what has been disconnected, or
separated, cannot be connected again. By entering the
era of liquid modernity, presupposition of the concept
of totality, either the future or the past, has to be be
left behind (Bauman, 2005b: 22).
Something important happening today is how one
can maximize his power and ability to experience and
go beyond the changes that exist or may exist, like a
media containing countless opportunities, even
totalling more than individual’s opportunities to feel
every single available change. Consequently, what
happens is every individual does not focus on
exlploring one object more deeply, but focuses on
maintaining his ability to follow changes. Each
individual will have to be forced to be aware of every
possibility of what will happen. Generally, flexibility,
willingness, and readiness to follow the changes are
important aspects to sustain in liquid modernity. Due
to rapid changes in liquid modernity, this invalidates
the concept of loyality to something that is certain and
absolute including religious teachings or moral
system. What is considered good today can change to
be poison next day, as Bauman said, “Whatever is
good for you today, may be reclassified as your
poison tomorrow”. Liquid modernity does not give
opportunity to sustain in one spot.
This research uses the qualitative method through
primer reference, reference comparison, selection and
reference selection, matching concepts related
references, and reference analysis related to the cases
of fundamentalism in the era of liquid modernity. We
also establish syncronization between findings in
references and in cases. Later, analysis-descriptive
method is done to give conceptual analysis and
critical analysis on the thoughts of Zygmunt Bauman
on liquid modernity and consumerism and their
relation with terrorism fenomenon.
The writer also uses the method of alternative-
explanation. In philosophy, finding alternative
explanation is an activity which is done when the
present explanation is considered insufficient,
incomplete or contains distortion (Baggini & Fosl,
2003: 72). This method is done by asking critical and
deep questions. The responses to the questions are
combined with the available literature and the
author’s experience and reflexion to come to a
distinguished explanation different from the general
The two methods are chosen based on the
characteristics of problems being investigated which
are the thoughts of Baumann on the failure of
fundamentalism and terrorism in the era of liquid
modernity. The author thinks that the thougths of
Bauman on the failure of fundamentalism and
terrorism in the era of liquid modernity have defects