Muslim intellectual to write the concept of knowledge
and Islamic behavior comprehensively. Imam
Bukhary (194-256 H.) with his Adab al-Mufrad, Ibn
Sahnun (202-256 H) with his book entitled Risalah
Adab al-Mu’allimin, Al Qabisi (324-403 H.) with his
book Risalah al-Mufaasilah li Ahwal al-
Mu’ta’allimin wa Ahkam al-Mu’allimin wa
Muta’allimin, Al Mawardi (d. 450 H.) wrote a book
entitled Adab al-Dunya wa al-Diin and Adab al-
Wazir, etc (Husaini, 2013).
Moreover, Adab or character education is one of
the noble tasks preached by the Prophets and
Messengers. As cites in the Qur’an surah Al-Jumuah
verse 2 which means, it is He (God) who had sent
among them the unlettered messenger originated
from themselves, to rehearse to them His signs, to
bless them, and to educate them in Scripture and
Wisdom although they had been, before, in obvious
error. As well as in surah Al-Baqarah verse 129
which means: “Our Lord, and send among them a
Messenger from themselves who will recite to them
Your verses and teach them the Book and wisdom and
purify them. Indeed You are the Exalted in Might, the
Those verses from two surah in the Qur’an
stating the important position of character and could
not be separated from human, as (Syafri, 2014, p. 68)
stated that moral character distinguishes man from
other creatures. Moreover, current study shows 80 %
of states have mandates regarding character
education. These states trend reflect the public
expectation that school be places where children gain
support for the formation values such as honesty (97
%), respect for others (94 %), democracy (93 %),
respect for people of different races and backgrouds
(93 %) (Nuccy & Narvaez, 2008).
As one important teaching in Islam, Islamic
behavior, good deeds or good character have central
function in Education. Islamic behavior should
become prior attention of those who concern their life
with knowledge. Among the Islamic behavior are:
Behavior of a scholar or scientist towards his-self,
Behavior of scientist in teaching process, Behavior of
scientist toward his students, Behavior of those who
seek the knowledge: Behavior of students toward
him-self, toward his teachers, toward the lesson,
toward the tools, etc. (Husaini, 2013). Moreover, due
to teacher vigorous role, a teacher should prepare
himself with acquaintance, skills, good character,
behavior and attitude to encourage themselves as a
good teacher as well as a Muslim with good qualities
and appearances (Lubis, 2015). So that the use of
Islamic teaching materials in ELT as one of good
efforts to immerse good characters (adab) towards
student’s personality. Furthermore, it is become one-
way solution since it has been mentioned that
Indonesia today confronted moral issues and very
serious character damage whereas the good resolution
is integrating Islamic values into all aspects has
become trends (Djamdjuri & Rohmah, 2014).
The use of authentic materials in the form of the
Islamic materials becomes one way to bring the real
language context into the classroom interaction. The
real context of the materials is being a good model for
students to apply the language inside and outside of
the classroom. The ability of the students to read, to
understand the structure, to imitate the form of the
materials will improve much better by using the
authentic materials. Advantages claims by the experts
for authentic materials are having a positive effect on
learner motivation, providing authentic cultural
information about the target culture, providing
exposure to real language, relating more closely to
learners’ needs, supporting a more creative approach
to teaching (Philips and Shettlesworth. 1978; Clark
1989; Peackok 1997) as cited in (Richards,
Curriculum Development in Language Teaching,
Some experts stated: “Authentic material refers to
the use in teaching of the texts, photographs, video
selection and other teaching resources that were not
specially prepared for pedagogical purposes,” as
Richards stated (Richards, 2005). Moreover,
Kilickaya assumed: “Authentic materials enable
learners to interact with the real language and content
rather than the form. Learners feel that they are
learning a target language as it is used outside the
classroom. Moreover, he claimed that: “Considering
this, it may not be wrong to say that at any level
authentic materials should be used to complete the
gap between the competency and performance of the
language learners, which is a common problem
among the nonnative speakers” (Ferit, 2012).
Good defines interest as a subjective objective
attitude, concern or condition involving a perception
or idea in attention and a combination of intellectual
and feeling consciousness may temporary or
permanent, based on native curiosity, conditioned by
experience (Good, 1959). Interest as a feeling of