of attention is on collective collective activities called
the internet.
The meeting point between one’s need and
information obtained from media can be explained
with the theory of Uses and Gratification. This theory
suggests that active people choose and use a
particular media to fulfill a particular need.
Horticulture farmers see the internet as a tool to fulfil
needs of agricultural information. Internet has limited
influences because the horticulture farmers are able to
select and control it. This Use and Gratification
theory focuses on a question of: what does one do
with the media?. This theory provides a working
frame to fulfil when and how horticulture farmers will
be more or less active in searching agricultural
information (Yagane et all., 2011).
Extension worker behaviors in using information
sources based in information and communication
technology (ICT) in rural areas are so much required,
because rural areas have rights to enjoy accessing
facilities and using information through ICT. The
existence of internet used to save, process and access
information can affect agricultural information
necessity fulfilment which is able to cause changes in
many life aspects.
ICT roles are required in agricultural sectors to
improve agricultural business productivity. Farmers
need varying agricultural information such as
government policies, research results from multi
discipline sciences, experiencers of other farmers,
current information about market prospects related to
production equipment and agricultural products. ICT
use can overcome lack of information access about
agricultural innovations used to be obtained from
conventional information sources. Using ICT can
replace some of conventional communication forms.
Agricultural extension agents as a bridge between
agricultural information sources and information
users are required to be always ready to know and
apply information on agricultural technology and
innovation. The readiness of extension workerss in
accessing and implementing information on
agricultural technologies and innovations strongly
supports agricultural development in the region
which will have an impact on improving the welfare
of farmers. The mechanism of the extension system
based on Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) called cyber extension needs to be
improved by exension workerss to solve one of the
information gap problems felt by farmers.
Although cyber extension has a very important
role to increase the capacity of farmers, but until now
farmers have not fully utilized cyber extensions to
find agricultural information. The results of Gultom
and Sumaryo's research (2017) concluded that cyber
extensions are needed by both farmers and PPL in
carrying out their farming, but the use of ICT-based
information sources is still limited and their
management is still individual. The ability of farmers
to collect, process and utilize agricultural information
is very limited, so it needs to be done in groups so that
farmers are motivated and mutually reinforcing in
processing information. However, there is no
institutional farmer that has the function to increase
the use of cyber extensions in Lampung Province.
Therefore, this study emphasizes the importance of
agricultural information networks in the
implementation of food crops and horticulture
through the farmers' internet group. The
dissemination of agricultural information through an
information network system can help find human
resources that have the potential to develop cyber
The role of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) is indispensable in the agricultural
sector to increase the productivity of farming
produced. Indonesia places ICT as one of the main
focuses of the development of science and
technology. The development of ICT provides a great
opportunity for farmers to be able to obtain
agricultural information on time and in accordance
with their needs. Farmers need a variety of
information in the field of agriculture to manage their
farms, such as: government policies, research results
from various disciplines, experience of other farmers,
as well as up-to-date information on market prospects
related to production facilities and agricultural
products. They can get these sources of information
by accessing the internet. Farmers can get various
information about agriculture by accessing the
internet. Farmers can also find the latest information
about international market prospects related to
agricultural products and production facilities.
Utilization of ICTs can overcome the problem of lack
of access to information about agricultural
innovation. ICT in agriculture can prepare
agricultural information needed by farmers on time
and as needed.
Fulfillment of agricultural information needs is
still dominated by face to face communication. This
communication approach has a limited nature,
requires a lot of time and cost (Saleh 2006; Tamba
2007; Ardu 2007). To overcome this, all ICT-based
agricultural information sources are used, especially