import activity in Indonesia. As shown in graph 1,
export and import activity from the year 2013 to 2017
were fluctuated and tend to decreased. Specifically,
export and import experienced decreased from the
year 2014 to 2016 and start to increase in 2017.
Trade reformation has an important role to
determine the policy direction of a country. Every
country, both advanced countries and developed
countries have a very uniqueness natural resource and
tend to differ among another. This means that every
country has potency to create product with their own
comparative advantage, such as raw material, labor,
and other costs to produce the specific product
(Adeleye, Adeteye & Adewuyi, 2015). Therefore, the
existence of trading system is greatly important, not
only rely on intern trading, but also expand to the
international scale.
Import-export activity provides much benefit to
the involved-country. Export is one of foreign
exchange source that are greatly required by the open-
country or region as well as Indonesia, because a wide
export to various countries will increase the number
of production and promote the economic growth, so
it is expected to greatly contributing toward economic
stability (Rivai, 2006). Meanwhile, through import, a
country is able to fulfill their intern need that probably
cannot be produced internally or use the comparative
advantage pattern so the exceed cost of product and
services will be cheaper.
Export and import activity can support the
economic growth of a country (Roshan, 2007;
Velnampy & Achchuthan, 2013). Hye (2012) argues
in his research in China that export will lead to
economic growth of a country as well as economic
growth will lead to export. Besides, import also will
lead to economic growth as well as economic growth
will lead to import (exports-led growth, growth-led
exports, imports-led growth, and growth-led
imports). Meanwhile, plethora empirical research
revealed that despite of export, import also led to
economic growth. Hasim & Masih (2014) also
addresses the issue of import activity, where import
has an important role to stimulate the overall
economic performance of a country. The effect of
import toward economic growth may be difference
with the effect of export toward economic growth.
“The transfer of technology from developed to
developing countries through imports may serve as an
important source of economic growth. Imports can be
a channel for long run economic growth because it
provides domestic firms access to foreign technology
and knowledge.” (Hasim & Masih, 2014).
Through import, country will have opportunities
in technology and knowledge exchange among
countries, so it also will lead to the economic growth
in the long term. Supporting this latter assertion of
Mazumdar (2001) that import will led to economic
growth (import-led-growth (ILG). The source of
western knowledge also has important role toward the
growth of productivity of a country through their
technology innovations scuh as computer, machine,
and tools. So, it is fairly to conclude that import
influences the economic growth through import
competitiveness. “Imports can affect the productivity
growth through its effect on domestic innovation
through import competition. An increase in import
penetration will exposes the domestic firms to foreign
competition. Import are important to productivity
growth because the domestic producers will respond
to the technological competitive pressure from
foreign competition.”(Hasim & Masih, 2014).
As well-discussed in the previous paragraph,
export and import activity is being an important factor
which is contributing to the economic growth of a
country. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indicator
represents the economic growth consist of 17
economic sector categories based on industry sector.
GDP value is representing the growth of society’s
economic activity who work and also the total
number of value added (product) which are produced
from various number of job employment. According
to the discussion above, the objectives of this study is
aimed to identify the effect of export and import
toward economic growth in Indonesia.
Boediono (1999) defines economic growth theory as
an explanation of factors which are affecting the
increasing of income per-capita in the long term. He
also argues that economic growth as an explanation
of enhancement factors among others, then the
growth process occurred. Economic growth theory is
divided into two groups: (1) classical theories,
involve the growth theory of Adam Smith, David
Richard, and Arthur Lewis. The difference between
Lewis theory and other classical theories was found
that Lewis emphasizes to the economic dualism
aspect, where the existence of modern sector and
traditional sector. Each sector has its own specific
economic characteristic. (2) Specific theories,
involve 4 (four) sub groups, namely:
a. Growth theory of Neo Classic, initiated by
Robert Solow and Trevor Swan theory
b. Optimum growth theory. This theory is
intended to seek the most optimum of