Improving Concepts Understanding in Social Studies
through Mind Mapping
, Rima Rikmasari
, Yudi Budianti
, Lelly Ratna Qodariyah
, and Jaka Waluya
Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Islam 45, Cut Meutia No. 83, City of Bekasi, Indonesia
Departement of Primary School Teacher Education, Universitas Islam 45
Departement of Geography Education, Universitas Islam 45
Departement of Primary School Teacher Education, Universitas Islam 45
Keywords: Concept Understanding, Social Studies, Mind Mapping.
Abstract: This research was motivated by the lack of students’ concepts understanding in Social Studies. The purpose
of this study was to improve concepts understanding in Social Studies through mind mapping. This research
method was Classroom Action Research. This study was carried out in three cycles, each cycle including the
stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques use written tests and
observations. Data analysis techniques use these steps: manage raw data, present the data, draw conclusion,
and reflect. Based on the results of research that has been obtained in Cycle I,classical completeness was 64%
with an average score of 69.3. In Cycle II, classical completeness increased to 76% with an average score of
76.5, and in Cycle III, classical completeness increased to 84% with an average score of 82.4. Thus, it can be
concluded that mind mapping could improve students’ concepts understanding in Social Studies. Mind
mapping made students easily in explaining concepts, identifying or providing examples of concepts,
comparing concepts with other concept, and inferring concepts.
Social Studies is an integrated study material which
is simplification, adaptation, selection and
modification ot the concepts of geography, history,
anthropology, sociology and economics. Social
Studies is one of the subjects given in elementary
schools which are designed to develop knowledge,
understanding, analytical skills and sensitivity to
social problems that occur in the community, have a
positive mental attitude to overcome any inequalities
that occur, and are skilled at overcoming any
problems, both those that befall themselves and
In the Level of Education Curriculum Unit (2016)
it is stated that the objectives of Social Studies are to:
(a) recognize concepts related to the life of the
community and its environment; (b) has the basic
ability to think logically and critically, curiosity,
inquiry, problem solving, and skills in social life; (c)
have commitment and awareness of social and human
values; and (d) having the ability to communicate,
cooperate and compete in a pluralistic society, at the
local, national and international levels.
Based on the formulation of these objectives, the
understanding of concepts is the first thing that
students must master as a basis for developing higher
abilities. Anderson et al (2014) divided seven
categories of cognitive processes to understand
namely: 1) Interpret, which is changing information
from one form to another. 2) Provide examples of
general concepts or principles. 3) Classify, which is
knowing that something is included in certain
categories such as concepts or principles. 4)
Summarizing, namely proposing a sentence that
represents information received or abstracts a theme.
5) Summing up, which includes the process of finding
patterns in a number of examples. 6)
Comparing, which involves the process of detecting
similarities and differences between two or more
objects, events, ideas, problems, or situations. 7)
Explain, namely making and using a causal model in
a system.
According to Jihad (2013), understanding of
concepts is a competency shown by students in
understanding concepts and in performing procedures
(algorithms) flexibly, accurately, efficiently and
precisely. Eggen and Kauchak (2012) stated that
Aningsih, ., Rikmasari, R., Budianti, Y., Qodariyah, L. and Waluya, J.
Improving Concepts Understanding in Social Studies through Mind Mapping.
DOI: 10.5220/0009940621832190
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2183-2190
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
understanding of concepts can be measured in four
ways, namely defining concepts, identifying
characteristics of concepts, identifying or providing
examples of concepts that have never been met
before, and connecting concepts with other concepts.
Based on preliminary observations in fifth grade
of Bani Saleh 2 Elementary School, it could be
identified that students were less able to explain the
concepts, indentify or provide examples other than
examples given by the teacher, comparing concepts
with other concepts and concluding the concepts that
have been learned
. Based on the indentification of
these problems, it can be concluded that students’
concept understanding was very low. These problems
must be addressed immediately because
understanding concepts is the basis for achieving
higher abilities.
Concepts on Social Studies in Elementary School
including (1) Human, Place and Environment, (2).
Time, Sustainability and Change, (3) Social and
Cultural Systems, and (4) Economic Behavior and
Welfare. (Content Standard, 2016). Various learning
methods and techniques are studied to enable the
abstract concepts to be understood by the child. The
introduction of concepts in Social Studies must be
done by linking concepts from one subject matter to
another subject matter so that the learning process
must be directed also to a process of changing student
behavior. With the association of the concept of the
subject matter, students are able to develop the
material that has been given previously by the
To overcome the problem of students’ concept
understanding, one solution that can be used is to use
learning methods that can organize ideas and develop
students' thinking skills, one of which is mind
mapping. Buzan (1993) described mind mapping as
"a powerful graphic technique which provides a
universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain."
He has championed mind maps for studying,
remembering and learning. The essential elements of
any mind map are (1) a main topic represented with a
central image; (2) important themes radiating from
the central image as branches; (3) branches comprised
of a key image or keyword printed on an associated
line to a connected nodal structure and (4) the
incorporation of color to clarify or emphasize
connections. The method mind mapping relates to the
optimization of the memory of students and the
ability to understand the concept of a material through
recording activities, therefore students can explore
and express their ideas as a form of active
participation in classroom learning activities. The use
of mind mapping in the learning of Social Studies
aims to direct students in storing learning materials in
Social Studies into their brain memory to be more
directed and well organized so that it will make it
easier to understand a subject matter.
Previous studies on the use of mind mapping in
learning have been carried out in various countries, as
has been done by Al Jarf (2011), Adodo (2013),
Fiktorius, (2013), Balim (2013), Buran & Filyukov
(2015), Rosciano (2015) Ravindranath, de Abrew, &
Nadarajah (2016), Parikh (2016), and Merchie & Van
Keer (2016). These studies found that mind mapping
is an innovative and effective method to facilitate
student learning. Unlike traditional teaching in
classes, visualizing ideas through mind mapping help
students to think better and separate complex
problems into simpler topics. It helps students to
understand and analyze ideas through visual elements
to categorize it such as, upper and lower case,
keywords, colors, symbols, codes and images. It is
considered to be up-to-date, creative, useful and
available tools for students, educators and
The purpose of this study was to improve
students’ concepts understanding in Social Studies
through mind mapping. The results of this study can
be used as consideration for teachers to manage
classes and organize learning materials and improve
the quality and learning outcomes, especially in
improving students’ concepts understanding.
Social Studies is a subject that examines a set of
events, facts, concepts, and generalizations relating to
social and citizenship issues. Therefore, one of the
objectives of IPS is that students have the ability to
understand concepts related to people's lives and their
environment, explain the interrelation between
concepts and apply concepts flexibly and precisely in
problem solving. Understanding concepts in Social
Studies is very important because with the ability to
understand the concepts in social studies are good and
right, students are expected to develop and train
attitudes, values, morals, and skills that are useful for
themselves, society and the country based on the
concepts that have been it has.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
2.1 Concept Understanding
Understanding is one's ability to understand or
understand something. In other words, understanding
is knowing about something and can see it in various
aspects. Someone is said to understand something if
he can provide an explanation and imitate it by using
his own words. Anderson et al. (2014) stated that
understanding is defined as constructing the meaning
of instructional messages, including oral, written, and
graphic communication. This opinion explains that a
person is said to understand something if they are able
to construct the meaning of teaching messages such
as oral communication, writing, and graphics. A
person is able to understand a new knowledge when
he is able to build a relationship between the newly
integrated knowledge and the cognitive scheme that
already exists in him.
Understanding consists of seven types, namely
interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing,
inferring, comparing, and explaining. The seven types
of understanding are explained as follows: 1)
Interpreting occurs when students are able to convert
information from one representation to another.
Interpretation includes the conversion of words into
words, images into words, and so on; 2)
Exemplifying occurs when students are able to
provide specific examples or examples of general
concepts or principles. Exemplifying involves finding
the characteristics of a general concept or principle;
3) Classifying occurs when students recognize that
something (a particular instance or event) belongs to
a particular category (eg concept or principle).
Classifying includes the discovery of relevant
characteristics or patterns, which match specific
examples and concepts or principles;
4) Summarizing occurs when students are able to
propose a single statement that represents the
presentation of information or a summary of a general
theme. Summarizing includes the construction of an
information representation, making a summary, such
as determining the main theme or topic; 5) Inferring,
including finding patterns and a series of examples or
events. Summing up occurs when students are able to
summarize concepts or principles which consist of a
series of examples or events through coding the
relevant characteristics of each event;
6) Comparing occurs when students find similarities
and differences between two or more objects, events,
problems, or situations; and 7) Explaining occurs
when students are able to build and use a causal model
of a system. Models can be derived from formal
theories, or can be based on research or experience. A
complete explanation involves constructing a causal
model, including every major part of the system or
every major event in a series, and using a model to
determine changes in one part of the system or
relationship in a series that affect changes in other
Rosser in Sagala (2014) stated that concepts are
"an abstraction that represents a class of objects,
events, activities, or relationships that have the same
attributes". People experience different stimuli, form
concepts according to groupings - grouping stimulus
in a certain way. These concepts are abstractions
based on experience, and because no two people have
exactly the same experience, the concepts that people
form may differ.
Klausmeier in Dahar (2011) suggested that there
are four levels of concept achievement. These levels
appear in an invariant sequence. People arrive at the
highest level of achievement at different speeds and
there are concepts that have never been reached at the
highest level. Four levels of concept achievement
according to Klausmeier, namely: 1) Concrete
level. We can conclude that someone has reached the
concept at a concrete level if the person knows an
object that he has faced; 2) Level of identity. At the
level of identity, a person will recognize an object: (a)
after a period of time, (b) if the person has a different
spatial orientation to the object, (c) if the object is
determined by a different sensory method, for
example knowing a the ball by touching the ball is not
by looking at it; 3) Level of classification. At the
classification level, students recognize the equations
of two different examples of the same class. Although
students cannot determine attribute criteria or
determine words that can represent the concepts, they
can classify examples and non-concept examples; and
4) formal level. For concept achievement at a formal
level, students must be able to determine attributes
that can limit the concepts.
According to Asep Jihad and Abdul Haris (2012)
understanding of concept is a competency
demonstrated by students in understanding the
concept and in performing procedures in a flexible,
accurate, efficient and appropriate manner. Eggen
and Kauchak (2012) stated that concepts
understanding can be measured through four ways
that defining concepts, identifying characteristics of
concepts, identifying or providing examples of
concept that have never been before, and connecting
concepts with other concepts. In this study, indicators
of concepts understanding were selected as
explaining concepts, identifying or providing
examples of concepts, comparing concepts with other
concepts, and inferring concepts.
Improving Concepts Understanding in Social Studies through Mind Mapping
2.2 Mind Mapping
Buzan (1993) described mind mapping as "a powerful
graphic technique which provides a universal key to
unlocking the potential of the brain." He has
championed mind maps for studying, remembering
and learning. The essential elements of any mind
map are (1) a main topic represented with a central
image; (2) important themes radiating from the
central image as branches; (3) branches comprised of
a key image or keyword printed on an associated line
to a connected nodal structure and (4) the
incorporation of color to clarify or emphasize
According to Saleh (2009) mind mapping is "a
diagram that is used to present words, ideas, work, or
other things that are connected and arranged radially
around a word containing the main idea". Mind
mapping is an activity of recording the subject matter
in the form of mind maps by empowering the left
brain and right brain, the difference in mind mapping
is that the style of recording is more creative than
ordinary notes, said to be creative because the making
of mind mapping requires the use of imagination from
the maker, such as making pictures, symbols , charts,
color usage, and the ability to express association
power and creative power that are integrated into tree
Sani (2013) explained that mind mapping is a
form of learning that is used to train the ability to
present content with mind mapping. Mind mapping
results in the form of mind maps. Mind map is a
diagram used to present words, ideas, tasks or other
things that are linked and arranged around the main
idea keywords.
In this study, researchers applied mind mapping
steps as suggested by Sani (2013), namely: 1) The
teacher conveys the competencies to be achieved;
2) The teacher expresses the concepts or problems
that students will respond to and should have
problems that have alternative answers; 3) Form
groups with 2-3 members; 4) Each group inventories
or records alternative answers to the results of the
discussion; 5) Each group (or randomly selected
groups) read the results of the discussion; 6)
Students make mind maps or diagrams based on
alternative answers that have been discussed; 7)
Some students are given the opportunity to explain
the idea of mapping their thinking concepts; and 8)
Students are asked to make conclusions and the
teacher gives a comparison according to the concept
provided (Sani 2014).
2.3 Social Studies
Fajar (2009) stated that Social Studies is a subject that
examines a set of events, facts, concepts, and
generalizations related to social issues and
citizenship. Meanwhile, Nurhadi (2011) described
that Social Studies is an integration of various
branches of the social sciences, such as sociology,
history, geography, economics, politics, law, and
culture. Social Sciences is formulated on the basis of
reality and social phenomena which embody an
interdisciplinary approach from aspects and branches
of social science. Social Studies is a subject that can
deliver students to be able to answer basic problems
about individuals, society, social institutions, social
change, and people's lives (Sapriya, 2016).
Djahiri (Yaba, 2006) stated that social studies is a
science that combines a number of selected concepts
from the branches of social sciences and other
sciences and then is processed based on the principles
of education and is actively used as a teaching
program in schools. In the Level of Education
Curriculum Unit (2016) it is stated that the objectives
of Social Studies in Elementary Schoole are to: (a)
recognize concepts related to the life of the
community and its environment; (b) has the basic
ability to think logically and critically, curiosity,
inquiry, problem solving, and skills in social life; (c)
have commitment and awareness of social and human
values; and (d) having the ability to communicate,
cooperate and compete in a pluralistic society, at the
local, national and international levels.
This study used Classroom Action Research
(CAR) methods. According to Arikunto, et al (2015),
Classroom Action Research is a study that describes
the cause and effect of the treatment, as well as
describes what happens when the treatment is given,
and describes the entire process from the beginning
of the treatment to the impact of the treatment. The
design of this study refers to the opinion expressed by
Arikunto (2015) that there are four stages in the action
research activities, namely: (1) planning, (2)
implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection.
These stages can be illustrated by the following chart:
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Figure 1. Classroom Action Research Chart
This research was conducted in 2017. Subjects in
this study were fifth grade students of Bani Saleh 2
Elementary School in Bekasi, Indonesia amounting to
25 students. There were two instruments to obtaine
data in this research. The first instrument was written
test to measure students' concepts understanding and
the second instrument was learning observation sheet
to observe the enforceability of mind mapping.
Analysis in this research includes these steps: (1)
manage raw data, (2) present the data, (3) draw
conclusions, and (4) reflect.
Based on the written test results at the end of Cycle I,
it was obtained that the total score was 1,733 with an
average score of 69.3. The maximum score was 83
and the minimum score was 50. 16 of the 25 students
have reached the Minimum Completness Criteria,
namely 70. This means that classical learning
completeness in the Cycle I reached 64%. In Cycle II,
the total score was 1,913 with an average score of
76.5. The maximum score was 90 and the minimum
score 63. 19 of the 25 students have reached the
Minimum Completeness Criteria. This means that
classical learning completeness in Cycle II reached
76%. In Cycle III the total score of was 2,060 with an
average score of 82.4. The maximum score was 97
and the minimum score was 63. 21 of the 25 students
have reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria.
This means that classical learning completeness in
Cycle III reached 84%.
Here is presented a percentage recapitulation of
students' classical learning completeness in Cycle I,
II, and III:
Figure 2: Recapitulation of Percentage of Classical
Learning Completeness
Based on the diagram above, it can be seen that in
cycle I to cycle III there was an increase in classical
learning completeness. Cycle I reached 64%, cycle II
reached 76%, and cycle III reached 84%. The
percentage increase in classical learning
completeness was also followed by an increase in the
average score as shown in the following diagram:
Figure 3: Recapitulation of Average Score of Students’
Understanding Concept
From the diagram above it can be seen that the
average value of students has increased. The average
value of students in Cycle I reached 69.3, the average
value in Cycle II reached 76.5, and the average value
in Cycle III reached 82.4.
In addition to an increase in the percentage of
classical completeness and average scores as
explained above, the researcher also found an
increase average score acquisition for every aspect of
understanding the concept. Obtaining average scores
Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III
Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III
Average Score
Improving Concepts Understanding in Social Studies through Mind Mapping
on aspects of students' concept understanding in cycle
I, cycle II, and cycle III can be described in the table
Table 1: Recapitulation of Average Score of Concept
Understanding Indicators.
Indicators of
Average Score
69.7 76 82
68.9 77.3 83.1
69.3 76 82
69.3 77.3 82.7
Based on observation results on the activities of
the researcher in applying mind mapping in Cycle I,
II, and III, there were several learning steps that have
been designed in lesson plan but were not
implemented. There were 21 learning steps in each
learning plan that has been compiled. In Cycle I, there
were five learning steps that were not implemented,
namely the researcher did not convey learning
objectives to be achieved, did not involve students to
actively ask questions in learning activities, did not
ask questions about things that students have not
understood, did not provide feedback and
strengthening of students' answers, and did not
provide conclusions about the material that has been
delivered. In Cycle II, the researcher tried to improve
the learning process, but there were still some stpes
that had not been carried out such as the researcher
did not involve students to actively ask questions in
each learning activity, did not provide feedback and
reinforcement on students' answers, and did not ask
questions about the material has delivered. In Cycle
III, there was one step that has not been carried out,
namely the researcher did not ask questions about
things that students have not understood.
Based on the research results obtained, it can be seen
that students' understanding of concepts in Social
Studies increased in each cycle after the mind
mapping was applied. In Cycle I, classical
completeness was 64% with an average score of 69.3.
It was a good start enough because the minimum
completeness criteria in this subject is 70 but this
research must be continued to Cycle II because it has
not reached the criteria for success of the research that
has been determined, namely 80% of the number of
students reach a score of 70. One of the causes of the
lack of success of the research in this Cycle I was
because there are several learning activities that have
been arranged in the learning plan but not carried out
by researchers. This certainly affected the quality of
learning processes and outcomes.
Based on the implementation of learning and
observation results in the Cycle I, the researcher
made a reflection of the activities that have been
carried out, namely: 1) There were still many students
who need explanation several times in order to
understand the assignment given; 2) Students were
less active in learning, they only listened to the
teacher's explanation and when the teacher gave the
questions there were only a few students who
answered; 3) There were many students who joked
and did not pay attention when the teacher explained
the material or when discussed with group friends;
4) The researcher was unable to take full advantage
of learning time; 5) The researcher was unable to
condition the class properly; and 6) There were many
students who seem shy to read the results of the
discussion in front of the class.
To improve the learning process and results in
Cycle I, the researcher planed actions in Cycle II as
follows: 1) The researcher provided explanations of
tasks in stages, repeatedly and did not too quickly so
the students will understand the tasks given; 2)
The researcher must be more sensitive to students
who were less focused on learning by approaching
students and emphasizing to each student to actively
asked questions if they experience difficulties; 3)
Before starting learning, the researcher made an
agreement first so that students will not joke when
learning; 4) The researcher made maximum use of
study time; 5) The researcher tried to condition the
class well; and 6) The researcher must always provide
motivation and guidance to students so that they were
more confident, brave in expressing their opinions
and ideas.
In Cycle II, classical completeness increased to
76% with an average score of 76.5. This result was
quite good but the research still has to be continued to
reach success criteria in this study. Although the
researcher have tried to improve the learning process,
there were still some activities in the learning plan
that have not yet been implemented. Based on the
results of observations in Cycle II, it was seen that
students' attention to the subject matter was not
maximized because there were still some students
who played or joked with their friends when the
teacher was explaining the material or when students
were conducting group discussions. For that reason,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the improvement step in Cycle III was directing and
motivating students to focus on the material.
In Cycle III, classical completeness increased to
84% with an average score of 82.4. With these results,
the study was stopped because it had reached the
research success criteria set out in this study.
However, in this third cycle there was still one
activity in the learning plan that has not been
implemented. This needs to be a concern for further
researchers to implement all learning plans that have
been prepared so that they will get better results.
According to these results, it could be concluded
that this research has been successful. Mind mapping
could improve students’ concepts understanding in
Social Studies. Mind mapping made students easily
in explaining concepts, identifying or providing
examples of concepts that have never been met
before, comparing with other concepts, and
concluding the concepts.
This is in accordance with Buzan's (1993) opinion
that the mind mapping strategy as a way to enable
students to make connections that may improve one's
ability to receive, hold, analyze, produce, and control
information and concepts. The mind mapping
supports constructive theory of premise knowledge
acquisition through interaction with objects and
events using one 's senses to link new information
with things already stored in the brain. (Vitulli &
Giles, 2016).
The results of this study corroborate the results of
previous studies. According to Al-Jarf (2011),
creating a mind map of assist students in obtaining
related rather than isolated knowledge. The mind
maps provide students with meaningful displays so
that learners can develop a holistic understanding of
the content presented (Fiktorius, 2013). Balim (2013)
was identifying the effects of the mind-mapping
technique upon students' perceptions of inquiry-
learning skills, academic achievement, and retention
of knowledge.
The result of the study shows that there
is a significant difference in favour of the
experimental group over the control group regarding
the academic achievement, scores of retention of
learning, and perception of inquiry-learning skill
scores, both on cognitive and affective levels.
Adodo’s study (2013) showed that mind-mapping
strategy as a SRL, helped to improve students
performance in BST and should be employed in the
classroom as a better approach to teach Basic Science
and Technology (BST). Mind mapping was effective
at improving learners’ critical thinking and creative
Rosciano (2015) stated that mind maps can help
students to illustrate a vision, exhibit their contextual
knowledge and creativity, and make associations
about a central theme during this activity. Buran &
Filyukof”s study (2015) concluded that mind
mapping technique is considered to be up-to-date,
creative, useful and available tool for students,
educators and researchers. Parikh (2016) found that
the mind mapping technique was more effective than
traditional method. Merchie & Van Keer’s study
(2016) showed that the greatest overall gains for
students in the student-generated mind-map condition
as to the quality of their informative text traces and
graphical design. Ravindranath, study (2016)
found that mind mapping can help in summarizing the
PBL discussion.
Authors recommend to schools to support the
application of mind mapping to improve the quality
of learning in Social Studies as well as in other
subjects that can be adjusted to the character and
purpose of the subject matter, as well as the time and
conditions at school to achieve the desired results.
The teacher is expected to be able to apply mind
mapping to convey the subject matter quickly,
improve the students’ concepts understanding,
motivation and concentration in learning. The author
also recommends other researchers to develop similar
research in a wider scope.
Based on the results of the research and discussion, it
can be concluded that mind mapping could improve
concepts understanding in Social Studies. Mind
mapping made students easily in explaining concepts,
identifying or providing examples of concepts,
comparing concepts with other concepts, and
inferring concepts.
The authors would like to thank to Universitas Islam
45 and Bani Saleh 2 Elementary School who have
facilitated this research.
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