Strategy Analysis for Increasing Business Performance through
Innovation Capability in the Textile Industry
Yudi Nur Supriadi
, Eeng Ahman
, and Ende
Study Program In Business Administration, STISIP Yuppentek, Kota Tangerang, Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kota Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Bina Bangsa, Serang, Indonesia
Keywords: Co-Creation, Entrepreneur Capability, Innovation Capability, and Performance Firm.
Abstract: This research is to find out strategies for improving business performance through the ability of innovation
in the textile industry, the authors conduct a study on the effect of co-creation, entrepreneur capability, on
the performance firm through innovation capability. The sample in this study is a company engaged in the
textile industry in Banten province as many as 125 respondents with purposive sampling method. The data
analysis technique used in this study is quantitative analysis using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling)
model of the AMOS 23.00 program. the results of the study explain that the positive influence of
entrepreneur capability, on the performance firm through innovation capability, but for co-creation, the
results have no effect on company performance. While the entrepreneur capability variable has the most
dominant influence on company performance. The results of this study explain that the total influence of
entrepreneur capability and co-creation on innovation capability has a very large impact on improving the
performance of companies in the textile industry in Banten province. Directly, co-creation is not significant
influence business performance. It indicates that the company should respond to it by doing the
At this time the global economic phenomenon is
fluctuating, so that business development is
experiencing a downturn, this is triggered by Donald
Trump's government policy to protect the steel and
aluminum industry in the country by raising tariffs by
25% for steel and 10% for aluminum products has
caused a response countries including the European
Union, Mexico, and Canada. According to the
Indonesian Textile Association (API, 2018)
responding to Trump's policy is getting widespread
protests because it is feared that it will disrupt the
world economy. The global economy has caused this
industry to slow down in GDP as it appears to be
related to the lower value added of this industry in the
first quarter of 2017 compared to the fourth quarter of
2016. Despite the increase in industrial production of
Chemicals and Goods from Chemicals in the first
quarter of 2017 was strongly supported by an increase
in exports. Meanwhile, several types of large and
medium manufacturing industries (IBS) also
experienced a decline in production in the first quarter
of 2017. A very significant decline was experienced
by the Textile Industry whose production in the IBS
group fell by 6.87%. (Perindustrian, 2017).
Figure 1: Decline in industrial production
The textile industry in Indonesia experiences
problems that must be the concern of all parties in
solving the problem, various studies and research on
the textile industry in Indonesia until now there is no
accurate approach to finding the answers, the research
Supriyadi, Y., Ahman, E. and Ende, .
Strategy Analysis for Increasing Business Performance through Innovation Capability in the Textile Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0009941122252236
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2225-2236
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conducted (Prasetyo, 2015) hat To deal with
problems In this regard, Indonesia must now be
prepared with a strong human resource capacity and
strong technology to accept the challenge of
competitiveness, especially from the TPT industry
sector and other human resources. All Indonesian
citizens must be ready and able to compete using their
own domestic workforce and industrial workers must
continue to be given appropriate and adequate skills,
to serve the interests of industry and commerce in the
MEA era and the world maritime axis.
The approach offered by the author in this study
is guided by two theories; Resource-Based Value
(RBV) and Capability Based Value (CBV). The RBV
draws attention to the company's internal
environment as a driver for competitive advantage.
The main proposition of this theory if a company
wants to achieve a state of strategic competitive
advantage, the company must obtain and control
resources and capabilities that are valuable, rare,
inimitable, and irreversible, plus those that have
organizations that can be applied to the company
(Kraaijenbrink, Spender, & Groen, 2010).
The company's internal factors through the role of
innovation are able to increase the spread of
knowledge-based economies, globalization, and
international competition pressures (Camagni, 1995;
Feldman & Desrochers, 2003; Hogan et al., 2011;
Storper, 1995). The fact that innovation has become
the center of organizational performance and
competitive advantage in a dynamic business
environment today cannot be underestimated.
Innovation affects organizational performance by
building specific competencies that produce sources
of competitive advantage. In order for innovation to
be implemented, organizations must have the ability
to innovate and operate in an environment (internal
and external) with the right sufficient work under
enablers under a healthy innovation management
system (Kenneth, Janet, & Stanley, 2015).
According to (Asegaff, 2016) put forward an
interesting theory to know the level of innovation
capability has a significant effect on the performance
measured from the share of output in a certain period
of time. The policy that always positions the textile
industry as a group that needs to be helped is based
on the assumption that the textile industry is a weak
business group and unable to compete with large
businesses, the policy tends to continue to this day. It
is time for the textile industry to innovate because
innovation is an important aspect of the development
of a company to improve performance, the company
needs an increase in innovation involving all internal
components of the company. The company's
innovation capability can be achieved when there is a
total process of participation among individuals in the
organization to improve innovation capability
(Rahab, Sulistyandari, 2011)
The textile industry must implement co-creation
in production to win business competition, according
to (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004) co-creation is a
process of participation and collaboration to interact
with customers and companies needed to adapt and
innovate new products and services to win the
competition business, according to (Roser,
DeFillippi, & Samson, 2013) argues that company
performance will increase if the industry uses a
collection of ideas and strategies and has a unique
approach to specific creations in order to increase the
productivity of company performance
Improving the performance of the textile industry
in winning the competition needs to be supported by
the ability of the company entrepreneurs. Agree with
(Atonic & Hisrich, 2004) that the concept of
entrepreneurial ability needs to be well developed by
the company because the entrepreneurial ability
process is seen as the key to the company's success in
increasing its ability to have competitive value that
can be used as a strategy of competitive advantage of
the company (Porter, 1985). Empirical data from
research conducted by (Zahra, Sapienza, & Davidson,
2006) The textile industry shows problems in the
ability to develop processes, at present, the textile
industry has limited resources, lack of knowledge
base, and weak expertise in building and integrating
various capabilities One of them is entrepreneurial
ability. But the opinion of (Alvarez & Busenitz, 2001)
and (Woldesenbet, Ram, & Jones, 2012)
Entrepreneurial ability as the ability to identify
opportunities and develop the resource base needed to
pursue opportunities.
This study the authors find research gaps related
to innovation and construction capabilities,
entrepreneurial skills, co-creation with the
performance of companies in the textile industry
sector that has been studied previously, research (Eny
Rahmani & Siyamtinah, 2011) states that the
diversity of patterns of building innovation capability
has no impact on operational performance. Agree
with (Lianto et al., 2015a) that several dimensions of
innovation capability have absolutely no influence on
the performance of SMEs, namely learning ability, R
& D ability, resource allocation capabilities,
marketing capabilities, and strategic capabilities. In
this situation, the company follows an innovative
strategy that is very open, but co-creation and low
customer collaboration that leads to its overall
performance (Soltanzadeh, 2014) thus encouraging
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the writer to conduct further research. This research
is strengthened by its analysis (Wang et al., 2016).
His research shows that knowledge sharing has no
direct effect on performance.
Based on the context of a number of research gaps
that have been conducted, this study aims to
determine the factors that affect the company's
performance through innovation capability with its
In the literature review, this study refers to several
parts of the theory, namely grand theory in this study
in the form of management theory related to the
middle theory on the basis of management theory and
applied theory of business performance. This research
is different when compared to other researchers
before because of the research background that
includes research gaps, and different business
phenomena. This study tries to build a proposal for
the proposed grand theory, middle range theory,
applied theory about entrepreneurial ability, co-
creation, the ability to innovate in influencing
company performance. This idea was developed with
the integration of the Resource-Based (RBV) theory.
According to (Dess & Robinson JR, 1984) said
the important thing in investigating organizational
phenomena is that performance can be
operationalized by the steps used in other
environmental aspects. The company's Performance
Model was developed to reflect new thinking in the
era of competition and company effectiveness
through four perspectives that are the main
components, and then will be measured for each of
these perspectives with several measuring
instruments used to assess company performance.
In order for innovation to occur, interaction with
internal and external input sources is needed
(Sisodiya, Johnson, & Grégoire, 2013). This
interaction creates an environment of a series of
integrated components and capabilities where
innovation occurs. The environment will function to
build constructive conditions (possible) or inhibitions
for innovation. For example, enabling policies to
simplify internal management processes and
eliminate barriers to innovation; while
entrepreneurial ability serves to advocate and ensure
leadership in the innovation process (Xu & Liu, J,
Innovation has been identified as a major source
of competitive advantage. Innovation helps
companies build specific competencies that can
produce new products that better satisfy customer
needs, by improving the quality of existing products,
or reducing the cost of making products that
customers want (Hill & Jones, 2008).
According to (Lawson & Samson, 2001) the
ability of innovation is not only to be successful in
running a new business, or to manage key capabilities
but to synthesize two operational paradigms. (Chen &
Xu, 2009) defines the ability of innovation as a
process that is acquired and integrated by a
knowledge company to produce creative ideas and
new products to satisfy customers. Values and
creations in strategy and marketing have been treated
very differently (Sánchez-Fernández & Iniesta-
Bonillo, 2007); and opinions (Salem Khalifa, 2004)
depends on the definition and paradigm that exists
(Vargo & Lusch, 2004). The value in his opinion
(Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004) namely motivation
to map some of the most important perspectives on
value and value creation because this will help
determine the position of the subject. In general, the
explanation of value in marketing explains perceived
consumer value and consumer value, which is
conveyed as a financial value that can be reinvested
in the organization and as a better knowledge of the
process that will produce efficiency. The value of a
company can come from involvement in the product
development process that reduces risk and reduces
development costs (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004).
The company's ability to change strategic direction
quickly related to products and markets (Johnson,
The idea of co-creation is the innovation of new
ways to create products and experiences through the
collaboration of companies, consumers, suppliers and
distribution partners that are interrelated in the
innovation network (Prahalad & Krisnan, 2008). The
social media-based internet era allows attachment
between producers and consumers. Potts inside
(Hatch and Schultz, 2010) explains how social media
is able to create co-creation that can produce
creativity. According to (Kotler, 2010) concludes
customer motivation in co-creation which is a product
that consumers like in creating value so that
consumers want to adjust certain products with their
According to (Roudini, Hassan, & Osman, 2012)
that the ability to obtain the resources needed to do
profitable moments is recognized in the market or
new market opportunities are created.
Strategy Analysis for Increasing Business Performance through Innovation Capability in the Textile Industry
2.1 The Influence of Entrepreneur
Capability on Innovation Capability
A number of authors emphasize entrepreneurship as
the main foundation (Roudini et al., 2012) states that
innovation is the beginning of the entrepreneurial
process. (Wilson & Martin, 2015) entrepreneurial
ability introduces seven universal conditions and is
needed for this type of unique freedom to be present.
The importance of the concept of entrepreneurial
ability for entrepreneurial theory and economic
policy and human development is discussed.
Economic growth and prosperity lie in the hands of
entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs not only create
public welfare but also struggle hard to make this
world a better place. Entrepreneurs who have an
entrepreneurial spirit will continue to struggle to
improve the standard of living of the community. (Jia-
Sheng & Chia-Jung, 2010) states that there are three
dimensions of entrepreneurship, namely innovation,
initiative, and risk taking. This is in line with the
opinion (Miller, 1983) which says that
entrepreneurship requires three characteristics:
innovation including product and process innovation,
risk-taking, namely the need to have the risk-taking
ability, and proactivity, namely the ability to actively
analyze the environment and adapt to respond by
determining the right strategy. Three characteristics
of Miller are in accordance with the opinion (Covin
& Slevin, 1989) that is innovativeness, risk-taking,
and proactive as an aspect to measure
The intrinsic nature of inherent entrepreneurship
is creativity and innovation. Creativity sees old things
with new perspectives, while innovations applying
new ideas that will give more entrepreneurial value
are often used as a solution to overcome the problem
of unemployment, by giving up, becoming risky,
creative, and innovative. Entrepreneurship is an
important factor that depends on marketing ability
and innovation (O’Cass & Weerawardena, 2010).
Innovative ability is important for entrepreneurs,
where entrepreneurs can change the environment and
open new businesses (Drucker, 2015). A company
based on innovation ability can help gain growth and
profit (Statistics Canada, 1994). According to (Lin,
Chen, & Ho, 2013) states that five aspects of
innovation ability (product, process, administration,
marketing, and innovation services). Marketing
capabilities do not directly affect sustainable
competitive advantage but through the ability to
innovate (Jia-Sheng & Chia-Jung, 2010). From the
theoretical and empirical results, the hypothesis can
be drawn that entrepreneurial ability influences
innovation ability.
2.2 The Influence of Co-creation, on
Innovation Capability
The influence of co-creation on Innovation capability.
Co-creation is defined as collaborative work between
consumers and companies in an innovation process,
where consumers and companies are involved in co-
ideation, co-design, co-development activities and co-
creation of new products or services (Ramaswamy,
2008). In part, co-creation is a specific form of user
contribution where "active" as opposed to "passive"
consumers participate with companies and voluntarily
contribute input (being that knowledge, opinion,
experience or resources are informed into a process
innovation, results in better and more focused on the
innovation market (Russo-Spena & Mele, 2012)
The ability of users to innovate increases radically
and rapidly as a result of continuously improving the
quality of information technology, increasing access
to easy-to-use tools and components for innovation,
and access to increasingly evolving innovations
(Magnusson, Arvola, Hursti, Åberg, & Sjödén, 2003).
This information-based business tool can be run on
personal computers, and they quickly go down in
price. As a result, innovation by users will continue to
grow even if the level of heterogeneity of needs and
desire to invest in getting the right product right
remains constant (Maklan, Knox, & Ryals, 2008).
(Hippel & Jin, 2009) illustrates that both companies
and individual consumers are increasingly able to
innovate for themselves, this is to say, innovation is
being democratized. the direct relationship between
innovation ability and personnel capabilities. In
addition, he also offers the most important
components and indices that directly influence and are
related to innovation capabilities (Momeni, 2016).
From the theoretical and empirical results, it can be
drawn the hypothesis that the co-creation influences
the innovation capability.
2.3 The Influence of Entrepreneur
Capability on Company
According to (He Xiao-Gang & Lin Gu-Yan, 2009)
using the entrepreneurial ability as a starting point to
investigate the influence on the ability of the
entrepreneurial expansion and company performance.
Research result (Cao, Kang, & Lim, 2017a) shows that
the ability of entrepreneurs to capture opportunities
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
has a significant influence on company performance,
and entrepreneurial innovation ability has a significant
influence on the company's financial performance but
does not have an impact on market performance.
According to (Ou Yin-Xue, 2010) claiming that
entrepreneurship capability is an important factor
influencing company performance. The ability of an
entrepreneur, such as the ability to innovate, the ability
to identify and capture opportunities, the ability to
make and utilize network resources, learning abilities,
knowledge management capabilities and ability to
avoid losses can improve corporate performance. (Yu
Dong-Ping & Duan Wan-Chun, 2012) argues that
entrepreneurial ability is given a complete (partial)
mediating effect on soft regional environments and
short-term (long-term) performance, and further
explains that entrepreneurial ability will directly
influence the transformation of the regional soft
construction environment.
Agree with the research (Wang, Sharma, & Cao,
2016) Thus the entrepreneur's capability includes the
ability to identify opportunities, network capability
relationships, capital operating capabilities, strategic
management capabilities, and innovation capabilities,
and they use case analysis to obtain the following
results: entrepreneurship capability promotes the
growth of the entrepreneurial business by influencing
business growth strategies. To verify the relationship
between ability entrepreneurs and companies. From
the theoretical and empirical results, it can be drawn
the hypothesis that the entrepreneur capability affects
the company's performance.
2.4 Effect of Innovation Capability on
Company Performance
Innovation capability has a positive effect on
company performance according to Lawless and
Anderson in (Siyamtinah & Rahmani, 2011) argues
that innovation influences the company's
performance, but depends on the complexity of the
market facing. With the complexity of market
conditions, the stronger the influence of innovation
on company performance. Research (Sharma &
Fisher, 1997) show innovation has an influence on
company performance.
Innovative ability according to (Hitt, Ireland,
Camp, & Sexton, 2001) as an effort to create a
competitive advantage in achieving company
performance. Next (McMullen & Shepherd, 2006)
says that the ability of innovation will only work well
if it is followed by actions that lead to the achievement
of organizational goals. Organizational performance
expressed by (Bukhamsin, 2015; Calantone, Cavusgil,
& Zhao, 2002; Siyamtinah & Rahmani, 2011) the
ability of innovation in corporate performance is
defined as an internal process of an organization that
contributes to creating the ability to survive and thrive.
Organizational performance is measured through
indicators on the development of the Balanced
Scorecard theory from (Kaplan & Norton, 1992) with
four perspectives: finance, customers, internal
business processes and learning and growth.
The relationship between innovation ability and
company performance is significant with
performance measurement. Performance
measurement can be used as a tool to improve
company performance through innovation
capabilities (Saunila & Ukko, 2013), Innovation
capability has a significant effect on performance.
This finding is in line with the results of research that
states that creative and innovative organizations are
able to improve individual and organizational
performance and create a competitive advantage
(Liao, Fei, & Chen, 2007). Likewise, the results of
research that state that the higher the creativity of
innovation will improve organizational performance
(Salim, Won, Nesbitt-Hawes, Campbell, & Abbott,
2011). From the theoretical and empirical results, the
hypothesis that the innovation capability has a
positive effect on company performance can be
2.5 Effect of Co-creation Capability on
Company Performance
Explanation of co-creation affects the company's
performance, the implementation of co-creation partly
mediates the influence of innovation capabilities. For
that implication of research findings and practices
about the depiction and application of unique value
co-creation models (Fatemeh Hamidi, 2017),
according to (S.J.F. Ren, 2015) The results show that
the use of CRM capabilities is significantly related to
company performance.
Explanation of the definition of co-creation is an
interactive dialogue between performance companies
and a group of consumers (Russo-Spena & Mele,
2012), (Piller, Ihl, & Vossen, 2010), (Nicolajsen &
Scupola, 2011), which can vary in interaction, with the
aim of jointly increasing the value of offers for both
companies and consumers (Magnusson et al., 2003),
(Maklan et al., 2008). The relationship between the
stages in which a company is involved in joint creation
and improvement in a company's growth and
profitability (Ramaswamy, 2008). From the
theoretical and empirical results, it can be drawn the
Strategy Analysis for Increasing Business Performance through Innovation Capability in the Textile Industry
hypothesis that co-creation has a positive effect on
company performance.
The company observes the environment to avoid
strategic surprise actions and to ensure the health of
the organization in the long run. This is in accordance
with the opinion (Hunger & Bamford, 2015), (Hitt et
al., 2001) which suggests that the external and
internal environment plays an important role in
determining individual business. According to
(Hunger & Bamford, 2015) states that environmental
analysis functions in planning strategies for
monitoring the environmental sector in determining
opportunities or threats to the company. The
relationship pattern of each of the variables can be
seen in the following Figure :
Figure 2: Research framework model
The object of research is the target to get data,
according to the opinion (Sugiyono, 2003)
understanding of the object of research as follows:
"The object of research is a scientific goal to get data
with certain goals and uses about something that is
valid and reliable about something (certain variants)”.
This research begins with the exploration of theory,
the concepts that will be used. This explanatory
research activity is used to find and limit research
problems so that they can be applied and can be
examined (Zigmund, 2000).
Samples are taken in accordance with the
provisions set for the benefit of the Structural
Equation Model analysis tool. According to (Hair, et
al., 1998) in determining the sample size, the sample
size depends on the parameter estimation method
used. If the parameter estimation using the
recommended sample size method is between 100-
200. The sample size that must be met in this
modeling is a minimum of 100 and then uses a
comparison of 5 observations for each parameter
estimation, which is 5 x the number of indicators.
Based on the determination of the sample
(Singarimbun, 1999), according to Augusty (2005),
according to (Hair,, 1955), then in determining
the number of sample indicators used as a basis for
determining the sample, where there are 25 indicators
used in comparison 5 observation, for each parameter
estimation of each indicator, the number of samples
used is 5 x 25 parameters = 125 samples for the
Textile industry. Then the total sample used was 125
To analyze the data, the Structural Equation
Modeling is used from the AMOS statistical software
package in the model and hypothesis study. Structural
equation model, Structural Equation Model (SEM) is
a set of statistical techniques that allow testing a series
of relatively "complicated" simultaneous
relationships (Ferdinand, 2014).
4.1 Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) Analysis
Data processing results for full SEM model analysis
are shown in Figure below:
Figure. 2: Results of structural equation modeling analysis
Testing the research hypothesis according to
(Siswoyo, 2017) was carried out on the 5 proposed
hypotheses. Testing this hypothesis is done by using
the t-value value with a significance level of 0.05. The
value of t-value in the Amos program 23.00 is the
Critical Ratio (CR) value in the regression weight
(Group Number 1- Default model) of the matching
model if the critical ratio (CR) 1.967 or the
probability value (P) 0.05 then H0 is rejected (the
research hypothesis is accepted). The test criteria are
rejected by H0 if the v-value or critical ratio (CR)
1.967 or the value of p 0.05.
The test results for all hypotheses proposed in this
study are as follows :
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
H1: The result of data analysis is known, where the
value of the v-value or critical ratio is 2.870
1.967 or P value of 0.004 0.05, H1 is accepted,
it is concluded that: Entrepreneurial ability has a
positive influence on the innovation ability of
companies in the textile sector. Industry in Banten
Province. The hypothesis is acceptable. The
above hypothesis is in accordance with the results
of the study (Cao, Kang, & Lim, 2017b). The
results show that entrepreneurial ability has a
significant influence on the company's dynamic
ability; the ability of company integration and
innovation ability has a significant influence on
company performance, organizational learning
capabilities do not have a significant influence on
company performance. The ability of
entrepreneurs to capture opportunities has a
significant influence on company performance,
and entrepreneurial innovation ability has a
significant influence on the company's financial
performance but does not have an impact on
market performance.
H2: Known the results of data analysis, where the
value of the v-value or critical ratio of 5,083
1.967 or P value of 0, 00 0.05, H2 is accepted,
it is concluded that: Co-creation that influences
the company's innovation capability in the textile
industry in the Banten Province hypothesis can be
accepted. The above hypothesis is in accordance
with the results of the study (Fatemeh Hamidi,
2017) said that the results of structural equation
modeling showed a T-value of 2.159 for creation
at a significance level of 0.95. Because the result
is greater than 1.95, the relationship between co-
creation and innovation capability is accepted.
Therefore, it refers to the path coefficient of
0.0.381, co-creation affects the ability of
innovation in large companies. The results of
structural equation modeling show a T-value of
4.444 for innovation capability at a significance
level of 0.95. Because the results are greater than
1.95, the relationship between innovation
capabilities and company performance is
accepted. Thus, referring to the path coefficient of
0.592, innovation capabilities affect the
performance of companies in large companies.
The third hypothesis is about the impact of co-
creation on company performance. The results of
structural equation modeling show T-values of
26,229 for co-creation on the company's
performance at a significance level of 0.95.
Because the result is greater than 1.95, the
relationship between co-creation and company
performance is accepted. Therefore, it refers to the
path coefficient of 0.808, the characteristics of co-
creation affect the performance of companies in
large companies. Thus it can be claimed that co-
creation affects the company's performance more
than other factors in the sample community.
Because of the structure, type, and method of
partnership, dimensions have similarities and
differences from other studies.
H3: The results of the analysis, explaining the value
of the v-value or critical ratio is 5.288, 1.967 or
P value 0.000 5 0.05, then H3 is accepted, it is
assumed that there is a negative entrepreneurial
ability to the performance of companies in the
textile sector in Banten Province and the
hypothesis is acceptable. The hypothesis above in
accordance with the results of the study (Kartika
and Soenami, 2017) produces a very significant
output in improving performance using 4
perspectives, including finance, customers,
business processes, growth, and learning.
H4: The result of data analysis is known, where the
value of the v-value or critical ratio is 1.093
1.967 or P value is 0.093 5 0.05, H4 is accepted,
concludes that: "co-creation that does not affect
the performance of the company in the textile
industry in Banten Province, the hypothesis can be
In accordance with his research (Yazdanparast,
Manuj, & Swartz, 2010), that customer
involvement to carry out logistical activities in
achieving environmental performance (Chu Kai
Chat, 2015). Co-creation in company
performance is not able to increase a
comprehensive understanding of the impact of
value in terms of logistics performance that still
lack means that there is no strong influence
between co-creation on company performance.
H5: The results of data analysis are known, where the
value of v-value or critical ratio 2.059 1.967 or
P value 0.040 5 0.05, H5 is accepted, the ability of
innovation has a positive influence on the
performance of companies in the textile industry.
In Banten Province, the hypothesis is acceptable.
Research on this hypothesis is consistent with the
results of research from (Dalvand, Moshabaki, &
Karampour, 2015) stating that operational
capabilities and export performance are approved
and it shows that the impact of operational
innovation capabilities on export performance is
more than effective innovation, the ability of
operational innovation has a positive effect in
export performance.
Strategy Analysis for Increasing Business Performance through Innovation Capability in the Textile Industry
The results of the feasibility testing of Structural
Equation Model can be explained in the table as
follows :
Table. 1 : Full model test results
of Fit index
Cut off value
P=5% df 146
179,347 good
0,05 0,000 good
RMSEA 0,08 0,302 good
GFI 0,90 0,533 good
AGFI 0,90 0,393 Marginal
CMIN/DF 2,00 12,311 good
Above can be concluded that overall the full table
model above is an acceptable model fit. As for
according to (Ghozali, 2012) overall goodness of fit
can be assessed based on a minimum of 4- 5 criteria
(absolute fit indices, incremental fit indices, and
parsimony fit indices) represented for the feasibility
of a model, thus the SEM analysis hypothesis
fundamental in this study acceptable which means
there is no significant difference.
The two structural equations produced by the fit
model can be formed as follows:
1. Structural Equation 1: Innovation capability =
2,870*entrepreneur capability + 5,083*co-creation +
2. Structural
Equation 2 : Performance firm =
5,288*entrepreneur capability + 1,093*co-creation +
2,059 innovation capability + 0,901
Based on two structural equations resulting from
this study, entrepreneurial ability variables have the
most dominant influence on company performance.
This is indicated by the path coefficient of 2,059
innovation capability compared to the coefficient of
co-creation 1,901. while the effect on innovation
capability, co-creation variable is more dominant, this
is indicated by the path coefficient 5.083 greater than
the entrepreneurial ability variable of 2.870.
The above research is very suitable for previous
research, such as the results of Julaeha's research,
2016), said the results of the study showed that there
were significant and insignificant variables.
Innovation ability does not have a significant effect
on company performance.
Strengthened by the results of the research
(Siyamtinah & Rahmani, 2011) the results of data
processing shows that the better the internal factors
that are owned by the company, then the ability of
innovation will increase, the improvement of
innovation capabilities will affect the improvement of
company performance. Likewise with the results of
the study (Mulyana & Sutapa, 2014) said the results
of the study showed quadruple helix (intellectuals,
government, business, civil society) had a significant
influence on creativity. Intellectual and business have
a significant influence on the ability of innovation,
innovation capabilities have a significant influence on
competitive advantage and performance.
Research results (Singhry, 2015) say innovation
capability is a full mediator regarding the relationship
between supply chain technology and supply chain
performance as well as supply chain collaboration
and supply chain performance. The results of the
study (Fatemeh Hamidi, 2017) say the results of the
study show that the implementation of co-creation is
partly mediated by the influence of the ability of the
innovation process.
Based on the results of the analysis of structural
model research and testing the goodness of fit, this
study yields the following conclusions :
1. For the variable capability to have a positive effect
on the innovation capability of the company in the
textile industry in Banten Province, the hypothesis
can be accepted at 2,870, as well as the co-crisis
variable that influences the innovation capability
of the company in the textile industry in Banten.
The hypothesis can be accepted at 5,083.
Similarly, the Entrepreneur capability variable
affects the performance of the company in the
textile industry in Banten Province and the
hypothesis can be accepted at 5.288. However, co-
creation that does not affect the company's
performance in the textile industry in the Banten
Province hypothesis can be accepted because the
value is 1.093 1.967 so there is no effect. While
Innovation capability has a positive effect on the
performance of the company in the textile
industry in the Banten Province, the hypothesis
can be accepted 2,059.
2. The results of structural equations resulting from
this study, that the entrepreneur's capability
variable has the most dominant influence on
company performance. This is indicated by the
coefficient of the path of 2,059 innovation
capability compared to the path coefficient of co-
creation of 1,901. while the influence on the
innovation capability, co-creation variable is
more dominant, this is indicated by the coefficient
of the path of 5.083 greater than the entrepreneur
capability variable of 2.870.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3. The results of the calculation above the total effect
of entrepreneur capability and co-creation of the
innovation capability impact on improving the
performance of the company in the textile
industry in the province of Banten, this shows that
entrepreneur capability has a large total effect of
0.863 than co-creation of 0.132 on the
performance of companies in the industry textile.
Then the results of calculating the effect of the
total innovation capability and co-creation on
innovation capability, the results show the
influence of very large co-creation with a value of
0.492 compared to entrepreneur capability of
0.286. Thus, the variable entrepreneur capability
is much more dominant than the variable co-
creation and innovation capability in influencing
the performance improvement of the textile
industry companies in Banten Province.
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