Environmental pollution of DKI Jakarta is
characterized by high levels of air, water and marine
water pollution, due to poor and correct waste and
waste management. Based on research conducted by
the Institute for Social, Environmental & Urban
Studies (LS2LP) in 2013, environmental damage
was marked by reduced water catchment areas,
shrinking green open areas (RT), damage to blue
open areas (rivers, situ, waterways, and coastal
waters ), exploitation of underground water with
various negative impacts (land subsidence, seawater
intrusion, etc.), coastal abrasion due to reduced
mangrove forests on the north coast, and poor city
drainage systems. Taken from
Various environmental problems that threaten
environmental sustainability include global
warming, urban air pollution, lack of water,
environmental noise, and loss of biodiversity. If this
condition persists like this then Jakarta will continue
to deteriorate in terms of environmental quality, and
the people of Jakarta will feel the loss due to these
things. Psychologically, someone who lives in a bad
environment will more easily experience stress,
emotional disturbances, and even can cause
aggressive actions due to mental exhaustion due to
poor environmental quality (Farisy, 2015; Kuo &
Sullivan, 2001).
Environmental damage can be minimized by
fostering concern for the environment that is realized
by pro-environmental behavior. Pro-environmental
behavior is a behavior that is carried out consciously
and aims to minimize the negative impacts caused
by one's activities on the environment (Kollmuss &
Agyeman, 2002). Ramus and Killmer (2007) argue
that pro-environmental behavior is part of prosocial
behavior, because this behavior has benefits for
others and the environment. Stern (2000) says that
pro-environmental behavior can provide benefits for
others and the environment. Pro-environment
behavior is also a behavior that is consciously
carried out to safeguard the environment and
minimize the negative impacts caused by one's
activities on the environment. For example, efforts
to reuse used goods, prevent the occurrence of waste
or garbage, energy conservation efforts, as well as
the behavior of using transportation that tends to be
free of air emissions (Gamal, 2009).
Several studies have examined the factors that
influence pro-environment behavior by using
various theoretical models that seek to explain and
predict pro-environmental behavior in society. These
theories attempt to understand environmental
behavior through causal models. According to Stern
(2000), there are four types of causal variables that
influence pro-environment behavior, namely: 1.
Attitudes (including norms, beliefs and values), 2.
contextual, 3. personal capacity, 4. Habits and
routines. individual.
Research conducted by Bronfman, et al (2015)
also suggests several factors that can support pro-
environment behavior, namely values, new
ecological paradigm, a awareness of consequences,
ascription of responsibility and personal norms.
Meanwhile, Clayton & Myers, (2009) revealed that
there are several factors that can change people's
behavior towards pro-environment behavior. These
factors are: 1. personal factors 2. situational factors.
As for personal factors in the form of a sense of
responsibility towards the environment and feelings
/ values that arise from within to protect the
environment well, a sense of responsibility arises
from personal values. Whereas situational factors in
the form of regulations made by the city government
prohibit and fine people who do things that can
damage the environment and harm many people
such as penalties given to people throwing garbage
to the river or culverts. Another situational factor is
cooperation between the community and the
government in overcoming the environment, such
as: problems of flooding, air pollution, garbage, etc.
The existence of this collaboration makes the people
in the surrounding environment follow the situation
that exists to help protect the environment and not
do things that can harm the environment and the
The explanation above explains the need for the
responsibility of every community and government
to protect the environment. These responsibilities are
carried out by individual individuals and some are
the responsibility of the government. Every
individual has their own opinions, perceptions or
assumptions about who should be responsible for
protecting the environment. Opinions, perceptions or
assumptions about who should be responsible for a
matter are also called the term "ascription of
responsibility". Stern (2000)
According to Stern (2000) ascription of
responsibility is an opinion, perception or
assumption about who should be responsible for
something. In the context of Jakarta society,
ascription of responsibility means the assumption of
who should be responsible for environmental
problems in Jakarta to avoid all disasters such as
floods, water pollution, air pollution, etc.