From the description above, it is necessary to do
research about the influence of e-learning motivation
to the English learning achievement of students, then
the research problem whether there is influence of e-
learning motivation on student of university in Jakarta
2.1 English Learning Achievement
Language is a tool to convey feelings,
messages, ideas, interests, and thoughts. With
language, one can relate to one another, exchange
ideas, and exchange cultures. With human language
can make changes in his life, changes related to all
aspects of life, both mental changes and physical
Judging from its function, language is a
manifestation of thought which is then expressed in
the form of action, and culture. In line with
this Redhead and Dunbar (2013) stated that the
function of language in daily life has functions,
namely: as a conversation tool in daily life,
communication between fellow human beings, to
convey feelings in the form of art, to express the
meaning of right and wrong.
In educational activities, language is a means
to convey knowledge through learning activities,
without language knowledge will not be spread from
one generation to another generation, or one group to
another group. Therefore it is clear that in educational
activities held in schools, it is necessary to continue
to develop according to increasing needs in the world
of education.
Thus, the function of language is very
important in daily life and in educational activities.
In everyday life language functions as a means of
conversation and a means to relate to each other in
accordance with their interests. While in the field of
language education serves as a tool to convey
knowledge through learning and learning activities.
In line with this language function in education
Eran Asoulin (2016), defined language as an
incarnation of thought, so education needs to develop
language lessons, among others in the direction of
descriptive-propositional language, knowledge and
knowledge must be descriptive or prepositional, so
that it can be tested right or wrong. If the second thing
is done, then the thought becomes firm, concise,
clear, so that thinking can be tested right or wrong,
and if the thought is clear, firm, and correct, then it
can move to material and practical embodiment.
Referring to the thoughts above, it is clear that
language learning is a program to develop
knowledge, language skills, and a positive attitude
towards language. Similarly, in learning English,
aims to develop knowledge and knowledge,
language skills, and a positive attitude towards
English as an international language.
Learning English aims to make students: (1)
understand English in terms of form, meaning, and
function, and use it appropriately and creatively for
various purposes, needs, and circumstances., (2) as
subject of learning respecting English as an
international language, (3) have the ability to use
English to improve intellectual ability, emotional
maturity, and social maturity, (4) have the discipline
in thinking and speaking, writing and listening,
According to Shenghui Cindy Huang, that
language activities covered four aspects, namely,
listening, speaking, reading, and writing cannot be
separated from thinking activities. Based on this,
the learning of English must be provided with good
planning with the right approach in accordance to
the the the goal of the language itself, in this case is
a communicative and integrative approach as
recommended in the curriculum. (Shenghui Cindy
Huang, 2016).
Language learning includes aspects of
listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four
aspects should get a balanced portion and be
implemented in an integrated manner. The
communication approach in learning English is
based on the purpose and function of the main
language as a communication tool, this does not
mean eliminating linguistic learning (grammar).
To achieve student competencies, indicators are
formulated - indicators of learning outcomes in
English as follows: overall reflection of language
skills consisting of listening / understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing.
In various literature, learning outcomes are
related to the results obtained after learning
activities, as stated by Dimyati and Mudjiono
(2009) that in each learning process it would be able
to produce learning achievement, learning
achievement are known after the measurement.
Syah (2007) explained that the result of learning is
the level of success of students in learning the
subject matter in school expressed in the form of
scores obtained from test results on certain subject
matter. The outcome of learning is the result of the
educational process, namely adjustment, emotional
change, or behavioral changes (Djamarah, 2004). In
this regard, Poerwanto (2009) went on that learning
achievement are knowledge gained by students as a
result of the teaching process. Janice Orrell, states
that in every learning process there could be the
produce of learning outcomes that are known after
the measurement. (Janice Orrell,: 2016). In
connection with this, Mehmet Emin Uslu, Eyüp