Teachers Competence in Perspective Al-Qur’an An-Nahl Letter
Article 90
M. Khudlori
, Achmad Junaedi Sitika
, Gusni Yenti
and Mugiyono
Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: competence, teachers, perspective, Al-Qur'an An-Nahl Letter verse
Abstract: Social competence is the ability of educators as part of the community to communicate and interact effectively
with students, fellow teachers, staff, parents or guardians of students and the surrounding community. Since
the enactment of the Act. No. 14 of 2005 on teachers and lecturers, the teacher said competent when he
mastered the four competencies that have been mandated, one of which is social competence included in the
indicator relationship between teachers and students, teacher relationship with a parent or guardian, teacher
relationship with fellow work, and the relationship. Between teachers and the community. a teacher can be
said to have social competence if he can act objectively, communicate effectively, empathy, courtesy, adapt
and use information and communication technology functionally. Qur'an as a source of Islamic law in An-
Nahl Letter verse 90 gives us about the social competence of teachers that Allah ordered three things and
prohibit three things: to do justice, charity and giving to relatives and forbids three things, indecency,
wrongdoing and hostility.
Competence or competency is the ability to perform
a task or a work based on the knowledge, skills and
attitudes in accordance with the required
performance. Competence for some professions
become an important requirement in implementing
the framework and objectives of the organization.
The competency issue is important, because the
competency offers an organizational framework that
is effective and efficient in the utilization of resources
are limited.
In any job or profession, especially in the field of
education in the school sphere, education personnel
mainly teachers certainly need to have appropriate
competence in the field and responsibilities. A
teacher who has competence in the profession will be
able to perform his duties well and is efficient,
effective, timely, and appropriate to the objective.
It's no secret if people have high expectations on the
role of teacher. The success and failure of a school is
often addressed to teachers. The public justification
was understandable because the teacher is a resource
that is active, while the resources-resources that the
other is passive.
Regarding the quality of teachers, we can not be
separated from the competence inherent in a teacher.
Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers
explained that teachers should have four, namely
pedagogical competence, personal competence,
social competence and professional competence.
Fourth of competence is very important not least
social competence. Where teachers must have the
ability to communicate and interact effectively with
students, fellow teachers, staff, parents or guardians
of students and the surrounding community.
This is the reason that the study of teacher
competence is still an important thing to be discussed
in this paper, the results of which can be used as a
basis for the design and development effort of
performance and competence of teachers in learning.
1.1 Identification of Problems
From the description of the above background, the
authors identified the problem as follows:
Khudlori, M., Sitika, A., Yenti, G. and Mugiyono, .
Teachers Competence in Perspective Al-Qur’an An-Nahl Letter Article 90.
DOI: 10.5220/0009941722702275
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2270-2275
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1) Professional teachers should have four
competencies, namely:
a. Pedagogic competence
b. competence Personality
c. Professional competence
d. Social competence
2) The teacher is one of the important elements that
affect the success and failure of a school.
3) Competence of teachers is a demand that must be
owned by a teacher in order to improve the abilities
and skills in the learning process so that it will run
So in essence, a teacher who has a good competence
will positively affect the harmonious relationship
between itself and its surroundings. Conversely, if the
social competence is not owned by a teacher he will
have difficulty in carrying a good relationship
between himself and the people around them and their
1.2 Restrictions and Formulation
1) Restrictions Problems
Of the four existing teacher competence will be
discussed regarding social competence has the
following indicators:
a. Social competence meant here is the teacher's
ability to communicate and interact effectively with
students, fellow educators, staff parents or guardians
of students and the surrounding community.
b. Indicators of social competencies include
1) The interaction of teachers and students
2) The interaction of teachers with principals
3) The interaction of teachers with colleagues
4) Interaction with the public teachers
c. Indicator or the values contained in the Qur'an An-
Nahl letter verse 90.
2) Problem Formulation
Having regard to the limitation of the above
problems, it is in this journal can be formulated as
a. What indicators related in Surah An-Nahl
verse 90?
b. How social competence of teachers in the
perspective of the Qur'an related to An-Nahl
Letter verse 90?
1.3 Objective
The purpose of writing this journal are:
a. To uncover the problems associated with the
formulation of the problem.
b. To analyze the ideal interaction between the
teacher and the surrounding environment
from the perspective of Islamic terms in the
Qur'an An-Nahl letter verse 90.
This research is compiled by collecting references
related to the title of the journal, the authors then read
and study the theories related to the competence of
teachers, especially social competence, both general
books and books of interpretation that specifically
discuss about paragraph 90 letter of An -Nahl. Then,
after the selection process was conducted discussions
related to the title of the journal, and do analyzes that
would clarify the intended meaning.
In this study using data analysis techniques Content
Analysis, which is a conceptual understanding
sustainable in the description. (Kotsoff; 1992: 1).
That is, the authors conducted an analysis of the
meaning contained in verse 90 Of An-Nahl Letter
about social competence of teachers. Furthermore,
the authors make an interpretation of the thoughts, the
study get intents and purposes contained in the verse.
Various problems in the education system in
Indonesia made the main task for educators to
overcome them by increasing their competence. One
component of the competency of teachers that social
competence. Teachers are required to have the ability
to interact well with students, fellows, staff, parents
or guardians and the surrounding community. How
many schools are failing to graduate students with a
noble character because of a less harmonious
relationship between teachers and parents or
As an exemplary human being, teachers are required
to have an attitude and behavior that becomes a mirror
of society, then in everyday life, teachers must have a
social competence. Social competence becomes a
necessity for students. Teachers as part of the human
require flexible social skills in building a life in the
Teachers Competence in Perspective Al-Qur’an An-Nahl Letter Article 90
community. Moreover, teachers are not just a man,
but the human figure which has high ideals of making
changes in society towards a better and more
Teachers as human beings need others to carry out its
role as a living creature. So, teachers need to interact
with others and always maintain a relationship that
constantly take place in a conducive atmosphere.
communication with its environment through the
teacher is expected to survive and even thrive in
accordance with its potential.
Social competence in learning activities related to the
ability of teachers to communicate with the
community around the school and the place where the
teacher taught that the role and the way teachers
communicate before the community is expected to
have its own characteristics somewhat different with
others. Mission carried teacher is a humanitarian
mission. Teachers must have a social competence,
because the teacher is a lecturer of the times.
(Langeveld; 1995: th).
Communities and learners to look at a teacher in
general as a model that should be emulated and is
revered in his daily life. Teachers are being given the
task type and load nurture and guide the community
towards norms. Teachers need to have social
competence to deal with the public in order to conduct
effective teaching and learning process due to its
social competence. Automatically relationship with
the community school will go smoothly so that if
there is a need with parents, students or the public
about issues that need to be resolved learners will not
be difficult to reach him.
This suggests that social competence of teachers is
the ability of teachers to understand themselves as
part of that can not be separated from the community
and are able to develop duties as members of society
and citizens. Deeper, social skills include the ability
to adapt to the demands of work and the environment
at the time brought his duties as a teacher. (Roqib and
Nurfuadi; 2009: 131-132).
Meanwhile, Islam is a universal religion. All forms of
matter on Earth and everything in it is set in it, not to
mention how the relationship educators with learners.
As described in An-Nahl Letter verse 90 which
describes the two opposites in one verse, which
commands and prohibitions. The command for man
to do justice, charity and giving to kinsfolk.
Prohibition order not cruel, evil and hostility.
In essence, the more professional teachers to teach in
schools and within their attitude then it will create a
quality education. Conversely the teacher is less or
even not professional in carrying out their duties, the
study generated would be less good.
3.1 Understanding Teacher
1. Teacher Competence
The word competence actually has many meanings
According to Usman, said competence means
something that describes the qualifications or ability,
whether qualitative or quantitative. (Usman; 1994: 1).
Finch & Crunkilton, stating that "Competencies are
Reviews those taks, skills, attitudes, values, and
appreciation thet are deemed critical to successful
employment". (Finch & Crunkilton; 1992: 220).
Abdul Majid reveals intelligence competencies is a
full set of actions that should be owned responsible
someone as a condition to be considered capable of
performing tasks in a specific field. (Majid; 2005: 6).
In this case the competence not only contain
knowledge, skills and attitudes, but what is important
is the application responsible of the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes needed the job. In line with this,
Muhibbin Shah said that the basic understanding of
the competency is the ability and skill. (Syah; 2000:
In this case, competence is defined as the knowledge,
skills, and abilities controlled by someone who has
been a part of him, so he can do the behaviors of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor as well as
possible. So the basic characteristics of a person's
competence is related to the performance of effective
and or excel in a job and a particular situation. Based
on the above, we can draw the conclusion that
competence is the mastery of knowledge, skills,
values and attitudes are reflected in the habit of
thinking and acting in running a job. The quality of a
teacher should be a priority in efforts to develop an
effective educational pattern. The quality of a teacher
is characterized by a level of intelligence, agility,
dedication, and high loyalty and sincerity in
advancing the education and educate students.
(Mandaru; 2005: 119). Asmani explained that the
competence of teachers will deliver someone become
professional teachers coveted by students. Simply
put, a professional teacher is a teacher who teaches on
the subjects that they excel, self-motivated in
developing it, and capable of being pioneer changes
in society (Asmani; 2009: 40). Competence of
teachers in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Number 14 Year 2005, includes pedagogical
competence, personal competence, social
competence, and professional competence acquired
through professional education.
In the Teacher Certification Guide for LPTK 2006
issued by the Director General of Higher Education
Director of Human mentioning that competence is
unanimity mastery of knowledge, skills and attitude
displayed through performance. Kepmendiknas No.
045 / U / 2002 mentions competence as a full set of
intelligent action and responsibility in carrying out
tasks in accordance with the specific job. So the
teacher competence can be defined as the roundness
of knowledge, skills and attitudes that tangible action
intelligent and responsibilities in implementing the
tasks of a learning agent. That pedagogical, personal,
professional, and social.
2. Social Competence Teacher In the Qur'an An-
Nahl Letter verse 90
Meaning: "Indeed, Allah tells (you) Be fair and do
good, giving to kinsfolk, and God forbid of
indecency, evil and hostility. He teaches you, that ye
may take heed ". (Q.S. An-Nahl, 16:90)
In this verse Allah gave orders at the same
prohibitions that include the main character and
manners. Furthermore, described in the book
Mustadrak from Ibn Mas'ud in the book of Tafsir Al-
Munir, this paragraph shall include a complete verse
in the Koran that describes the goodness and badness.
Al-Bukhari, Ibn Jarir, Ibn Mundhir, Ath-Thabrani, al-
Hakim and al-Bayhaqi in Tafsir Al-Maraghi narrated
from Ibn Mas'ud, verse in the book of God who
showed enormous expectations as the word of God.
 
Meaning: "Say: 'O servants of my go beyond the
limits of themselves, do not despair of the mercy of
Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all. Indeed, He is the
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (QS. Az-Zumar, 39:
There is an interesting story about paragraph 90 of
this An-Nahl letter is as narrated that Utsman ibn
Mazh'un recited this verse to the literary figure who
was also the polytheists of Mecca, al-Walid ibn al-
Mughirah, then the writer said: "It is sentences are
very delicious sounding, he has a flawless beauty, bud
fruitful and fertile basically flooded. He really high
can not be matched. This is not in human speech. "In
another narration informed that when this verse is
recited to the Prophet's uncle, Abu Talib, he cried out
to his people," Follow Muhammad, surely you're
lucky. He was sent by God to invite you to the noble
character. (Shihab, 2002: 329).
Al-Haafiz Abu Ya'la in his book, Ma'rifatu 'sh-
Shahabah, as stated in Tafsir Al-Maraghi narrated
from Ali ibn Abdul Malik bin Umair from his father.
He said: It has reached the news to Aktsam bin Shaifi
about the origin of the Prophet. Then Aktsam intends
came to him, but that people are not willing to let him
pass meant. They said, "You are our leader. You
should not grovel to him ". Aktsam said, "If so, there
should be a messenger came to him: a break the news
to him about me, and a longer break the news about
him." So, elected two people to come to the Prophet.
They said, "We are messengers Aktsam bin Shaifi. He
asked who and what you are? "The Prophet replied,"
About who I am, I was Muhammad bin Abdullah;
while about what I am, I am the servant and
messenger of God. "Then the Prophet recited An-
Nahl Letter verse 90. They said," Do it again reading
it to us. "He read it back to them, so they memorized.
After returning to Aktsam, they told him, "He was
reluctant to exalt his descendants. But we find it a
holy and mid-bred in Mudhar tribe. He told us the
sentences that really we have been heard. After hear
sentences, Aktsam said, "I felt that he was told to do
a noble character and morals prohibit reprehensible
conduct. (Al-Maraghi, 1987: 239)
In the National Education Standards, the elucidation
of Article 28 paragraph (3) point (d) stated that the
definition of social competence is the ability of
teachers as part of the community to communicate
and interact effectively with students, fellow teachers,
staff, parents or guardians students and the
surrounding community. (Mulyasa, 2009: 173).
Social competence and proficiency of teachers is the
ability of a teacher (with social intelligence
possessed) to communicate, interact and socialize
with others that the students effectively in the
implementation of the learning process. Teaching the
class is a manifestation of interaction in the
communication process. While the social competence
of teachers is considered as one of the power or the
ability of teachers to prepare students to become good
members of society as well as the ability to educate
and guide the community in facing the future.
Teachers Competence in Perspective Al-Qur’an An-Nahl Letter Article 90
In An-Nahl Letter verse 90 Allah gave orders at the
same prohibitions that include the main character and
manners. Do's and don'ts that can be understood and
practiced by teachers in improving their social
competence. A teacher is a figure which is
exemplified by the students. Proverb says teachers in
gugu and in duplicate. This means that any form of
words and deeds of the teachers followed and copied
by students whenever and wherever he is. Then in the
implementation of the learning process, teachers are
expected to do a good social relations with students
through interaction and communication. No matter
how, the teacher's personality will always be a
concern of every student. Suparno said that the
example is no less important was the teachers as well
as teacher or educator. Many education reform and
cultivation of moral values and goodness is not
working well because the students could not find an
example that does that. For example school students
learn honesty but outside they saw no honesty even
honest even suffer. Or school students are invited to
appreciate the values of humanity and respect for
every human person, it turns out they are
experiencing conflict and mutual killing between
different tribes (Suparno, 2005: 3).
It is very clear can complicate the process of moral
cultivation is done in school. Therefore, if the
education we want to be better, teachers are expected
to be a living example for their students, especially in
the exemplary life values such as honesty, fairness,
charity, giving to kinsfolk, not cruel, evil and
hostility. Based on social competence, is now
desperately needed teachers who are able to do
justice, doing good deeds and giving the rights of
relatives and could prevent indecency, evil and
hostility that can actively promote the community.
Teachers are expected to brave fight for the truth and
get involved in the problems surrounding
communities, teachers are expected not silent, but
spoke out critically response. In many societies,
especially traditional society, the teacher's role is very
much appreciated and have their voices heard person.
Then the teacher is expected to be a voice for the
people of truth. This role like this that now need to be
Facing the above problems so it will need teachers
who have high morale, social attitudes were great and
a great responsibility in order to resolve the many
problems that occur both in school in particular and
the community in general. Islam as a universal
religion, of course, there are rules or guidelines in
addressing these issues. One of them, as mentioned
above in AN-Nahl Letter verse 90 that Allah ordered
us whoever it is, one of them as a teacher for justice,
charity and giving to kinsfolk, otherwise Allah
forbids indecency, evil and hostility. In connection
with the social relationships of teachers and students
there should be efforts to increase social competence
is as follows:
1. Developing Social Intelligence
Develop social intelligence is a must for teachers.
It is intended that the relationship between
teachers and students went well.
2. Following Relating to Social Competence
Training Teachers
To develop social competence of teachers should
attend trainings related to social competence. But
before that also needs to be known about the target
or the dimensions of this competency, namely;
teamwork, seeing an opportunity, role in group
activities, civic responsibility, leadership, social
volunteers, maturity in relationships, sharing,
empathy, caring for others, tolerance, conflict
resolution, accept differences, cooperation, and
3. Adapt in place Served
Listed below are 10 (ten) ways to enhance the
social competence of teachers, according to Kathy
a. Use non-verbal communication. Learners
will be easier to see disharmony between eye
movements, facial expressions and speech.
b. Make sure the name of the student or co-
worker at the time to talk to him.
c. Give an example of what negative emotions
and teach skills to overcome emotions and
makes them stress.
d. Reinforcement of their positive behavior
e. Give the open-ended question about the
status of student emotions and listen good
f. Champion with a smile, relaxed, open and
ready to talk. And provide a sincere
welcome to students with great warmth and
g. When there were tensions (conflicts), limit
and indicate what to believe and what you
hear. Orientation truth not on
h. Give the polite phrase contained in the mind
politely without indicating the nature of
arrogance or selfishness.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
i. Admit mistakes in decision-making and
avoid blaming others.
j. Describe all behaviors in a positive way.
Based on the above, we can conclude that efforts to
improve social competencies that teachers must have
extensive knowledge and could open up as a place to
ask or vent learners who subsequently able to provide
solutions to the problems of students, so that students
become comfortable being close to his teacher,
Indirectly, it can help improve the social competence
of learners.
1. Indicators related in Surah an-Nahl verse 90 are
are the commands and prohibitions which
includes the main character and manners, with
regard to good and evil and the world of
education called the teacher's ability to
communicate effectively with students, fellow
educators, staff, parents/guardians of students
and the surrounding community.
2. Social competence of teachers in the perspective
of the Qur'an in an-Nahl letter verse 90 are
teachers who are able to implement fair value,
charity, caring for others and be able to prevent
indecency, evil and hostility.
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Roqib et al. 2009. Personality of Teachers, the efforts to
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Teachers Competence in Perspective Al-Qur’an An-Nahl Letter Article 90