society and the world of work, education
management, decentralization of education, quality
standards, investments in education, technology for
education and training of teachers and lecturers
conducted continuously so as to produce educators
who are creative, professional, and fun, so as to create
a conducive learning environment, learning
environment that challenges and is able to provide
learning with fun, as if they were the streets in places
of recreation, and they garda forefront of the
advancement of this nation, in the hope they could be
role models as well as the heroes of Indonesia such as
education; Ki Hajar Dewantara, Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo, and Dr. Douwes Dekker, they
pioneered national education by establishing Taman
Siswa in 1922, and gradually increase the
understanding, awareness and intelligence of
Indonesian society, so that it becomes an independent
nation, and sovereign as it is today (Mulyasa, 2008).
The success or failure of education, basically can
be seen from the achievements of learners who have
participated in the educational or instructional
teaching and learning process has taken place.
Changes are expected to be a change in behavior or
achievement of learning, thinking skills and attitudes
that can be used to achieve a more decent life.
However, educational efforts do not always produce
the desired achievement, can sometimes be managed
satisfactorily sometimes because there is a failure.
Factors of success and failure of students in
achieving a learning achievement, depending on
several factors including; Internal factors eksternal
school and school factors such as community and
family life. In the family, children receive informal
education, when children live in a family
environment that is harmonious, caring, affection,
then this affluent economy will grow at a steady
pattern of personality. Conversely if the economy of
the parents is insufficient premises good, full of
contention, not pleasant home atmosphere, parental
control is lacking, lack of motivation to learn from
themselves and their parents, it could hamper the
achievement of which will be achieved by students.
Basically the responsibility of parents in
educating children to get a good education is very
heavy, because it costs relatively little cost. Each
individual involved in the learning process must pay
necessary. Education costs that may include matters
relating to the primary needs, such as textbooks, and
the secondary needs such as bags, shoes and other
tertiary needs such as private and courses.
Student learning outcomes than specified by
socio-economic background, is also determined by
the students' motivation to succes. From this sense as
well known there are differences in learning
activities, suspected to be due to a difference in the
interest, motivation and patterns of use of time in
learning activities in addition to possible cognitive
background of students.
In learning activities, especially in the field of
Arabic studies the amount of encouragement or
motivation to learn each student must be different,
there are highly motivated and there that have low
motivation. Motivation someone has two
components, namely component in the (inner
component) and external components (outer
component). Components inside is a change in the
person, the circumstances are not satisfied, and
psychological tension. External components is what a
person wants, the goal to which his behavior.
One's motivation is influenced by two factors: the
factors of the (internal) da factors outside (external).
Factors of the inside can be caused by the individual's
ability to achieve an optimal result and a passion for
travel. External factors can be caused by many things,
for example encouragement from parents, friends and
The success or failure of students is determined by
many factors, among others, teachers, curriculum,
facilities and infrastructure, administration and
students' motivation and their socio-economic
background. Therefore, the role of teacher let
functioned as possible, let the teacher is able to
become educators, teachers, counselors, coaches,
advisors. reformer, a model and example, private
investigators, driving creativity, actors, routine,
storyteller, emansivator, evaluators, preservatives
and kulminator good.
Arabic is the field of study is one of the
characteristics of the madrasas both from primary
school level to aliyah. But unfortunately Arabic
lessons have not been able to attract the attention of
students, parents, and community. This can be seen
from the lack of motivation, interest in students so
that student learning outcomes in the field of Arabic
studies unsatisfactory. Presumably it is still necessary
to hold studies to get the answer. Therefore, in this
study will be disclosed if there is a correlation
between socio-economic background and motivation
to learn with the learning outcomes of students in the
field of Arabic studies at the Madrasah Mampang
Prapatan Jakarta.
The problems of this study can be formulated,
namely; whether there is a correlation between socio-
economic backgrounds with student learning
outcomes?, whether there is a correlation between
learning motivation and learning outcomes of
students?, and whether there is a correlation between