been made and has been evaluated is likely to be
implemented both in terms of components and
planned tools used in the education process, as well
as in terms of the system of implementing the
education process, so that when implemented, there
is no doubt. Tilaar's opinion is reinforced by the
opinion of Soebagio Atmodiwirio (2003: 23) which
states in detail that management education can be
defined as a process of planning, organizing,
leading, controlling education personnel, educational
resources to achieve educational goals. The planning
process describes the steps in making an education
plan that starts from the existence of facts /
symptoms that invite questions for the observer and
are considered necessary for assessment. These facts
/ symptoms show a gap between what should be and
the reality. Based on the facts / symptoms, then the
possible factors that cause the reality achieved are
different from the standards or targets that should be
achieved by education management. Factors that
cause the gap between should be with the fact that it
is found and then analyzed to determine its status,
which is then sought to find solutions so that the
adverse effects of the causal factors can be
overcome or suppressed and not hamper education
management. Furthermore, a new set of plans are
devised which are considered useful to meet the
standards or targets of the education management
that has been set. After the new plan has been
established, organizing is then carried out. At this
stage, it is possible for the management of
educational institutions to develop the organization
to produce an effective management or management,
for example by adding existing units because of the
excessive volume of work, or streamlining the
organizational structure due to overlapping work or
one type work done more than one unit.In addition
to its organizational structure, its personnel can also
be reviewed, such as the presence of personnel
(education personnel) who are more efficient if they
are transferred to other units, and / or promotion, and
or the need to develop knowledge and skills.
Furthermore, after organizing is done, the leader
uses his role in leading personnel (teaching staff and
education personnel) so that they move and act in
accordance with their respective basic tasks and
functions (tupoksi). During the execution of the
main duties and functions of the personnel, the
leader also carries out the functions of monitoring,
controlling and monitoring. Monitoring is carried
out so that small symptoms that might occur can be
immediately addressed to prevent greater deviations.
Monitoring can be done using a time scale (such as
hours or days), and can also use a quantity scale (eg
number of class meetings). In addition to
monitoring, leaders also carry out control of
education personnel and education resources.
Control of education personnel is carried out so that
they function as the division of work tasks, and carry
out their duties as per the established operational
standard procedures, as well as the availability of
other educational resources so that the quality and
quantity are fulfilled. With the availability of all
components of education to drive educational
management functions as stated by Atmodiwirio, it
is hoped that education management can achieve
educational goals. In line with Atmodiwirio's
opinion, Stephen J. Knezeich expressed his opinion,
namely management education is a set of
organizational functions that have the main objective
to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of
educational services, as well as the implementation
of policies through planning, decision making,
leadership behavior, preparation of resource
allocation, stimulus and coordination of personnel,
and a conducive organizational climate, as well as
determining essential changes in facilities to meet
the needs of students and the community in the
future. The author defines Knezeich's opinion, that if
organizational functions are carried out as stated by
Atmodiwirio, then education management will
achieve a significant level of efficiency and remain
effective in carrying out educational services.
However, Knezeich tried to be more detailed in
planning by proposing policies through planning.Of
course we agree if an academic policy is made that
will underlie academic standards, quality manuals,
procedure manuals, and standard operating
procedures. Thus, the decision making of leaders of
educational institutions will always be within the
limits that are justified. To make consistent
decisions, leadership behaviors from leaders of
educational institutions must also be consistent and
One review of leadership behaviors that are applied
is leadership behaviors that are oriented to tasks and
leadership behaviors that are oriented towards
human relations (Gordon, 1990; Greenberg and
Baron, 1995; Kreitner and kinicki, 1992; Owens,
1991; Yulk, 1989; Hoy and Miskel, 1987). This
leadership orientation can be called the dimension of
leadership (laedership dimension). Task-oriented
behavior is leadership that is more attentive to leader
behavior, which leads to the preparation of work
plans, the determination of organizational patterns,
the existence of organizational channels,
communication channels, work methods and
procedures to achieve clear goals. Relationship-