Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era
Muhammad Ali Yusuf
, Endang Saefuddin Mubarok
and Muhammad Faisal Yunas
Jakarta Islamic University
Keywords: Education Management, Islamic Religion, and Digital Era
Abstract: Education Management is the function of educational organizations that consist of planning, organizing,
leading, controlling education personnel, and educational resources to achieve educational goals. Islam is a
religion that teaches everything well and perfect in it, among others, teach the problem of aqidah, law, and
morality. The digital era that utilizes network communications technology that is not limited by national
borders, so it is better to convey the concepts of Islam. The science and results of Islamic studies are very
good and effective using the internet or digital both in terms of intensity and from the point of view.
Globalization of the work system also demands
the globalization of education so that educational
institutions need to jointly organize governance in
which the nodes are interconnected with one
another, and even the nodes are also related to the
nodes in the employment field. The nodes of each
minimal institution relate to the form of
communication and information sharing so that
mutual understanding and understanding can be
obtained. The hope is to obtain the provision and
equalization of fulfillment of needs between
Furthermore, almost all communication activities
in this era utilize electronic media, especially
internet media, such as in marketing and education
activities. This means that internet or internet media
or other terms of the digital era cannot be avoided.
Network or internet as a medium, especially
communication and information technology, is now
recognized as the media that connects the two or
more parties to communicate or exchange
information remotely.
If an organization or educational institution
wants to decide to use internet media or say digital,
that is computer-based electrical signal technology
as a shift from conventional-style education
processes, the following issues are: a) human
resource readiness to operate internet or digital
media; b) the provision of internet or digital media
in accordance with the educational process settings;
c) the availability of higher education funds than the
conventional style; and d) Adding time to
communicate with students. The problem is how to
realize the four variables mentioned above in the
education process in the digital era.
In relation to Islamic higher education, the
management of education applied in general higher
education (based on philosophy) is no different.
Internet or digital media used are also no different.
The thing that is most likely to cause a difference is
the weight of the material. Material in general higher
education, the material contains more results of
studies and interpretations than basic knowledge,
while in Islamic higher education the weight is
greater on the basis of knowledge (al qur'an and al
hadith) and then followed by study and
interpretation. So, the problem in Islamic higher
education is how to realize the four variables
mentioned above in Islamic higher education
programs in the digital era.
The problem in Islamic higher education is how is
the implementation of Islamic higher education
management in the digital era.
Yusuf, M., Mubarok, E. and Yunas, M.
Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0009942323182327
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2318-2327
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.1 Understanding of Management
Some understanding of management written by
experts, including GR according to Terry that
"Management is a typical process, which consists of
actions: Planning, organizing, mobilizing, and
monitoring, which is done to determine and achieve
predetermined goals through resource utilization ".
According to Lester Robert Bittel "The most
comprehensive definition views management and
integrating process by which is authorized
individually create, maintain, and operate an
organization in the selection of accomplishments
that aim". According to De Cenzo & Robbin
"Management is the process of efficiently achieving
the objectives of the organization with and through
people". According to Sondang Palan Siagian
"Management is the whole process of collaboration
between two or more people based on certain
rationalities to achieve a predetermined goal".
According to The Liang Gie "management is the
whole process of organizing in every effort of a
group of people to achieve certain goals".According
to Boone & Kurtz "Management is the use of people
and other resources to accomplish objectives".
According to Leonard D. White, "Management is
the whole process, usually found in all groups, either
state, government or private, civil or military
businesses on a large scale or on a small scale".
According to Westra Pariata, management is a
whole series of organizing actions in every effort of
a group of human beings to achieve certain goals.
According to Mulyani A. Nurhadi "Management is
an activity or series of activities in the form of a
process of managing a cooperative business group of
people who are members of an educational
organization, to achieve educational goals that have
been set beforehand, to be effective and efficient".
Based on the management understanding cited, it
can be said that management is a whole series of
implementation actions in every cooperative effort
by planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising
through effective and efficient use of resources to
achieve predetermined goals.
3.2 Understanding of Education
According to Stella Van Petten Henderson that
"education is a combination of growth, self-
development and social heritage". According to
Carter V. Good that "education is the process of
developing individual skills in attitudes and social
behavior. The social process in which a person is
influenced by an organized environment, such as a
home or school, so as to achieve self-development
and social skills. According to Ahmad D. Marimba
"education is a conscious guidance or guidance by
educators on physical and spiritual development
educated towards the formation of the main
personality".According to Gunning and Kohnstamm
"education is a process of forming conscience. An
ethical formation and self determination in
accordance with conscience. According to Horne
that "education is a tool in which social groups
continue their existence in influencing themselves
and maintaining their idealism". According to Ki
Hajar Dewantara "Education is the demand in the
growing lives of children, as for the meaning,
education is guiding all the natural powers that exist
in these children, so that they as human beings and
as members of society can achieve safety and
happiness as high as possible" . According to John
Dewey "Education is the process of forming skills
that are fundamentally intellectual and emotional
towards nature and fellow human beings.
From a number of opinions about the meaning of
education cited, in this paper the notion of education
is defined as a process of coaching, coaching, and
development that is carried out consciously by
educators towards the educated in order to have
intellectual and emotional skills in behaving and
3.3 Understanding of Educational
According Engkoswara (2001: 2) "Management of
education is a science that learns how to organize
resources to achieve the goals that have been set
productively and how to create a good atmosphere
for people who participate in achieving mutually
agreed goals". According to Castetter. (1996: 198)
"Educational administration is a social process that
takes place within the context of social system".
According to H.A.R. Tilaar (2001: 4) "Management
of education is an activity that implements planning
or education plan". Here Tilaar emphasizes the need
for a plan and the plan must be clear and can be
implemented. Implicit in the meaning expressed by
Tilaar, that the plan should contain various units and
each unit has components that complement each
other. Each component requires handling and may
also be a different tool. The plan is also done or
implemented systematically following the proper
order of implementation. Likewise in the case of
education management, the educational plan that has
Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era
been made and has been evaluated is likely to be
implemented both in terms of components and
planned tools used in the education process, as well
as in terms of the system of implementing the
education process, so that when implemented, there
is no doubt. Tilaar's opinion is reinforced by the
opinion of Soebagio Atmodiwirio (2003: 23) which
states in detail that management education can be
defined as a process of planning, organizing,
leading, controlling education personnel, educational
resources to achieve educational goals. The planning
process describes the steps in making an education
plan that starts from the existence of facts /
symptoms that invite questions for the observer and
are considered necessary for assessment. These facts
/ symptoms show a gap between what should be and
the reality. Based on the facts / symptoms, then the
possible factors that cause the reality achieved are
different from the standards or targets that should be
achieved by education management. Factors that
cause the gap between should be with the fact that it
is found and then analyzed to determine its status,
which is then sought to find solutions so that the
adverse effects of the causal factors can be
overcome or suppressed and not hamper education
management. Furthermore, a new set of plans are
devised which are considered useful to meet the
standards or targets of the education management
that has been set. After the new plan has been
established, organizing is then carried out. At this
stage, it is possible for the management of
educational institutions to develop the organization
to produce an effective management or management,
for example by adding existing units because of the
excessive volume of work, or streamlining the
organizational structure due to overlapping work or
one type work done more than one unit.In addition
to its organizational structure, its personnel can also
be reviewed, such as the presence of personnel
(education personnel) who are more efficient if they
are transferred to other units, and / or promotion, and
or the need to develop knowledge and skills.
Furthermore, after organizing is done, the leader
uses his role in leading personnel (teaching staff and
education personnel) so that they move and act in
accordance with their respective basic tasks and
functions (tupoksi). During the execution of the
main duties and functions of the personnel, the
leader also carries out the functions of monitoring,
controlling and monitoring. Monitoring is carried
out so that small symptoms that might occur can be
immediately addressed to prevent greater deviations.
Monitoring can be done using a time scale (such as
hours or days), and can also use a quantity scale (eg
number of class meetings). In addition to
monitoring, leaders also carry out control of
education personnel and education resources.
Control of education personnel is carried out so that
they function as the division of work tasks, and carry
out their duties as per the established operational
standard procedures, as well as the availability of
other educational resources so that the quality and
quantity are fulfilled. With the availability of all
components of education to drive educational
management functions as stated by Atmodiwirio, it
is hoped that education management can achieve
educational goals. In line with Atmodiwirio's
opinion, Stephen J. Knezeich expressed his opinion,
namely management education is a set of
organizational functions that have the main objective
to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of
educational services, as well as the implementation
of policies through planning, decision making,
leadership behavior, preparation of resource
allocation, stimulus and coordination of personnel,
and a conducive organizational climate, as well as
determining essential changes in facilities to meet
the needs of students and the community in the
future. The author defines Knezeich's opinion, that if
organizational functions are carried out as stated by
Atmodiwirio, then education management will
achieve a significant level of efficiency and remain
effective in carrying out educational services.
However, Knezeich tried to be more detailed in
planning by proposing policies through planning.Of
course we agree if an academic policy is made that
will underlie academic standards, quality manuals,
procedure manuals, and standard operating
procedures. Thus, the decision making of leaders of
educational institutions will always be within the
limits that are justified. To make consistent
decisions, leadership behaviors from leaders of
educational institutions must also be consistent and
One review of leadership behaviors that are applied
is leadership behaviors that are oriented to tasks and
leadership behaviors that are oriented towards
human relations (Gordon, 1990; Greenberg and
Baron, 1995; Kreitner and kinicki, 1992; Owens,
1991; Yulk, 1989; Hoy and Miskel, 1987). This
leadership orientation can be called the dimension of
leadership (laedership dimension). Task-oriented
behavior is leadership that is more attentive to leader
behavior, which leads to the preparation of work
plans, the determination of organizational patterns,
the existence of organizational channels,
communication channels, work methods and
procedures to achieve clear goals. Relationship-
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
oriented behavior among people is leadership that is
more concerned with the behavior of leaders that
lead to a relationship of friendship, mutual trust,
mutual respect, and full of warmth of the
relationship between leaders and staff (Herbert,
1981; Bernard, 1988; Etzioni, 1964; Cartwright and
zender, 1953; Hoy and Miskel, 1982).
From the above definitions, it can be concluded that
the definition of education management is the whole
management of educational organizations by
planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising
through effective and efficient use of resources in
the process of guiding, coaching, developing by
educators towards the educated in order to have
intellectual and emotional skills in behaving and
3.4 Islamic Higher Education
In RI Law No. 12/2012 is said that Higher Education
is a level of education after secondary education
which includes diploma programs, undergraduate
programs, master programs, doctoral programs, and
professional programs, as well as specialist
programs, organized by universities based on
Indonesian culture. So, all levels of education after
completing secondary education as a prerequisite
and whatever the program is called higher education.
Furthermore, in Article 5, RI Law No. 12/2012
stated the goals of higher education, namely: a) The
development of the potential of students to become
people who believe and fear God Almighty and
noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative,
independent, skilled, competent, and cultured for the
benefit of the nation ; The first and foremost aim of
Indonesian higher education is to produce people
who have faith and are devoted to God Almighty
and are of noble character. Believing means to
believe wholeheartedly in the Godhead, God
Almighty who is guided in words and actions, and
devotion can be interpreted as someone who has a
fear and love for God so that the person is willing
and tries to control himself to be consistent do all
His commandments and stay away from all His
prohibitions. And noble, means taking the guidance
in the Al-Quran and al-Hadist in behaving and
behaving, doing, being fair and caring. Then it is
followed that humans must be healthy, meaning that
physical and spiritual conditions are functioning
normally or should. Knowledge means a condition
that a person has knowledge, and skills in
accordance with what is needed. Capable means
having skills and ability to do something. Creative
means the ability to think in giving birth to ideas in
solving problems. Mandiri can be said to be able to
do something without relying on others. Competent
means the authority that someone has in making a
decision. And cultured means having a characteristic
of living together in a group. the development of
potential students is intended to be effective in
defending the interests of the nation. b) Generating
graduates who master the branches of Science and /
or Technology to fulfill national interests and
increase the competitiveness of the nation; In line
with the first goal of higher education above, that
every graduate and at any level of education is
expected to earnestly master the branches of science
and / or technology that he learns so that the learning
outcomes are optimally beneficial and maximally
advance the nation. Those who graduated at the
operator level really mastered the operator, those
who graduated at the analyst level really had
analytical skills, and those who graduated at the
expert level were also truly skilled at the level of
expertise, so that the graduates of education really
became real human resource capital for the nation. c)
The production of science and technology through
research that takes into account and applies the value
of Humanities so that it is beneficial to the progress
of the nation, as well as the progress of humanity's
civilization and welfare; The graduates of higher
education in addition to being able to apply the
science and technology that has been learned, are
also able to find and or develop science and
technology through research with appropriate
research methods. In order to be in line with the
curriculum and IQF, a curriculum-based roadmap is
first held and ends with the predetermined graduate
competencies. and d) The realization of community
service based on reasoning and research work that is
useful in advancing public welfare and educating the
life of the nation. That is, that the community service
activities carried out are planned, related, and
continuous between the agreed education
curriculum, and the focus of the research material,
with the community service program. Therefore, the
community service program must also be carried out
according to the pre-defined service roadmap.
Institutions that manage higher education are
required to carry out education, research and
community service activities in order to fulfill the
basic requirements to enter a healthy and superior
quality predicate of higher education institutions.
Furthermore, Islam is a teaching that includes the
creed / belief and Shari'a / law. The creed comes
from the word ‘aqd which means binding. Akidah is
knowledge in understanding matters relating to the
belief in Allah and the qualities of His perfection.
Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era
The meaning of the faith in syara is as follows. That
is, faith in God, His angels, His books, His apostles,
and the final day, and to the good and the bad. This
is also called the pillar of faith. Syara (God's binding
regulation) is an absolute foundation of faith for
Muslims. Therefore, the syara law should be
explored, studied, and examined which products or
results are disseminated in order to obtain
unquestioned truth in Islamic knowledge both in
terms of concept and implementation. The results of
the disseminated study or research led Muslims to
agree to declare that Islam is a perfect teaching, both
in terms of the aqeedah and the shari'a it teaches:
1. Islam orders to Allah Allah Ta'ala and
forbids kesyirikan.
2. Islam commands to do honesty and forbid
3. Islam commands to do justice and prohibit
4. Islam orders to fulfill the mandate and
prohibit treason.
5. Islam commands to keep promises and
prohibit breach of promises.
6. Islam commands worship of both parents
and forbids their ungodly acts.
7. Islam orders to establish friendship (broken
relationships) with relatives and Islam
forbids the act of breaking friendship.
8. Islam commands good relations with
neighbors and prohibits bad behavior from
Based on the description above, we obtain
knowledge about the Purpose of Studying Islamic
1. To know the right instructions for life and
to be able to distinguish between what is
right and what is wrong so that life is to
seek the pleasure of Allah SWT.
2. To avoid the influence of misguided life or
away from the right instructions of life.
3. Can increase worship to God
4. Can cleanse mind and mind for peace of
5. Can follow the apostles regarding their
purpose and deeds.
6. Can do good deeds solely because of
7. Can be sincere and always uphold his
religion and strengthen the pillar of
8. Expect the happiness of the world and the
Furthermore, Shari'a means the law established by
Allah SWT. through His messengers for His
servants so that they obey the law on the basis of
faith, both those relating to the aqidah amaliyah
(worship and muamalah) and those relating to the
next ahlak seen in terms of shari'a law are the basic
legal norms set by Allah SWT . which must be
followed by Muslims based on faith and morals,
both in relation to God and fellow human beings and
things in society. Adhering to the Shari'a or the law
is not caused by fear such as fear of sanctions from
violations committed, but rather more deeply and
deeply rooted that by obeying the law will provide
inner calm and happiness, because the creation of an
orderly and balanced system.
Ahmad Tafsir, he said that with the existence of
Islamic religious education, it is expected that
people will know about the religion of Islam and
also the teachings contained in it. In addition, he also
said that Islamic religious education expects people
who already know about their teachings to practice it
and also practice it in their daily lives because the
teachings in Islam are good teachings for all
humans. Management of Islamic Higher Education
based on the Koran and Hadith. This basis is a
differentiator from other management, management
outside the institution of Islamic Education is only
based on the thinking of the management leaders
and the ideology of the country where the institution
is located. While Islamic Education management is
not related to state ideology. The irrelevance of
Islamic education management with state ideology
because basically the management of Islamic
Education does not have a direct connection, the
management of Islamic Education merges with the
values of the teachings of Islam itself. Thus the basis
of the management of Islamic Education will never
mix with other management ideologies, because of
the spirit of Islamic Education management based on
the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet
Muhammad. On the other hand, the management of
Islamic Education prioritizes mutually beneficial
cooperation to achieve common goals, because
cooperation is based on the values of goodness
which is barometer of Allah's pleasure, the end of all
the goals of cooperation is the value of piety in the
sight of Allah. Management of Islamic higher
education in the digital era means managing Islamic
higher education by carrying out organizational
functions consisting of planning, organizing,
leading, controlling education personnel, and
educational resources to achieve educational goals
by utilizing digital or internet. The material shown
was the tri darma of higher education which
consisted of education, research, and community
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Elements of education consist of:
1. Competency of graduates. Graduates'
competencies are the final goals to be achieved by
educational institutions that are illustrated in a
concise and concise manner in the vision of each
institution including the vision of each study
program below.
2. Content of learning. Learning contents are
teaching materials that are arranged vertically or
horizontally and form nodes that are interconnected
with each other so as to provide knowledge, attitudes
and skills that focus on certain branches of science.
This learning content can be seen in the curriculum
set of a particular study program.
3. Learning process. The learning process is an
interaction between students and the instructor in an
instructional activity that can take the form of
interaction between the learner and teaching
material, or the instructor with the instructor, or
between the students studying in the study group
either directly or using the media. In higher
education, this learning process is controlled and
directed towards teaching materials that lead to
certain learning achievements and now this is called
graduate competence as well as the curriculum scope
of a study program.
4. Assessment of learning. Learning assessment can
be said as the determination of the level of success
and the determination of the achievement of good
quality of the learning process carried out as well as
the mastery of the content of learning by students.
Assessment of learning is done, of course, pay
attention to what is to be measured from the
assessment so that the assessment involves
appropriate measurement tools and with the
appropriate assessment systems and methods.
Therefore, also, the use of tools, and assessment
methods are adjusted to the teaching materials and
the purpose of learning the teaching materials.
5. Lecturers and education personnel. Lecturers are
expected to be effectively competent in providing
tutorials and guiding students towards the
achievement of the goals taught in the teaching
materials they have taught. Means the lecturer must
master the learning method both in lectures,
seminars, research, practical work, and laboratory
work, in addition to mastering the teaching materials
taught. Meanwhile, education staff must master their
duties and work, including being able to operate the
system and work equipment used.
6. Learning facilities and infrastructure. Learning
facilities are all supporting tools which are often
called learning facilities needed during the learning
process with the aim that these tools enhance the
smoothness, regularity, and effectiveness towards
the achievement of learning goals. Furthermore,
learning infrastructure is that all investments
invested can be in the form of land, buildings, and
access that is directly or indirectly intentionally
planted to support the smooth learning process
towards the achievement of learning objectives.
7. Management of learning. Learning management is
an overall setting consisting of planning, organizing,
motivating, controlling in managing and utilizing
human resources, facilities and infrastructure of a
learning environment to achieve learning objectives.
8. Financing learning. Learning financing is the
provision of funds to support planned learning
activities. The source of financing can be obtained
from student fees and can also be from other sources
such as: scholarship grants, research, foundation
businesses that supervise higher education
institutions, cooperation, and others that are not
The elements of the study consist of:
1. Research results. The results of the research are
the conclusions obtained after the correct analysis
and in accordance with the right research method.
The conclusion of the research will be more
meaningful if it is refined with implementative
2. Fill in the research. The content of the research is
the written text or information which is the findings
in the field and then processed and produces
conclusions and recommendations or suggestions.
The suggestions usually contain to whom the
suggestion is intended; the contents of the
suggestion can be suggestions for improvement, or
suggestions for development, or suggestions for
replacement, and others.
3. Research process. Starting from the discovery of
phenomena which then carried out observations
about the causal factors and the solutions were made
which were outlined in a systematic research
proposal by following the research with scientific
methods based on the type of research to be chosen.
4. Research assessment. The assessment of the
research was carried out in the process and the
results were integrated between the motives of
educating in order to increase enthusiasm for
conducting research, in an objective way without
being interfered with by personal views, and
accountable which means based on input and
process the results of research can be accounted for
by research, and transparent that can be seen by
other parties.
5. Researcher. Researchers have the competence in
the form of in-depth knowledge in the field of
Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era
science being studied, and master the research
method that will be used well.
6. Research facilities and infrastructure. That is all
the equipment needed and used to facilitate the
implementation of research. 7. Management.
Utilization of all research equipment in a manner
appropriate to its designation to process research
effectively and efficiently.
8. Funding and research funding. Provision of funds
to finance research activities that have been mutually
agreed upon.
Elements of community service consist of:
1. Results of community service. That is the
development of community performance by
applying science and or technology in order to
realize the purpose of community service.
2. The content of community service, which is
material material implemented in community service
activities including its breadth and depth so that it
can meet the needs of the community in their
3. The community service process, namely the
implementation of services and the application of
science and or technology to a particular community
as a form of assistance to improve their skills to be
more powerful than before.
4. Assessment of community service, namely the
assessment of the process and the results achieved
include the motive of educating in order to increase
the enthusiasm of the effort, in an objective,
accountable, and transparent way that can be seen by
other parties. 5. Implementing community service,
namely the ability to carry out based on academic
qualifications and the authority obtained to carry out
community service activities.
6. Facilities and infrastructure for community
service, namely all the supporting tools that are often
called community service facilities needed during
the community service process are carried out with
the intention that these facilities enhance the
smoothness, regularity, and effectiveness towards
the achievement of community service goals.
Furthermore, learning infrastructure is that all
investment invested can be in the form of land,
buildings, and access that is directly or indirectly
intentionally planted to support the smooth process
of achieving the goals of community service.
7. Management of community services, namely the
utilization of all the tools for implementing
community services in a manner that is appropriate
to its designation to process implementation
effectively and efficiently.
8. Funding and financing of community services,
namely the provision of funds to finance community
service activities that have been mutually agreed
3.5 Islam
Prophet Muhammad answered Umar's question,
what is Islam, and he answered that Islam is "that
you acknowledge that there is no God but Allah and
that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and you
establish prayers, and give charity, fasting in the
month of Ramadan, and you do the Hajj at the
House if you are able to do it ". Umar bin Khatab
explained Islam as a religion revealed by Allah
SWT. to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In Islam
there are three things: Akidah, Shari'a and Morals.
Aqidah according to Shaykh Mahmoud Syaltout is a
theoretical aspect that is demanded first and
foremost of all things to be believed with a faith
which should not be interfered with by the opinion
and not influenced by doubt. Sheikh Hasan Al-
Bannah declared aqidah as something that should be
the heart to justify it so that it becomes the calm of
the soul, which makes trust clear of indecision and
doubt. According to Abu Bakar Jabir al-Jazairy:
"Aqeedah is a number of truths that are generally
accepted by humans based on reason, revelation and
nature. Truth is defined by humans in the heart and
is believed to be valid and its existence is certain and
rejected everything that is contrary to the truth that.
The conclusion of the understanding of the aqidah is
to believe in or be as sure as possible and embedded
in the heart about something that can be generally
accepted by reason, revelation, and nature and
without being contaminated with anything.
Shari'a (Islam) is a law and rule (Islam) that governs
the whole life of Muslims. In addition to containing
laws and rules, Shari'a (Islam) also contains
solutions to all life's problems. So by some
adherents of Islam, Shari'a (Islam) is a
comprehensive and perfect guide to all the problems
of human life and world life. Shari'a is all the rules
that have been determined by Allah Almighty, or the
rules that have been legalized by the Messenger of
Allah who deals with the issue of Aqeedah, legal
issues both halal illegitimate, conditions or pillars
etc. which govern human relations with His creator
or fellow Man. In the life of the present era where
many means of life are found and developed by
humans. In order not to conflict with the Shari'a, the
means of life must be assessed about the possibility
of being used or practiced by looking at the
substance it contains, the procurement process, and
the benefits of the services obtained from the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
According to Ibn Maskawaih, morality is "the matter
of linnafsi daa'iyatun lahaa ila af'aaliha min ghoiri
fikrin walaa ruwiyatin" which is a nature embedded
in a person's soul that encourages him to do deeds
without needing thought and consideration.
According to Muhammad bin Ali Asy Syariif Al
Jurjani Akhlak is something that is (good or bad)
firmly embedded in human beings from which are
born actions easily and lightly without thinking and
pondering. That morality is software that has been
embedded in the soul that reflexively influences the
behavior or actions carried out by someone without
first doing the process of thinking and consideration.
So, Islam is a religion that teaches everything well
and perfectly in which among others teaches the
issue of aqidah, sharia, and morals. Islamic
teachings are based on the Qur'an and Hadith which
cover the whole universe (mortal nature) and eternal
nature (ba'da qiamat).
3.6 Digital Era
The digital era is a term used in the emergence of
digital, internet networks, especially computer
information technology. The new era of the Digital
Age is often used to describe digital technology. A
digital era that utilizes an unlimited network of
communication technologies with national borders,
so it is very good to convey the concepts of Islamic
religion. The science and results of Islamic studies
are very good and effective using the internet or
digital both in terms of intensity and from the point
of view. J.A Barnes a Professor who first introduced
the term social networking, namely in 1954.
3.7 Popular Social Networking Sites
There are hundreds of sites that are social
networking sites in the world. Some of the most
popular social networking sites are:
1. Facebook. Founded in 2004 by Mark
Zuckerberg. Facebook continues to grow
and is now number 1 in the world.
2. Twitter, which is currently the largest
microblogging site. Users can send short
messages to each other. However, the
message column provided is only 160
characters including the writing of 20
3. YouTube, a social networking site
specifically for members to share videos. its
members are possible to upload (upload)
videos to share, so that it can be seen by
many members or people.
4. Google Plus + the same social networking
site with Facebook. Members are allowed
to share status, videos, photos and more.
This social networking site is classified as
very many users.
5. Tumblr founded by David Carp is one of
the popular microblogging sites, and is now
owned by Yahoo !. Its members are
allowed to share messages in the form of
writing or other multimedia messages.
In carrying out the analysis, the method that will be
used is descriptive analysis method.
Management of Islamic Higher Education in the
Digital Era. A country's Education Policy should be
directed to produce knowledge competencies, skills
needed to sustain the country's development policies.
Therefore, education policies, especially higher
education and development policies, should be as
close and inherent. Regardless of which policy first
came into existence, whether higher education
policy or national development policy, is not a
fundamental problem. When the national
development policy is decided first, the higher
education policy should be adjusted so that the
curriculum, instructional methods, and competencies
of the teaching staff are set up so that appropriate
synchronization is obtained. This means that higher
education policies and their implementation should
be modified and or developed. Means also the
supporting supporters such as educational facilities
and facilities are also modified and developed.
When the first decision is to change the policy of
higher education, the strategy and operationalization
of development that needs to be adjusted to the
policy of higher education. It is emphasized here,
that what is adjusted is the strategy and
operationalization of development, not the
development policy. The question is: why can higher
education policies change while development
policies don't change? Many reasons for answers can
be put forward. But if abbreviated as the answer:
that is to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of
development. Here the world of higher education
finds a new concept or formula or method that is
effectively more appropriate and may also be easier
to use compared to the concept or formula or method
being used. Or from an efficiency standpoint, that a
new concept or formula or method is more
economical or more productive or better quality
Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era
results achieved when compared to the concept or
formula or method being used. The phenomenon of
higher education policy compared to development
policy indicates that higher education is in the
position of the agent of change.
To become a fast and broad agent of change, it is
suggested that higher education management use
networks. Networks are nodes that form specific
relationships with each other that are used by
organizations or institutions of higher education,
especially Islamic higher education institutions.
Social networks are now widely used by Internet
users with types of services that have different
characteristics from each other. Generally, these
social networks provide services such as e-mail,
chat, discussion rooms, sharing videos and pictures,
blogs, sharing messages, and others.
The elements that can be accessed in the network are
the description of the management process, the
education indicators that are managed. These
indicators concern matters within the scope of
education management, which include:
1. Curriculum management. The curriculum that has
been decided after going through the planning
process (analysis and discussion of its suitability
with the vision, mission, and stated goals) by
involving stakeholders, is socialized through social
networks (internet) so that the audience can read it.
The audience will assess the curriculum content, for
example the subjects included in the curriculum
whether it flows logically from course one to the
next subject, whether the subjects complement each
other, and whether in the end after becoming a
scholar of Islamic religious awareness is getting
stronger. The curriculum is like a product offered to
consumers, so the mix of courses must be beneficial
and quality in sustaining the life of graduates.
Therefore, after the curriculum is planned and
implemented, the next step is to supervise the
implementation and then evaluate it after all is done.
The results of the monitoring report and also the
results of the evaluation carried out will be the
material for reviewing the curriculum, in the hope
that the curriculum produced by the review will be
in line with the educational needs of the time. To
inform stakeholders widely about the curriculum, the
role of digital (internet media) is considered very
2. Management of education (employment). Human
resources, both as lecturers and as education staff,
are expected to function as their respective positions
and positions. In order to obtain human resources in
accordance with the needs of the organization
(institution), it is necessary to open recruitment and
selection. The current recruitment and selection
media are using digital (internet). because the
process is very fast and has a very wide range that
allows organizations to obtain human resources in
accordance with established criteria.
For existing human resources, digital (internet) is
also very useful to add value to them. Lecturers and
education personnel can use digital (internet) to
access the latest information about things that
support the implementation of their duties.
3. Management of students. Management of students
(students) is usually done manually. But with the
internet, students data in data using digital (internet),
such as payment of tuition fees, taking courses, and
other information related to student affairs.
4. Management of educational facilities and
infrastructure. Perhaps the influence of the internet
on facilities and infrastructure is not too large.
However, by displaying facilities and infrastructure
on the internet, stakeholders will assess the
reliability and quality of a higher education
institution. It is realized, that many assess a higher
education institution for the availability of internet
media and the facilities and infrastructure it has.
5. Financial management / education financing. Now
the process of financial transactions is shifting from
taking payment forms to campus then going to the
bank to pay tuition. Now with digital (internet
media), a student can make tuition payments through
an ATM, then send news of his payment using
digital, for example twitter, Facebook, e-mail, and
6. Office management / administration. Whereas the
previous administrative process could only be done
face to face directly in the room of the official or
officer. Now, part of the administrative process can
be done remotely with digital assistance (internet).
besides the cost is cheaper, the speed is very reliable.
7. Management of educational support units. Cross-
unit coordination can be facilitated by using digital.
This means that there is no need to bring the printed
data, just open the link so that the required data can
be obtained.
8. Education-specific service management. Some
services can be overcome using digital (internet),
including special services, such as academic
coaching, discussions about academic progress,
counseling, thesis guidance, and others.
9. Management of environmental management and
school security. In relation to environmental and
security arrangements, digital is still rarely used. But
those who have used it have taken advantage, such
as remote monitoring or monitoring so that early
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
prevention can be done before something harmful
10. Managing relationships with the community.
The use of digital (internet) in relation to community
relations has been widely carried out. Many
universities use it to convey information to
stakeholders, such as seminar information, new
student admissions, lecture schedules, curriculum,
invitations, other activities.
Actually, both public higher education and Islamic
higher education have no difference in utilizing
digital (internet media) to support the management
they carry out. The components of education
management that are shown are also relatively the
same. The difference that might occur lies in the
special material that is displayed because it is a
characteristic of each. And it was also realized that
often Islamic higher education institutions were late
in making policies related to the use of new things
including digital use (internet media). hopefully in
the future, the management of Islamic higher
education not only becomes a follower in digital
utilization, but becomes an agent of change in digital
utilization. The management of Islamic higher
education must be aware that now is the digital era.
Islamic Higher Education must be managed using
modern management which consists of planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling in carrying out
quality education services by utilizing digital
technology in managing it to be in line with ongoing
developments in stakeholders. All education
indicators can be managed using digital, and
assessed that the management process will be more
effective and efficient when using digital. In
addition, it is expected that the management of
Islamic higher education does not always become a
follower, but becomes an agent of change in digital
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Higher Education Management of Islam in the Digital Era