it is done with full awareness. Personality according
to Zakiah Daradjat (1980) is called an abstract, hard
to see in real terms, can only be known through
appearance, action, and speech when faced with a
problem. Personality includes all elements, both
physical and psychic, so it can be seen that every
action and behavior a person is a reflection of one's
Personality competence is related to the
appearance of the teacher as an individual who has
discipline, good appearance, responsibility,
commitment, and role model. Thus it can be
emphasized that the glory of a teacher is manifested
in everyday life. Teachers can actually share with
their students. Master has a high heart rate that
features a plenary personality. The heart power
consists of spiritual, emotional, moral, compassion,
courtesy, tolerance, honesty, and cleanliness of self-
discipline, dignity, responsibility, moral courage,
crafts, commitment, aesthetics, and ethics.
Viewed from the psychological aspect, the
teacher's personality competence shows the personal
ability that reflects the personality that includes:
a) Steady and stable, that is to consistently in
accordance with the norms of law, social norms,
and ethics that apply.
b) Adults, which means having the independence to
act as an educator and have a work ethic as a
c) Arif and wise, that looks useful for learners,
schools, and society by showing openness in
thinking and acting.
d) Authoritative, namely the behavior of a respected
teacher so as to have a positive effect on learners,
acting according to religious norms, honest,
sincere and helpful. The value of personality
competence can be used as a source of strength,
inspiration, motivation, and innovation for
The teacher as an example for his students must
have the attitude and personality intact that can be
made an idol role model in all aspects of his life.
Therefore the teacher should always try to choose and
do positive actions in order to lift the good image of
authority, especially in front of the students.
Personality competence according to Usman,
a) The ability to develop personality.
b) Ability to interact and communicate.
c) Ability to conduct guidance and counseling.
Personality competence is related to the
appearance of the teacher as an individual who has
discipline, good appearance, responsibility,
commitment, and role model. Thus it can be
emphasized that the glory of a teacher is manifested
in everyday life. Teachers can actually share with
their students. Master has a high heart rate that
features a plenary personality. The heart power
consists of spiritual, emotional, moral, compassion,
courtesy, tolerance, honesty, and cleanliness of self-
discipline, dignity, responsibility, moral courage,
crafts, commitment, aesthetics, and ethics.
3. Social competence
In social competence, society is a tool of behavior
which is the basis for self-understanding with an
integral part of the social environment as well as
achieving social interaction in an objective and
efficient manner.This is a teacher's appreciation in the
community, so that they gain self-satisfaction and
produce real and efficient work , especially in
national education. Social competence includes a set
of behaviors that involve:
a) Ability that supports the effectiveness of
interaction with others against themselves,
interpreting other people's motives, achieving a
sense of security with others.
b) Life-changing skills such as managing time,
money, family life, understanding the value of life
and so on.
4. Professional Competence
Djononegoro (1998: 350) says Professional
means doing something as a staple work as a
profession and not as a filler of leisure or as a hobby.
The profession means to declare public and in Latin
the "profession" used to denote public statements
made by a person who intends to occupy a public
office. Teachers who are assured of their quality are
believed to be able to perform their duties and
functions well.
Professionalism in a job is determined by three
important factors, namely:
a) Have a special skill set up by a skill education
program or specialization.
b) Have the ability to improve skills (skills and
special skills).
c) Earn sufficient income in return for the expertise
they possess.
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi