Discussion: Table 2 Discussion of key findings of this
study is to review the return and give more meaning
to certain items on the pattern SWOT analysis
include: Conditions and weaknesses in the
implementation of the PAI Pusdikkes.
4. The strengths and weaknesses internal PAI in
a. Pusdikkes
Pusdikkes is one of the Health Education Center of
the Army geographically located in the middle of the
city, easily reached by academicians, the number of
lecturers / Gumil adequate, the number of students
and alumni is a huge potential and this is an asset
TNI- AD are extremely valuable in improving the
quality of education Pvt.
Pusdikkes since its establishment in 1952 to the
current figure in 2014 still retains its identity as a
center of education Soldiers of the Army with the task
and the role of promoting the dignity of the nation
through health studies program. Department of health
management for 64 years clung to the commitment
and ideals. Likewise PAI in Pusdikkes implemented
with the vision, mission and objectives are integrated
with the vision, mission and purpose of education is
to foster the soldiers of the army that is faithful and
devoted to Allah. And mancetak student formidable
warrior. PAI in Pusdikkes principal task is to instill
the values of faith and piety to Allah, through a field
of study that is occupied by students in preparing
himself as a soldier of the army in various levels and
levels. Judging from the history of his travels.
Pusdikkes have experience in managing education.
Yet overall lecturer / Gumil PAI qualified lecturer /
Gumil in Pusdikes because there is still another 40%
who have not completed education S2.
b. Phenomenon of Life Pusdikkes. Civitas Academica
Pusdikkes Muslim majority and those relative to
practice mainly seen on the implementation of the
prayers and the prosperity of the mosque, muulai of
the commander to subordinates and students. This is
a strength of its own for the successful
implementation of the PAI in Pusdikkes. However,
various potentials Pusdikkes seemingly untapped
optimally religious life has not been evenly
distributed, visible on all members of Pusdikkes they
are called to pray 5 times a day, because if all the
potential that has not been excavated and empowered
the results obtained PAI certain to be more than what
has been acquired over the years. This is due to the
limited ability Pusdikkes and faculty / Gumil PAI in
the academic potential to cultivate and empower
religious .. Pusdikkes facilities Atarbiyah Jami
mosque. Management are in the mental development
officer manajmen Pusdikkes and become an integral
part of the system Pusdikkes. This is a great strength
for the community of Pusdikkes pembagunan
religious life, especially for the development of PAI
study, because they do not all have Pusdik
pengelolannya mosques are in the system the
institution itself. Theoretically the mosque along with
other instruments Pusdikkes sestem manajmennya
factor should be the main supporters of the
implementation of the PAI study, especially in the
implementation of extra-curricular activities.
Pusdikkes Masjid besides functioning as a place of
ritual worship practices in the context of Islamic
religious education, can also serve as a laboratory
coaching their experience in managing the mosque as
debriefing when they plunge their respective working
environment. But it is unfortunate that the mosque
Pusdikkes not function optimally in the development
of religious life for academicians. Jami attarbiyah
appears to be more dominant function as a place of
worship ritual worship has not been functioning as a
social for the development of Islamic Scholars in
accordance with the designation "mosque Attarbiyah"
not yet seen the use of mosques for students as
practice call to prayer and filling Kultum ba'da
dhuhur. Activities of religious organizations in the
environment of students Pusdikkes quite high, and the
direct involvement of students in the activities of the
committee holy days of Islam in Pusdikkes and
activity of social bhakti, it is a force in the formation
of mental (moral) and leadership in Islam, but
unfortunately the lack of guidance program of
religious organizations students of the faculty / Gumil
c. PAI curriculum in Pusdikkes. Pusdikkes is based
on Pancasila Education Center and Soldiers oath,
Sapta clans and berakidah Islam. PAI destination in
line with the vision and mission Pusdikkes, it is a
force which supports that support the development of
PAI in Pusdikkes. Strategic clarity and PAI learning
techniques, and sustainability lectures and lab
material PAI, and keintegrasian material by subject
areas that students learn Islam's field delivery
disciplines, it can really help the successful
achievement of PAI in Pusdikkes. In Islam material
on disciplines for faculty / Gumil which have
different disciplines, would have a lot to learn other
disciplines that exist in the environment Pusdikkes
within the limited ability of the lecturer / lecturer
qualification Gumil / Gumil PAI. The number and
qualifications Gumil / lecturer PAI in Pusdikkes of 7