exercise; pursue hobbies (such as: farming and raising
pets); participate in PHBI (Commemoration of
Islamic Holidays); periodic recreation / spiritual
tourism (such as: travel / pilgrimage guardian);
fasting sunnah (such as: fasting Monday-Thursday
and fasting David); follow religious studies (such as:
Dhuha lectures every Sunday morning, Yasinan /
mujahadah every Friday night), and perseverance in
performing worship, both obligatory and sunnah,
shows better productivity. Not only that, these
positive activities were also able to improve good
relations with God and with others, both at work and
outside of work, such as with family at home. This is
different from employees who, when experiencing
stress, instead carry out immoral activities, such as
alcohol, drugs, cheating, and gambling.
Various studies of experts as well as preliminary
findings of the study indicate that employee
productivity cannot be separated from the issue of
religiosity. Therefore, researchers assume that
religiosity plays an important role in increasing
employee productivity in the steel industry.
2.1 Religiosity
Religiosity is a person's religious beliefs based on
monotheism and how these beliefs have implications
for everyday life. It is not uncommon for religiosity
to be interpreted and known by beliefs that are
practiced by ritual and tend to be good or can also be
called morally. Therefore, Nashori and Mucharam
(2007: 237) reiterated that for a Muslim, religiosity
can be known from how far knowledge, belief,
implementation and appreciation of Islam.
In Islam and for a Muslim, religiosity or
religiosity is not only realized in the form of ritual
worship, but also actualized in various other
activities. As a comprehensive system, Islam
encourages its adherents to be religious as a whole as
the word of Allah SWT (QS. Al Baqarah: 208),
namely: "O you who believe, enter into Islam as a
whole, and do not join in the steps of Shaykh. Surely
Syaithan is a real enemy to you. "
Religiosity is related to cognition, namely
religious knowledge or beliefs that influence what is
done with attachment or emotional feelings about
religion and / or behavior, such as: attendance at a
place of worship, reading scriptures and praying.
Someone who is said to be religious are those who try
to understand life and life more deeply than the
outward boundaries that move in the vertical
dimension of life and transcend this life.
Measurement of religiosity can be focused on
involvement in religion and behavior or on attitudes
and orientation towards religion (Bastaman, 1995:
In this study, what is meant by employee
religiosity in the steel industry is the behavior of
Muslim employees that work is an actualization of
worship carried out regardless of the material by
promoting effectiveness (on target) and efficiency
2.2 Productivity
Productivity implies an understanding of economic,
philosophical, and system concepts. Economic
concepts, productivity with regard to human business
or activities to produce goods or services that are
useful for meeting the needs of human life and society
in general. Philosophical concepts, productivity
contains a view of life and a mental attitude that
always strives to improve the quality of life where the
situation today must be better than yesterday and the
quality of life of tomorrow must be better than today.
This gives encouragement to try to develop
themselves. The system concept, productivity
provides a guideline for thinking that achieving a goal
must have cooperation or integration of the relevant
elements as a system (Anoraga, 2004: 175).
In this study, what is meant by the productivity of
Muslim employees in the steel industry is a mental
attitude to produce quality work.
3.1 Research Methods
The method used in this study is a case study. Study
methods or case studies are methods that intensively
study a symptom that occurs in one or several places
as a whole (Bhattacherjee, 2012: 93).
Judging from the type of research, this research is
qualitative research. Qualitative methods are used to
examine the condition of natural objects (the
opponent is an experiment) where the researcher as a
key instrument, data source sampling is done
purposively and snowball, data collection techniques
with triangulation (combined), data analysis is
inductive / qualitative and the research results are
more stressful meaning rather than generalization
(Sugiyono, 2011: 15).
The qualitative method in this study emphasizes
the researcher to pay attention to the process, the
researcher as the main instrument of data collection
and analysis so that researchers are directly involved
in the field work. The research findings were
reviewed descriptively and it was hoped that data and