work motivation (X1) and teaching methods (X2).
The level of dependence of teacher performance
variables on the variables of work motivation and
teaching method is shown by the coefficient of
determination (R) = 0.937, which means 93.7% of
teacher performance is determined jointly by the
value of the teacher's work motivation variables and
teaching methods.
Good teaching methods also result in an increase
in teacher performance. So that it can be said that the
fact that the work motivation of the teacher and the
teaching method are very important factors in the
effort to improve the performance of the teacher of
Raudhatul Athfal AL AZIZ.
Limitations in the implementation of research are
faced with the problem of the scope of the study, the
research sample, and the conceptualization of its
development. Limitations relating to the problem of
the scope of the study of the three variables studied,
namely Teacher Work Motivation, Teaching Method,
and Teacher Performance, have many factors that
influence it other than those discussed in this study,
both internal factors such as work interest and
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded
that there are several main points as follows:
1. There is a relationship between teacher work
motivation and teacher performance. The
correlation between teacher's work motivation
and teacher's performance results in correlation
coefficient number (ryx1) of 0.927. This figure
shows the very strong correlation between
teacher work motivation with teacher
performance, with the significance value of
correlation coefficient t count 16,613> t table
1,679, and p-value = 0,000 <0,05, so the
hypothesis of the relationship between work
motivation and teacher performance proved to be
2. There is a relationship between teaching methods
and teacher performance. The correlation
between teaching method competency and
performance results in correlation coefficient
(ryx2) of 0.884. This figure shows the very
strong correlation between teaching method
competence and teacher performance, with the
significance value of the correlation coefficient t
arithmetic 12,666> table 1,679, and p-value =
0,000 <0,05, so the hypothesis of the relationship
between teaching methods and teacher
performance proved significant.
3. There is a relationship between teacher work
motivation and teaching methods together with
teacher performance. The correlation between
teacher work motivation and teaching method
and teacher performance results in multiple
correlation coefficient (Ry1.2) = 0.968. This
figure shows very strong, the correlation between
work motivation and teaching methods with
teacher performance, with the significance value
of the correlation coefficient f count 328,385> f
table 3,209, so that the hypothesis of the
relationship between teacher work motivation
and teaching methods with teacher performance
proved significant.
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