coefficient of the independent variable is significant,
so it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between teacher performance and
teacher welfare and teacher achievement motivation.
Based on the calculations in the table above,
shows that the two independent variables namely
teacher welfare (X
) and teacher achievement
motivation (X
) together contribute to the teacher's
performance. This shows a significant relationship
between teacher welfare (X
) and teacher
achievement motivation (X
) with teacher
performance (Y). The strength of the relationship
between the two independent variables with one
dependent variable is expressed through the multiple
regression equation Ŷ = 38.033 + 0.641 X
+ 0.435
The coefficient of determination between
teacher welfare (X
) and teacher achievement
motivation (X
) together with teacher performance
(Y) is equal to (0.761) 2 = 0.579, so that the amount
of teacher welfare variables (X
) and teacher
achievement motivation (X
) on teacher
performance (Y) of 57.9%, meaning that the
variance that occurs in teacher performance can be
explained by (X
) and (X
) through the regression
equation Ŷ = 38.033 + 0.641 X
+ 0.435 X
Thus the research hypothesis states that
"There is a significant relationship between
teacher welfare and teacher achievement
motivation with teacher performance" received.
Based on the results of data analysis carried out and
the results of statistical calculations either manually
or using a computer program a conclusion can be
1. Teacher welfare has a significant relationship
with teacher performance with a contribution of
39.8% of changes in teacher performance. Thus,
the principal as a leader has considerable
responsibility to manage the school and the
processes that occur in the school, so that it is
expected to provide welfare for the teacher.
2. There is a significant relationship between
teacher achievement motivation and teacher
performance with a contribution of 38.5%
change in teacher performance. Thus, teacher
performance can be improved by providing
teacher achievement motivation on a regular
basis. Because one of the factors that potentially
affect teacher performance is teacher
achievement motivation.
3. There is a significant relationship between
teacher welfare and teacher achievement
motivation together in providing teacher
performance which expressed the magnitude of
the contribution of teacher welfare variables and
teacher achievement motivation to teacher
performance by 57.9% and the remaining 42.1%
influenced by factors other.
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