relates to or may not be successful learners in
achieving a competency.
In the classification according to Bloom's
taxonomy of cognitive domains are as follows:
1. Knowledge (knowledge, memory), that is
studying and considering the facts, words,
terms, events, concepts, principles, rules,
categories, methodology, theory, and so on.
2. Comprehension (understanding,
explaining), ie interpreting something,
translate it in another form, express it in
their own words, conclusions based on
what is known, suspected due to something
based on knowledge.
3. Application (apply), which uses what is
learned in a new situation, transfer.
4. Analysis (decipher), describes something
the whole into parts to see the nature of the
5. Synthesis (organizing, planning), which
combine parts and creative form something
6. Evaluation (judge), which uses criteria to
judge anything.
Based on the description, it can be
concluded learning achievement is outcomes of a
learner in the form of changes / additions and the
improved quality of the behavior of cognitive,
affective and psychomotor achieved through the
activities of learners in the learning process.
3.1.2 Factors Affecting the Achievement of
There are several factors that affect the achievement
of learners, they are internal factors and external
factors and the factors of learning approaches.
Internal factors, such as factors that come from
inside a person that can affect academic
achievement. Among the internal factors that can
affect a person's learning achievements are, among
others: 1) intelligence, 2) talent; 3) interest; 4)
motivation. As for external factors, such as factors
that can affect one's learning achievement that are
coming from the outside oneself. Which included
these factors are, among others: 1) the family
environment; 2) the school environment; and 3)
3.2 Contextual Teaching and Learning
Contextual Teaching and Learning is a concept of
learning that helps teachers link between the
learning materials with real-world situations,teacher
encourages students to make connections between
the knowledge possessed by students in their lives
day-to-day, involving seven major components
effective learning, namely constructivism, ask
(Questioning), find (Inquiry), learning community,
modeling, and actual (authentic} assessmentTrianto
CTL system is an educational process that aims
to help students look for meaning in academic
material, they learned how to connect the academic
subjects in the context of their daily lives. To
achieve this goal, the system includes the following
eight components: create linkages-linkages are
meaningful, do meaningful work, do a self-regulated
learning, cooperation, critical and creative thinking,
helps individuals to grow and thrive, achieve high
standards and using authentic assessment.
In this context, learners need to understand what
it means to learn, what are the benefits, what their
status, and how to achieve it. They are aware that
they are learning useful for later life. Thus theymake
themselves as requiring a provision for later life.
They learn what is beneficial to him and try to reach
it. In that effort, they need teachers as counselors.
In contextual, the task of the teacher is to guide
learners to achieve its objectives. Futher more
teachers to deal with strategy rather than giving
information. The task of teachers manage the class
as a team work to find something new to the class.
Something new kind of knowledge and skills come
from "finding themselves" instead of "what the
teacher said." That's the role of teachers in the
classroom which is managed by a contextual
approach. Contextual only as a learning strategy. As
with any other learning strategy, contextual learning
was developed in order to be more productive and
meaningful. Contextual approach can be
implemented without having to change the
curriculum and the existing contents.
There are a few things to consider for any
teacher when using CTL
approachDepartemenPendidikanNasional (2003):
a. Students in learning is seen as a growing
individual. The learning ability of a person
to be affected by the development and
breadth of experience they have. Kids are
not adults in miniature, but organisms that