3.3 E-Learning
Emerging digital technology is enabling Islamic
higher education in Indonesia to develop learning
model, from face to face learning process that needs
classroom, schedule, and availability of teachers or
lecturers, to the unlimited learning activities, learning
activities can be done by students in anytime and
anywhere. The students can enhance their capacity in
academic and skill by their initiatives, creativity and
innovation. Some e-learnings that can be
implemented are as follows (Delich, et.al., 20018);
1. Online meeting; this is unmeasurable
classroom, because the students are being
anywhere, maybe in their office, home, or in
the park, as long as they are connected to the
programs, they will be participating in the
learning process. Nowadays, such online
classes can be facilitated by the use of web
conference, virtual classroom tools, such as
WebEx, Skype, and also Microsoft live
2. Communities of practice; much of social
computing revolves around the formation of
communities of practice, which are groups
with a common interest. With technologies
that ease the sharing of experiences,
information, and resources, whether across the
hall or around the world. They can contribute
greatly to the dissemination of knowledge and
skills within an organization, as when, for
example, the group serves as mentor to a new
3. Personal broadcasting tools include: blogs (web
logs), moblogs (mobile blogs), vlogs (video
blogs), podcasts, vodcasts (video podcasts).
Instructors can use these technologies to bring
diverse elements into a course to assist in meeting
a variety of learning styles. These technologies
can also be used for updating students on current
activities and projects.
Islamic higher education, universities, institutes
or colleges are expected to develop the capacity in
academic services toward students by facilitating
them digital repositories, to store some modules,
papers, or other publication related to the learning
program. Then, digitalizing academic services is also
can be extended to the learning process by developing
virtual classes, web conference, Skype, and other
system that is relevance for flexibility in learning
process, maximum in learning result.
Modernizing academic services among Islamic
higher education institutions in Indonesia is
veryurgent, whether in the context of promoting the
competitiveness of alumni, or to develop academic
services for students to increase the competence of
them, both in academic field as scientist and in the
skill of work to enter labor market. Digitalizing
academic services at least covering two field of work,
facilitating digital data of learning material, modules,
papers or even e-book. And then, virtual classroom,
online meeting conducted by teachers or lecturers,
sharing learning material each other, and sharing
information to promote knowledge capacity, skill of
work, and also to share working information.
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