report in media is more balanced. This is because
oftentimes, there is news that points the Muslim
community as bad, such as the airing of the movie
that paints Indonesian Muslim community as
intolerant to other religious group and got a bad
review and critics from Muslim clerics.
The Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology stated that the report to block the
website came from BNPT and they only relay the
report to the telecommunication providers to
implement the blockade. The Ministry employs a
system called Trust Positif that campaigns a healthy
and safe internet surfing and lists website containing
negative contents.
The contents that are deemed as negative by the
Ministry are pornographic content, racism, hate
speech, violence, fraud, gambling, sites with
malicious content, and copyright violation. Based on
the theory stating that the government always tried
to protect its citizen from ‘harmful knowledge’ in
the media, the case of blocking can
be seen as protecting the citizen from radicalism
content. In Canada, Australia, and Japan, the public
news agency is controlled bystrict regulation and
their work is supervised. This concept goes along
with the concept of tarikh. In making a regulation or
Tanzhim, it is encouraged to refer to the phenomena,
event, aspiration, theme, or issue that becomes a
background for the regulation to be necessary. Also,
in trying to understand the content of Al-Quran, we
need to refer to Asbab al-Nuzul while to understand
the Hadith, we need to refer to Asbab al-Wurud. The
misunderstanding of the concept of Jihad came from
the interpretation of Quran verses and Hadith in a
rigid and literal way so that it deviates from the
intended message taught by Islam.
3. The Blocking is a Violation of
Human Rights and the Freedom of Speech. blocking garnered protests and
critics from many sides, including the Indonesian
Ulama Council or Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI)
that regretted the action taken by the Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology. This
matter invites heavy reaction from the Muslim
community because it is a sensitive issue. According
to the Chairman of MUI, Zainut Tauhid, “This
action could invite pros and cons opinion even
though the reason behind it is to weed out radicalism
and terrorism.” This is because the Ministry hasn’t
released the explanation on what kind of criteria that
they consider as radicalism.
The action from BNPT and the Ministry in blocking
Islamic websites invites many critics. One of them is
from expert and lecturer of telecommunication,
Onno W. Purbo. As an activist of open source, he
valued the access for information as a part of human
rights that is protected by the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR). This is a violation of
human rights by the Ministry because they blocked
some Islamic websites haphazardly without any
explanation. Purbo questioned the definition of right
from wrong, halal from haram, pornographic
content, and terrorism that was referred by the
In the era or globalization and information
technology, Islamic da’wah channel faced a distinct
challenge to run their mission using online media.
On one hand, people sometimes misinterpret the
website doing da’wah as malicious. On the other
hand, the activity of da’wah needs certain creativity
to adapt to this era. Science and technology can help
the activity of da’wah to be more creative and
interesting. However, the da’wah needs to come
from a strong religious and empirical faith.
A similar opinion was also voiced by Harits Abu
Ulya, that the blocking of Islamic online media
which is violates human rights. Voa- is a media of da’wah to disseminate
information about Islam. blocking is
counterproductive to the rights of the citizen to
express their opinion or ideas. The government
should give an open space for the citizen to enable
civil control towards the media. The government
was also seen as anti critics by limiting its citizen to
their freedom of expression. This blockade reeks of
political interest proven by the premature argument
and showed the regime’s intellectual weakness to
face alternative media that criticized their policy and
can balance the report given by the mainstream
Deregulation and Liberalization Theory gave
space to public media, giving an impact on the
‘loosening’ the regulation and ‘opening’ the media
market. Thus, the regulation made shouldn’t restrain
the society as long as they follow the existing rule.
Regulation can be reevaluated as long as it is for the
greater goodness of the nation.Freedom (Hurriyah)
is a core part of human rights. The freedom here is
not an absolute one, but a freedom with
responsibility to Allah SWT toward the benefit of all
people in the world. This is where regulation is
needed to control the life.
The blocking case can be
considered as a violation of freedom of speech
guaranteed by the constitution and human rights on
one side. But on the other side, the government has
an authority to control and implement the regulation.
Then, the communication between the admin of