Qur`anic Prescription to Sustain Social Cohesion: A Thematic
Salman Al Farisi
, Dewi Aprilia Ningrum
, Irpan Sanusi
and Yusuf Rahman
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Cohesion, Aduww, Al-Qur`an, Sustainability, Peace Building.
Abstract: This paper describes the verses of al-Qur`an to be a solution to maintaining multicultural Indonesian social
cohesion. Multiculturalism has become a force as well as a serious threat to the Indonesian people to create
various violences, hostilities and social conflicts. By using descriptive analytical methods and structural
approaches, this study answers how the conflicts occurred and turned out to be a violence and hostility through
the Qur`anic framing in the word “aduww” This study finds that the use of the word “aduww” symbolizes an
attitude of competiting and beyond by using the unkind and wrong way. It caused by prejudice, greedness and
selfishness. Another, the study finds that it is the provision since the beginning, so that al-Qur`an provides
prescriptions to minimize and control the existing hostility.
Sustainable development according to the Brundtland
Commission is a development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future
generation to meet their own needs (Iris Borowy,
2014: p. ix, Bruntland Commission, 1987: Report of
the World Commision on Environment and
Development: Our Common Future). The Sustainable
development goals are the blueprint to achieve a
better and more sustaibable future for all (United
Nations, 2018: About Sustainability Development
Goals). This sustainability concentrates on several
global challenges: population and human resources,
food security, species and ecosystems, energy,
industry, and the urban challenge (Bruntland
Commision, 1987). Overall, the challenges is divided
into two characteristics: human aspirations and
mastery of nature (Michael Redclift, 2000: p. 1). The
United Nations stipulates about the 17 sustainable
development goals that are used as targets in 2030,
which is iv ncluding those related to poverty,
inequality, environmental degradation, prosperity,
peace and justice.
In Indonesia’s development, there are
several challenges faced by Indonesia: 1). Poverty,
one of the factors is the number of unemployed. The
unemployment rate in Indonesia until February 2018,
totaled 6.87 million people or reached 5.13 percent
(Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018: Tingkat Pengangguran
Terbuka (TPT) Sebesar 5,13 persen, Rata-rata Upah
Buruh per Bulan Sebesar 2,65 Juta Rupiah). One of
the other factors is the number of corruption cases.
Based on the recapitulation of corruption cases until
30 June 2018, the KPK handled 84 investigations
(penyelidikan), 93 investigations (penyidikan), 63
prosecutions, 55 inkracht, and 54 executions, and etc
(Anti-Corruption Clearing House, KPK, 2018:
Tindak Pidana Korupsi). 2). Nature problems, there
are garbage problem, in 2015 it’s estimated that every
resident in Indonesia can produce 0,52 kg/person/day
of solid waste (Winda Sartika Purba et al, 2017: p.
172), and then natural disaster problems, there are
1.134 cases in 2018 (Badan Nasional
Penanggulangan Bencana, 2018: Data Informasi
Bencana Indonesia) and deforestation cases. 3).
Culture Problems. One of the strengths that
Indonesia has is multicultural. In 2015, Indonesia had
615 local languages, 7,894 traditions (ceremony,
dance, expression, clothes, etc.), and 5,754 arts
(music, theater, performing art, etc.). But at the same
year there were also several cultures that were
threatened with extinction, such as in the arts, there
were 167 endangered arts (Pusat Data dan Statistika
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016: p. 30-45). 4.
Education problems. Najwa Shihab, Indonesian
Reading Ambassador 2016-2020, said that
indonesia’s people reading interest ranked 60
out of
61 countries in 2017 (Alexander Haryanto, 2017:
Farisi, S., Ningrum, D., Sanusi, I. and Rahman, Y.
Qur‘anic Prescription to Sustain Social Cohesion: A Thematic Discussion.
DOI: 10.5220/0009945925332539
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2533-2539
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Najwa Paparkan Data Soal Pendahnya Minat Baca
Indonesia). 5. Peaceful and Social Cohesion. There
are many conflicts that have happened in Indonesian
history, both related to ethnicity, race, and religion.
In the course of Indonesia's development,
one of the serious challenges being faced is social
resilience. Many cases of conflict and hostility occur
due to differences in ethnicity, religion and race
(SARA). The Poso conflict, for example, has became
a conflict between Muslims and Christians. This
inter-religious conflict is suspected to be a long-time
conflict and many casualties. Ethnic conflict between
Dayak and Madura or known as the Sampit tragedy
in 2001. This conflict became one of the dark records
of Indonesian history.
But the threat to the unity of the
Indonesian nation is not only in the SARA casees, but
also the radicalism, terrorism and fanaticism.
Examples of fanaticism that threatens national unity
and social cohesion Indonesia is from football fanatic
Among them is the case between Persija
Jakarta football fans and Persib Bandung
(09/23/2018) which made one of Persija Jakarta
supporters, beating Haringga Sirla to death. This is
not the first case of death of supporters (Huyogo
Simbolon, 2018: Kasus Pembunuhan Haringga Sirla,
Korban Kebencian yang Mengakar).
Nowadays there have been many forms of
hostility displayed in the social media in the form of
hoaxes and hate speeches. Including Haringga's
attack was triggered by commenting on each other
with comments containing elements of hatred and
“barbaric” on social media.
Kominfo said that in 2017 there were around
800,000 hoax spreader sites in Indonesia (Ayu
Yuliani, 2017: Ada 800.000 Situs Penyebar Hoax di
Indonesia). The latest case is the hoax produced by
Ratna Sarumpaet. She claimed to be a victim of
beatings by unknown people (04/10/2018). The cases
of hoax and hate speech that occur are often related to
the polarization of the two camps ahead of the 2019
presidential election (Stefanie, Chistie,
2017:’Cebong dan Kampret’, Sinisme Dua Kubu
Nihil Gagasan).
Conflicts regarding the diversity of both
ideology, religion, ethnicity and so on are serious
challenges that threaten the unity of the multicultural
Indonesian nation. Concrete steps and solutions are
needed in preventing such social conflicts. As a traffic
of human life, religion also provides solutions to
existing conflicts and hostilities (Bryan S. Turner,
1991, M. Quraish Shihab, 2014: p. 327). To find a
solution, it is necessary to know in advance what is
hostility and where it arises, only then can a solution
in the face of hostility be obtained. Therefore, the
word "hostility" or "enemy" becomes an important
keyword, which in Arabic is translated with the word
"aduww" that mentioned 106 times in the Qur'an.
(Muhammad Fu`âd Abd al-Bâqî, 2007: p. 551-553).
There are many way in social peacebuilding:
communities’s contribution such as Winnipeg’s
Community-Based Organizations (CBO; faith and
ethno-cultural NGOs), who try to deal with
inequality, injustice and discrimination in society,
that researched by Kawser Ahmed. In the Qur`an,
there are many concepts that offered to social peace
building: Concept of Rahmatan li al-Alamin, concept
of jihad, concept of ukhuwah al-islamiyyah, etc.
3.1 Research Method
Methods used in this study were qualitative research,
thematic method of the term al-Qur’an and Ferdinand
de Saussure’s linguistic structuralism approach used
is associative and syntagmatic analysis and will be
presented in a descriptive-analysis.
3.2 Population and Sample
The populations in this study were term “aduww” that
is mentioned 106 times in the Qur`an. The sample set
is taken 11 verses.
3.3 Data Collection Technique
Data collection technique used in this study using
Abȗ Hayy al-Farmawî’s thematic interpretation of the
Qur`an that focused to minimizing and soluting the
appearance of hostility.
According to Ibn Faris, the word ‘aduww which
consists of the letter structure ‘ain, dal, and mu'tal
shows the meaning of transcending something and
preceding it to seek satisfaction (Ahmad Ibn Fâris,
n.d.: 249), al-Khalil interpreted the 'aduww’s
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
fragments with various meanings depending on the
derivation: come, running, attack, hold, hostile to
others in a zalim and persecution. While according to
Ibn Manzȗr it’s “coming” but some say that it means
attending or come to him until he catches up, catches,
surpasses him (Ibn Manzȗr, 1119: p. 2845). In the
Mufradât Alfâz al-Qur`an, it is stated that the word
al-'adw means al-tajāwuz (transcending, passing,
conquering) and munāfāt al-ilti`am (opposing
goodness) sometimes he describes the state of
conscience, sometimes it is a picture of walking, like
running fast. Sometimes it also relates to the
destruction of justice in human relations, also
sometimes it shows about the place or location, as the
phrase makān dzȗ ‘udawā' which means a place that
can’t provide peace for anyone who dwells in there
(Al-Râghib Al-Asfahânî, 2009: 553).
From some opinions that the authors
describes, it can be seen that the ‘aduww is a
musytarak, word has various different meanings (M.
Quraish Shihab, 2013: p. 108), that gathers meaning:
come, run, transcend, attack, hostile, conquer, punish,
violate. So, the word ‘aduww symbolizes an attitude
of competing with and surpassing the other party by
using the wrong method.
Then, authors classifies the verses of the
‘aduww which related to the context of the
discussion based on their dimension of meanings:
Table 1: Classifies the verses of the ‘aduww
ns of
Verses Syntagmatic
1 Provision
2: 36
7: 24
20: 123
zalla huma a
syaitân ‘anhâ,
Ba’dukum li ba’d
2 Minimizi
ng the
e of
3: 103 Udzkurû
allafa baina
6: 108
â tasubbû,
yad’ûna min
dûnillah, bi ghair
60: 7-8
awaddah, lam
yuqâtilûkum fi al-
dîn wa lam
yukhrijûkum min
diyârikum, an
tabarrûhum wa
û ilaihim
3 Solutions
64: 14
hdarûhum, ta’fû,
tasfahû, taghfirû
5: 2
â yajrimannak-
um syana`ân al-
41: 34
dfa’ bi a
hiya ahsan,
waliyyun hamîm
4 Limits of
2: 190 Qâtilû fî
sabîlillah al-ladzî
yuqâtilûnakum, la
2: 194 Qâtilûhum, lâ
takûna fitnah,
4.1 Provisions of Hostility
“But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed
them from that [condition] in which they had been.
And We said, "Go down, [all of you], as enemies to
one another, and you will have upon the earth a place
of settlement and provision for a time” (Al-Baqarah:
Syntactically, the word aduww in this
group of verses is associated with the word
ba’dukum li ba’d (to one another). the word kum
(you all) shows plural meanings, even though as the
previous context is talking about two people (adam
and hawa), so the word kum refers to the
descendants of adam and hawa (M. Tâhir ibn Asyûr,
v.1, 1998: p. 255), as the verse above.
This verse group talks about the
determination of the hostility that occurred between
Adam's grandchildren. The context of this verse
initially speaks of the descent of Prophet Adam and
Hawwa from heaven due to violations on the orders
of Allah, worsening his rules, greed which
encourages self-benefit in the form of eternity in
heaven. Violating attitudes, misunderstanding on
the other side, greed and selfishness whispered by
the devil flowed into their children and
grandchildren, thus becoming a source that gave
birth to all kinds of disputes and hostilities
(Muhammad al-Tahîr ibn Asyȗr, 2008: p. 433-434).
The verses also indirectly suggest that hostility is a
deadlock provision.
4.2 Minimizing the Appearance of Hostility
Because hostility has become a decree, the Qur'an
provides steps to minimize hostility by:
Firstly, remind each other of the beauty of
unity, as in Āli ‘Imrān: 103:
Qur‘anic Prescription to Sustain Social Cohesion: A Thematic Discussion
“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and
do not become divided. And remember the favor of
Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He
brought your hearts together and you became, by His
favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of
the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah
make clear to you His verses that you may be
This verse tells us to link one another with all
their might. So if someone forgets to remind him, or
if someone slips to help him rise again, don't let a split
occur (M. Quraish Shihab, v. 2, 2002: p. 208).
Reminding each other is based on recalling the unity
and unity that had been established previously.
The word ikhwânan is the plural form of the
word akh which has the same original meaning.
Therefore, in QS. Al-Isra: 27, people who are
extravagant are named with the ikhwân al-syayâtîn in
the sense that they have the same nature as the
characteristics of Satan.
In the context of this verse, those who are
united by God feel themselves the same as others.
Their pain and joy feel and enjoy together. The word
ikhwān is usually used by the Qur'an for appoint
brothers who are not siblings, different from ikhwah
who are also plural of words, which are used by the
Qur'an for the meaning of siblings, other than in QS.
Al-Hujurat: 10 (M. Quraish Shihab, v. 2, 2002: p.
Secondly, do not berate when seeing evil, as
in QS. Al-An'am: 108:
“And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah,
lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.
Thus We have made pleasing to every community
their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He
will inform them about what they used to do.”
“And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah,
lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.
Thus We have made pleasing to every community
their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He
will inform them about what they used to do.”
This verse provides guidance on the
prohibition of cursing and insulting when seeing evil,
which in this context is idolatry (shirk). The word
tasabbu contained in this verse is derived from the
word sabba, which is a speech that implies an insult
to something or a ratio of a deficiency (disgrace) to it,
whether it is true or not. The invective does not
produce anything related to the benefit of religion, but
it can lead to antipathy towards the cursing so that it
can make the distance from one another increasingly
distant (M. Quraish Shihab, v. 3, 2002: p. 606).
Thirdly, love each other despite differences,
as in QS. Mumtahanah: 7-8:
“Perhaps Allah will put, between you and those to
whom you have been enemies among them, affection.
And Allah is competent, and Allah is Forgiving and
Merciful. Allah does not forbid you from those who
do not fight you because of religion and do not expel
you from your homes - from being righteous toward
them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah
loves those who act justly.”
This verse is a guideline for interacting
between religious communities. Each other is
welcome to get along intimately, help each other, be
fair with others (Hamka, v. 28, 1985: p. 105-107).
The word mawaddah which is the key word
in this verse, according to M. Quraish Shihab is the
emptiness of the soul of bad will (M. Quraish Shihab,
2010: p. 88). This word has similarities with the
meaning of rahmah, which leads to the meaning of
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
affection and love. It's just that the word rahmah is
only directed at the blessed because it is in weakness,
meanwhile the mawaddah which can also be directed
to those who are strong and capable (M. Quraish
Shihab, 2011: p. 5-6). Mawaddah is a level up of
love. Someone who has this mawaddah nature, he
will not fade just because his heart is upset, he will
not just break the relationship. (M. Quraish Shihab,
1996: p. 276).
4.3 Solution to Overcome Hostility
If there is hostility, the Qur'an gives several
directions, including:
The first, open the apology door, as in QS.
Al-Taghābnn: 14:
“O you who have believed, indeed, among your wives
and your children are enemies to you, so beware of
them. But if you pardon and overlook and forgive -
then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
This verse provides lessons and advice to the
Muslims who are afflicted by unrest due to their
families who often infuriate them for their attempts to
harm them, so that the Qur'an describes it with the
word "enemy" (aduww) as the meaning of the majaz.
If this is the case, the Qurʻan tells you to forgive their
mistakes that can be tolerated and turn to not scold or
criticize them for their mistakes, also close their
mistakes (M. Quraish Shihab, v. 14, 2002: p. 118).
The second, the prohibition of revenge
because of hatred, as in QS. Al-Mā'idah: 2.
“O you who have believed, do not violate the rites of
Allah or [the sanctity of] the sacred month or [neglect
the marking of] the sacrificial animals and
garlanding [them] or [violate the safety of] those
coming to the Sacred House seeking bounty from
their Lord and [His] approval. But when you come
out of ihram, then [you may] hunt. And do not let the
hatred of a people for having obstructed you from al-
Masjid al-Haram lead you to transgress. And
cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not
cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah ;
indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.”
The word Syana'n is hatred that has reached
its peak. In the context of this verse, the Qurʻan
emphasizes justice that when meeting even the most
hated enemy, do not commit persecution, especially
with enemies who are hated but the hatred has not
reached its peak (M. Quraish Shihab, v. 3, 2002: p.
17). Sayyîd Qutb explained this verse is the peak in
terms of self-control and tolerance of the heart, but
not to complicate his soul and abilities. Islam
recognizes the right of the human soul to be angry and
hate. But he has no right to hostility in the turmoil of
anger and hatred (Sayyîd Qutb, v. 3, 2002: p. 507).
The third, repay evil with kindness, as in
Fusilat: 34.
“And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel
[evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon
the one whom between you and him is enmity [will
become] as though he was a devoted friend.”
Qur‘anic Prescription to Sustain Social Cohesion: A Thematic Discussion
When violence is repaid with good speech,
calm intonation and a warm smile, then resentment,
anger, stubbornness will disappear (Sayyîd Qutb, v.
3, 2002: p. 507). Unlike when violence is repaid by
violence, there are only more irritations, anger,
stubbornness and rebellion. This is where patience is
needed to defeat the urge of hatred.
4.4 Limits of Firmness in Hostility
In the theory of legal war, which in Latin is called Jus
bellum iustum, there are two parts to the morality of
the use of force: 1). When can a party be justified in
using its armed forces, it called jus ad bellum. 2).
What ways should be done in using the armed forces,
which is called jus in bello. The next verses (verses
2:190 and 194) has the same technique as jus ad
bellum, which speaks of the reason or ability for
Muslims to carry out war, with some keywords: “fight
only those who fight you” and “do not transgress”.
(Azis Anwar Fachrodin, 2015: p. 4).
The above groups of verses are a form of
norms to minimize and control conflict and
hostility. But often in some cases violence and
hostility cannot only be controlled through gentle
actions, therefore in QS. Al-Baqarah: 190 and 194
speak of the norm at the defensive stage. This stage is
given after the destructive stages fail as described
previously. Firm action, in the context of this verse:
war, is permissible but only within certain limits, that
is, until peace is achieved, so the basic requirements
in this step are as a peace effort, again not because of
anger and resentment.
Hostility and conflict are a provision since the
beginning, it caused by sȗ’ al-zan (prejudice), mis-
communication, greedness and selfishness. So that,
Qur`an give many way to build social peace. There
are two ways can handle conflict: a). Destructive
ways like remind each other about the beauty of unity,
prohibition to act that implies an insult when it views
badness and contradicted, love, help and be fair each
other in differences and diversity, forgive the mistake
and self-control with prohibition of revenge because
of hatred, and repay hostility with kindness, b). Firm
action, if the destructive ways is failure. The way
needed is the defensive in form of dicisive action until
peace is achieved.
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Qur‘anic Prescription to Sustain Social Cohesion: A Thematic Discussion