Calorie Counter Information System Development
for Weight Loss Program based on Android
Nenny Anggraeni
, Nashrul Hakiem
, Gerry Widya Ganesha
Department of Informatics, FST, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 15412, Indonesia
Keywords: D
iet, calorie, RAD, Java, SQLite, Mobile, Android
Abstract: Diet is a control of eating habit for someone to achieve the objectives of the diet itself, either to lose weight
or to gain weight. The number of calories from the food we eat every day, determine whether a diet that we
do may lose body weight or increase body weight. But not everyone can control their daily calorie
consumption, because of that, many people have problems of overweight or obesity. Therefore, a mobile
application that can calculate a person's daily caloric intake, can help someone to achieve their diet goal.
The research purpose is to make a mobile calorie counter application based on Android operating system.
The application is developed using a Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, the Java
programming language has been used to develop the system, while SQLite has been used for database
development. This application can run offline without an Internet connection. This application has five main
features, namely the body mass index calculator, total daily energy expenditure counter, the body fat
calculator, daily calorie intake counter and foods calorie list. Therefore, user can get a variety of information
about diets and calories, so it can help them to achieve their weight loss goal.
In the modern society, many people who work in an
office environment prone to suffer an obesity (Kania,
2014), due their working habit of sitting in front of
computer all day.
According to Dr. Ita Muharram Sari SPS as a
consultant of the, office work
patterns that require workers to sit for hours,
becoming one of the factors of their lack of physical
activities. The difficulty of controlling their diet and
lack exercise has an impact on the many people.
Because of bad diet and lack of exercise, many
people suffer from overweight and obesity.
Lack of knowledge about a healthy diet is also
the cause of overweight. Whereas all the necessary
resources can now be accessed easily. Developments
in information technology should help solve this
problem. With the rise of communication devices
usage, every people now can access all kind of
Now lot of people already owned a mobile device.
According to eMarketer in 2014, mobile phone users
in Indonesia reached 38.3 million users. Cell phone
or mobile phone is now progressing very rapidly (H,
2012). Initially, a mobile phone may only be used to
make a voice calls or send and receive short
messages. But everything is change after discovery of
smartphones. Therefore, development of an
application to help people learn a healthy diet,
exercise and a way to help them losing weight can be
There are many similar works which research on
mobile health information systems for example (Rao
& Krishna, 2015), they proposed a design of mobile
health for android applications. In (Hariadi,
Khotimah, & Wiyono, 2015) and (Doukas, Pliakas,
& Maglogiannis, 2010) also proposed a nutrition
information systems mobile based.
2.1 Body Mass Index (BMI)
The number of calories from the food we eat every
day are determine whether a diet that we do can lose
weight or increase weight. Basically, to achieve a
weight loss then one must adjust the diet and daily