management is expected to support maximum
existing information systems.
Strategies for implementing an effective and
efficient information system that points to an
analysis performed are shown in the following table.
Tabel 3: Information Technology strategy
Procurement of hardware or other devices that
support the STMIK Cipta Darma Surakarta
business process.
Perform routine checks on existing equipment or
information systems.
Make improvements if faults in the device or
information system occur.
4 The presence of maintenance documents.
Discontinuation of the use of Internet or hosting
in the area STMIK Cipta Darma Surakarta.
3.8 Management Strategy IS/IT
Management Strategy IS / IT is a strategy to
support IS / IT applied in the environment STMIK
Cipta Darma Surakarta. This strategy is applied
when information systems / information technology
already exists or is in use.
Strategies that can be implemented to realize the
management of IS / IT are effective and efficient,
referring to some of the analyzes performed, which
are presented below.
Table 4: Management Strategy IS/IT
Disseminating information systems that are
new or existing.
Conducting training for information systems
in related fields.
Create instructions for using the information
Generate reports on the use and development
of information systems.
Perform the task distribution or users of
information systems precisely and clearly.
Always update the evolution of information
Create an information system development
8 Cooperation with IT companies
Based on the discussion that has been described, a
study results from several aspects with the following
This analysis uses SWOT analysis techniques,
PEST, Five Force Model. The analysis of the
external side of the company is used to see the state
of the universities in the face of the college
competition. The approach using the SWOT analysis
technique led to a pro-factor analysis of S-W-O-T
and then some of these factors to a SWOT college
matrix analysis with 4 strategies, ie SO-ST-WO-WT
strategy. Approach using PEST analysis, looking at
results in terms of political conditions, economic
conditions, social conditions and technological
developments. The five-force model analysis
examines universities with multiple component
factors, namely, newcomer components, suppliers,
customers, replacement services, and competitors
Analysis of the internal college business using
the approach with Value Chain Analysis to map the
entire process of work occurring within the
organization into two categories of activities, the
primary activity and secondary activities. Analysis
describing the activities of the college business with
value-chain technique, which includes primary
activities and supporting activities of the universities
STMIK Cipta Darma Surakarta
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