technology is increasing. Contribution of the
influence of variable X (Ease Usage and Benefits)
variable Y (Interest in using behavior technology) in
the acceptance of the ELearning system Jakarta
Public High School 92 is 52.2%, while 47.8% is
determined by other variables. Results of significance
testing (Correlation Product Moment Person)
obtained the value of tcount = 12,177, with a
significance level of 5% value of t table = 1,978.
Because thitung is bigger from ttable, Ho is rejected,
so Ha be accepted. Thus there is significant influence
between Ease Usage and Use with Interest
technology use behavior towards acceptance of the
State High School E-Learning system 92 Jakarta.
According to Susy Rosyida in her writing entitled
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on Internet
Usage in Shopping Online. This research is to know
the utilization of internet technology in online
shopping. This research method is explanatory
research with quantitative approach. Data in this
research that is primary data and secondary data,
primary data that is used that is by spreading
questioner to respondent of internet user in doing
onlne or e-commerce shopping whereas secondary
data used is from report, journal and literature
relevant. By using the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) variables used are usability, ease, attitude,
intense and the use of online transactions or online
shopping or use of e-commerce. The results show that
ease has a significant influence on usability, ease,
attitude, intensity and usage with the utilization of
internet technology as a technology for conducting
online transactions or shopping online or using e-
commerce. Variable usability, convenience, attitudes
have the most dominant influence on intense and
usage in using e-commerce. Conclusions from the
results of research using This explanatory research
shows that respondents using the internet in the
business sector as an intermediary medium in
conducting online shopping transactions e-
commerce. By using variables usability, ease,
attitude, intense and internal use using e-commerce is
very influential significant so that it can make it easier
for good users as a buyer or as a seller get information
about what is needed or make transactions and give
satisfaction to the service.
According to Fatmasari et al in her writings
entitled Evaluation Of Acceptance Of E-Ktp System
Using Tam (Technology Acceptance Model) (Case
Study: Palembang Ilir Timur I Sub-district Office).
The E-KTP project is motivated by a system that
makes conventional ID cards in Indonesia possible. A
person can have more than one ID card. This is due to
the absence of an integrated database collect data on
residents from all parts of Indonesia. To overcome
these duplications at once creating a single identity
card. So the E-KTP is based on the Population
Registration Number (NIK), E-KTP based on
national NIK, contains security codes and electronic
records as verification tools and validation of one's
identity data. This study aims to determine the factors
that influence acceptance of the Electronic Identity
Card (E-KTP) system with the Technology
Acceptance model Model (TAM), which was carried
out at the East Ilir Sub-District I (IT I) office. In this
study, the author using three variables that influence
the acceptance of the E-KTP system. This variable is
Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use
(PEOU) as independent variables while receipt of
EKTP systems as related variables. Sampling in this
study was carried out in probability (random
selection) using the Area Sampling or Sample area
method, the researcher set a sample for the
community as many as 20 respondents from each
village to get it total respondents for the community
were 220 respondents representing each village.
Results This study shows that simultaneously or
partially there is a significant relationship and
positive between independent variables and related
variables. While the results of the Regression analysis
obtained facts that the contribution of these two
variables is 64.5% of the receipt of the E-KTP system.
Based on the description of theory and the results
of previous research, it can be formulated hypothesis:
1. If the student as the user of KRS online information
system has the perception that the system is easy
to use and easy access of KRS filling, the student
will increasingly use the online KRS system
actual (according to KRS filling schedule) to
complete the process of KRS management, so the
hypothesis is submitted is:
H1: Perceived Ease of Use has a positive effect on the
acceptance of KRS online information system.
2. If the student as the user of KRS online information
system has a perception that the system is easy to
use and easy access of KRS filling, then the
student will increasingly use the actual online
KRS information system (according to KRS
filling schedule) to complete the process of KRS
management, so the hypothesis filed are:
H2: Perceived Usefulness has a positive effect on the
acceptance of KRS online information system.
3. If students as users of KRS online information
system have a perception that the online KRS
information system is easy to use and useful in
completing the process of KRS management, the
students will increasingly use the online KRS