Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Planning for Business
Modelling of Franchise Companies
Ina Sholihah Widiati
, Widiyanto Hadi
and Handoko
STMIK Cipta Darma Surakarta, Veteran street, Notosuman, Singopuran, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
EAP, information technology planning, franchise companies
Abstract: In the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) all business people are required to be able to maintain
the existence of their business. Various strategies are carried out by business actors to maintain their business
and still gain confidence in the public eye. The strategies are one of them is the field of Information
Technology. The development of the world of information and communication technology demands business
actors to take an active role in utilizing information technology to support their business. This applies also to
the franchise business model. XYZ Company is a culinary business unit that uses franchise concept to develop
its business. The use of information technology is the company's priority to win the competition. So that
information technology planning is very important to be done in order to get the right application for the
company. In this research using Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) to make planning of information
technology development in XYZ company. By using EAP obtained business modeling, data architecture,
application architecture and technology architecture that are right for franchise companies. There are nine
applications that can be developed in XYZ companies that in the future can support XYZ company to survive
and win the competition within the scope of the food franchise business.
The development of franchise business in Indonesia
is currently very rapid. Almost in all areas of business
have used this franchise system to grow their
business. Even not only in the sector of consumer or
culinary needs that use the franchise system, but
business services, retail and education has also
penetrated the franchise system. Business franchise in
Indonesia has attracted the attention of consumers and
businessmen. With the concept of franchise, a person
who wants to own a business does not need to start
from scratch, because there are already good concepts
and systems in the franchise business so that business
actors do not need to pioneer the business from
scratch. Business franchise is usually a business that
has been tested quality and trademark so that the level
of public confidence or consumer high. This is what
causes the franchise business is growing rapidly,
especially in Indonesia.
In the era of the ASEAN Economic Community
(AEC) all business people are required to be able to
maintain the existence of their business. Various
strategies are carried out by business actors to
maintain their business and still gain confidence in
the public eye. The strategies are one of them is the
field of Information Technology. The development of
the world of information and communication
technology demands business actors to take an active
role in utilizing information technology to support
their business.
Strategy in the field of information technology
one of them in the form of strategic information
system. Strategic information system is the
information systems used to implement corporate
strategy. If the information system is strategic in an
organization, then the strategic management process
should not only be understood and followed by
business managers only, but also by managers of
information technology systems (Jogiyanto, 2005).
XYZ Company is one of culinary business
especially beverage. XYZ Company has utilized
information technology for operational and product
marketing. XYZ Company is aware of the importance
of information technology to be able to improve the
business position so that various information
technology strategy is done so that information
technology becomes one of the strategic weapon of
the company. Information technology architecture
planning is very important in a company's strategic
Sholihah Widiyanti, I., Hadi, W. and Handoko, .
Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Planning for Business Modelling of Franchise Companies.
DOI: 10.5220/0009946730663073
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 3066-3073
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
plan, especially in the field of information
technology. The information technology architecture
will help developers of information systems and
information technology in designing and
implementing the system. With good planning, there
will be no overlap of information systems and
information technology.
The research that has been done by Vienna
Witanti et al (2016) resulted in information
architecture based on Enterprise Architecture
Planning (EAP) which includes data architecture,
application architecture, technology architecture in
fulfilling requirement of system and information
technology most right now and in the future. The
result of information technology architecture based
on Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is to
describe the relationship between organizational
goals with information system and support the
information system architecture and information
technology organization plan to achieve the vision
and mission of Geophysics Climatology
Meteorology Agency.
Research conducted by Emmanuel Nowakowski
et al (2017), states that this paper presented the results
from a series of expert interviews and a structured
literature review on the topic of Enterprise
Architecture planning. One of the results of the expert
interviews was that the interviewees had a different
understanding of EA planning. Another result was
that the comparison and analysis of scenarios
happened mostly visually in a non-structured way.
Additionally, requirements for EA planning were
derived and presented. Moreover, it could be seen that
practitioners are struggling with challenges in the
field of EA planning .
The research done in this XYZ company uses
Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) framework.
According to Sutono (2015), Methodology Enterprise
Architektur Planning (EAP) is based on the enterprise
business model, thus alignment between information
systems and business can be achieved. Data driven
and dependent also underlie EAP so that information
systems integration can be managed for enterprise
level. The integration of information systems aims to
reduce barriers between organizational units, reduce
duplication of effort, reduce costs, improve employee
productivity and facilitate information sharing and
collaboration essential to improving customer service.
This research will produce an information
technology architecture plan that will be used as
guidance in information system and information
technology development. The planned information
system and information technology is expected to
become XYZ's strategic weapon in winning the
franchise beverage competition and expanding its
franchise region.
The business process model describes the functions
associated with business activities, which include
input, control, output, and mechanism / resources used
from the activity. This model is used to understand
how existing labor and resources are used to make
products or services for corporate customers. Also to
identify repairable parts, be made more efficient and
reengineered, and provide an understanding of
whether Systems / Applications can be automated or
streamline the process of human or machine
interaction, by identifying system requirements.
While the business model is a process for
defining business. The usefulness of a business model
is to provide knowledge about enterprise business in
a consistent, comprehensive and complete manner so
that it can be used to define architectures and
implementation plans. In enterprise architecture
planning, business modeling is carried out in two
separate parts, the initial business model, followed by
a complete business model. There are three steps of
activities to develop the initial business model,
1. Document the organizational structure.
2. Identify and define business functions.
3. Document the initial business model and then
distribute it and present it to the business community
to get input and comments (Surendro, 2009).
The business model can be used as an instrument
that can be used as an additional component that is
used as an analytical tool to provide value to the
community. With the analysis in the business model,
it can create a new value chain, which can be used as
one of the advantages in providing value in a dynamic
environment. The addition of components in the
value chain using business model components can
create a complex business climate and create value in
the community (Kristiani, 2015).
Value Chain Analysis, is a tool to understand the
value chain that forms a product. This value chain
comes from activities carried out, ranging from raw
materials to the hands of consumers, including after-
sales services (Shank, 1992). Value-chain analysis is
a strategic analysis tool used to better understand
competitive advantage, to identify where customer
value can be increased or reduced costs, and to better
understand the company's relationship with
suppliers/suppliers, customers, and other companies
in the industry . Value Chain identifies and connects
various strategic activities in the company (Porter,
1985). The purpose of the value chain analysis is to
Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Planning for Business Modelling of Franchise Companies
identify the value chain stages where companies can
increase value for customers or reduce costs.
Decreasing costs or increasing value added can make
companies more competitive.
Value chain analysis can be an analytical tool to
see the role of IS / IT in the company's business
processes. In the value chain analysis is re-analyzed
key activities in business processes related to other
entities that are outside the company, such as
suppliers and customers (external value chain) and
relationships between entities within the company
itself (internal value chain).
The study by Paul P. Tallon gives a conceptual
model that describes that the Strategic intent for IS /
IT and Management practices have a direct influence
on the value chain that leads to the company's
Data collection in this research using interview and
observation method. Interviews were conducted with
XYZ business owners and franchisors. The
observations were conducted at XYZ company
headquarters and several franchise outlets. From the
two methods of data retrieval obtained data to be used
in research. These data, among others, business
processes, corporate strategies, corporate objectives,
enterprise systems and information technology that
has been used.
For the preparation of information system and
information technology development plan in this
research used EAP (Enterprise Architecture
Planning) framework. This EAP framework makes it
possible to get a detailed overview of business
architecture, data architecture, application
architecture and technology architecture that is
essential in the guidance of information system and
information technology development.
Enterprise Architecture planning (EAP) is the
process of defining the architecture of the use of
information in support of business and the plan to
implement it. EAP is a methodology developed to
build enterprise architecture and part of the information
system planning process that can achieve long-term
information system mission (Spewak, 1992).
EAP adopts the first two rows and three columns
from the Zachman framework and generates blue-
print from data, applications and technologies. EAP
is a methodology based on business drives and data
drives because:
1. A stable business model (free of organizational
boundaries, systems and procedures) is the
foundation for enterprise architecture.
2. Data is defined first before defining the application.
3. Data dependence determines the circuit in
implementing the application system. EAP focuses
on defining data architectures, application
architectures and technology architectures for the
entire enterprise rather than design for specific
purposes (Sutono, 2015).
Enterprise Architecture Planning has 7 (seven)
main components that show the stages to determine
and plan the implementation of information system
architecture. These seven main components are
grouped into 4 (four) layers (Spewak, 1992).
Figure 1. Enterprise Architecture Planning (Spewak, 1992)
Each layer reflects the sequence and way the
activity is carried out. Explanation of the EAP
component in Figure 1 is as follows:
1. Layer 1 (starting position)
Planning initiation: preparing for the implementation
of the EAP project (such as: creating a work plan,
ensuring management commitment and others).
2. Layer 2 (Current position)
a. Business modeling: gathering knowledge
about business and information used in
running a business.
b. Systems and technology today: determine the
current systems and technologies as a basis for
long-term migration plans.
3. Layer 3 (Position desired in the future)
a. Data architecture: determine the main types
of data needed to carry on business.
b. Application architecture: determines the
type of main application needed to manage
data and supports business functions.
c. Technology architecture: determines the
technology platform needed to provide an
application environment that manages data
and supports business functions.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The arrow in this layer means that these three
architectures are determined sequentially starting
from the data architecture, then the application
architecture and finally the technology architecture.
4. Layer 4 (How to achieve it)
Implementation plan: determine the stages of
application implementation, implementation
schedule, and propose a clear path to migrate from the
current position to the desired position in the future.
Differences in enterprise architecture planning
with other traditional information systems planning
1. Architecture can be found in a functional business
model. The enterprise architecture planning activity
begins with the question "What business does the
organization do" and not "What systems do enterprise
executives need?" Thus, it can be said that enterprise
architecture planning is business driven planning.
2. Enterprise architecture planning defines data
before application. So the first step to do in this
activity is to identify what data is needed to support
the business, and then define what applications are
needed to manage the data.
3. Enterprise architecture planning uses data
dependency to determine implementation plan. The
priority of application implementation in enterprise
architecture planning is based on data dependency,
which means that the application development plan
will prioritize application development that creates
data instead of using data. This application
development approach is called data-driven planning.
4. Enterprise architecture planning takes into account
short-term operational activities and also focuses on
the organization's long-term strategy of using data
and technology to support the business (Surendro,
The results of the research have been done in the
business model, data architecture, application
architecture and technology architecture so that it can
be a reference in the implementation plan of
information system and information technology
4.1 Business Modeling
This business modeling stage compiles and builds a
knowledge base on business and information that
businesses are currently using. Business modeling
also allows for a consistent, comprehensive and
complete model of business enterprise that can be
used to define architectures and implementation
The business model is depicted in a value chain
that refers to Michael E. Porter's theory. According to
Porter (1985) activities in the organization are
grouped into two major activities, namely the main
activity and supporting activities (Porter, 1985).
The business model of the XYZ company is
depicted in Figure 2 using the value chain model.
Figure 2. Value Chain
Value chain model in figure 2 obtained three main
activities and four supporting activities. Main
activities include production, distribution and
marketing. While supporting activities include
customer service, designer, ICT and human
Production activity at XYZ company is an
important activity in business process. The company
will continue to improve the quality and quantity of
production so that the business processes of the
company continue to run smoothly. Supervision and
quality control remain to be done so that the resulting
product meets the production standards and the same
in all franchise outlets. Production activity becomes
the main activity in the company because without the
production company will not run.
Distribution activity is the activity of distributing
products from the center to franchise outlets.
Distribution activities in the franchise business is a
distribution system to the consumer in the distribution
where the brand owner gives the right to individuals
or companies to carry out business with brands,
names, systems, procedures and ways that have been
defined previously within a certain time covering a
certain area.
Marketing activities in XYZ company is an
activity promoting products in this case beverages by
using various media to reach consumers and franchise
partners. This marketing activity in addition to
promoting the product, also a bridge for entrepreneurs
who want to become a franchise partner company
Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Planning for Business Modelling of Franchise Companies
Customer service activity is an activity as a forum
for consultation for partners in running the franchise
business. Question and answer facility about XYZ
franchise and various tips and tricks become part of
this activity. This activity is a support activity of
running business process in XYZ company.
Designer activity is a supporting activity of the
company to support the marketing part in promoting
the product. Designers create creative designs to
make products and brands more attractive to the
public. Not only design for advertising purposes, but
also product design, beverage packaging, booths,
catalogs, and so on.
ICT activity is an activity supporting the IT
department to support the company's information
technology. XYZ Company already uses information
technology in all its activities. The ICT part is
responsible for the development of information
systems and information technology to support
business process activities so that the company will
win the competition in the culinary business world
with the franchise system.
Human Resources Activities is an activity related
to human resource development. In the franchise
business, the franchisees will also get training that is
useful for themselves as well as business
As for the do marketing strategy process, the main
data is marketing and to support the main data this
process uses data market and management. Market
data is data that contains the target market so that it
will be able to support the marketing process to carry
out its functions to the fullest. The marketing process
also involves data management because the
marketing process of one of its targets is to capture
franchise partners who certainly need data
management. Data management itself is generated
from the management process managed by the owner
and manager. The existence of processes and data
management itself is to support the franchise business
model so that it can grow its business by capturing
many franchise partners and consumers.
4.2 Data Architecture
The data architecture identifies and defines the main
types of data that support business functions that have
been defined in the business model. The data
architecture contains the data entities, each entity has
attributes and relationships with the data entity. The
data architecture stage is said to be successful when a
conceptual data model is generated that describes the
details of the data so that it is sufficient for planning
Figure 3 below shows the data matrix before a
conceptual data model is formed.
Figure 3. Data Matrix
Figure 3 is a matrix of data and process relations.
This matrix is the basis for conceptual data modeling.
There is a description of "U" and "C" in the matrix. In
the matrix "U" states "Use / Update" which means
using data. "C" states "Create" ie can create data.
Judging from the data matrix there are thirteen
processes and thirteen related data. In the production
process can create product data and use packaging
data to perform its function. The product design
process can create packaging data and can use data
outlets for outlet design and marketing data for ad
design creation. Likewise with other processes and
data corresponding to "C" and "U" in the data matrix
depicted in Fig. 2.
As for the do marketing strategy process, the main
data is marketing and to support the main data this
process uses data market and management. Market
data is data that contains the target market so that it
will be able to support the marketing process to carry
out its functions to the fullest. The marketing process
also involves data management because the
marketing process of one of its targets is to capture
franchise partners who certainly need data
management. Data management itself is generated
from the management process managed by the owner
and manager. The existence of processes and data
management itself is to support the franchise business
model so that it can grow its business by capturing
many franchise partners and consumers.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
4.3 Application Architecture
The purpose of the application architecture is to
define the types of key applications needed to manage
data and support enterprise business functions. The
application architecture is not a system design or
system requirement analysis, but it is the definition of
what applications are needed to manage data and
provide information for users to do business.
Figure 4 below is a proposed chart of information
systems and information technology to be developed.
Figure 4. Aplication Architecture
Figure 4 shows the application chart to support the
advancement of business with the franchise business
model. There are nine applications that will be
developed in XYZ company.These applications
include production monitoring information system,
product information distribution system, financial
information system, partnership information system,
information system assets, website, games, market
analysis information system, and ad based augmented
The franchise business model desperately needs a
fast, precise and real time information and
communication service to support the smooth running
of business processes. So the application developed
must also support these needs, Applications that will
be developed on the company XYZ web-based and
mobile so that will facilitate users in accessing
Production monitoring information system is a
web and mobile based application that functions to
monitor production activities from raw materials to be
ready for distribution.
Product distribution information system is an
application that is able to regulate and monitor the
distribution line from the production warehouse to the
franchise outlets. The distribution team will report
product and item data that has arrived at the outlet into
the information system. The existence of this
information system will facilitate the marketing and
management departments in overseeing the product
distribution lines.
Financial information systems are applications
that can facilitate the financial part of managing
financial statements. The increasing number of
franchise outlets, of course, the tasks of the finance
department are more and more, so it requires the help
of information systems to help ease their duties. The
profit sharing system still applies to these franchise
companies like other franchise companies. So that the
finance department still has to regulate the financial
system regularly. In addition, the collection of
financial statements of cash inflows and cash
outflows is also the responsibility of the finance
department. So that the existence of the financial
information system will be able to assist the finance
department in carrying out its duties properly.
The partnership information system is an
application that facilitates interaction between
management and franchise partners. This application
provides chat features and business training classes
from management to partners. So that the partners
will easily get business assistance through this
An asset information system is an application for
data collection of all assets owned by a company. The
application allows the management section to control
central assets and those that will be given to franchise
The website can be a trusted source of information
about companies that can be accessed by anyone and
anywhere. Prospective customers and potential
partners can search for information about products
and companies to the partnership system on this
website. Aside from being a source of information,
the website also serves as a branding of corporate
brands so that it will increase public confidence in the
products sold.
Some mobile-based games that can be played on
Android or iOS will also be developed. The growing
popularity of mobile phones will certainly be an
opportunity to introduce brand products and branding
through games of all ages.
Market analysis information system is a decision
support system that functions to analyze the target
market. This application makes it easy for the
marketing department to create strategies to expand
its market.
Ad based AR is an ad based on augmented reality
technology. This AR technology can insert certain
information into the virtual world and display it in the
real world with the help of equipment such as
webcams, computers, Android phones, and special
glasses. Users in the real world cannot see virtual
Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Planning for Business Modelling of Franchise Companies
objects with the naked eye, to identify objects needed
an intermediary in the form of computers and cameras
that will insert virtual objects into the real world.
Advertising using this technology is expected to be
branding the brand and making the brand increasingly
known to the public.
4.4 Technology Architecture
The purpose of the technology architecture is to
define the types of key technologies needed to
provide an enabling environment for applications, on
previously prepared application architectures, in
managing data and supporting business functions.
The technology architecture is not a detailed
requirement analysis or network design but is the
definition of the type of technology that will support
the business by providing a data sharing environment.
4.5 IS/IT Mapping
Mapping of information systems and information
technology serves to look at IS / IT in XYZ
companies. Table 1 shows mapping using McFarland
Strategic Grid.
Table 1. IS/IT Mapping
Strategic High Potential
1. Partnership
2. Market analysis
1. Ad based AR
1. Production
2. Product
3. Financial
4. Aset
1. Website
2. Games
Key Operational Support
Based on Table 1, the proposed information
system and information technology will be mapped
by placing it in the McFarland Strategic Grid
quadrant. The following is a description of the
a. Strategic, indicates that the application is in a
critical position to the success of the
organization's business. Applications build (or
change) the way organizations do business, by
providing competitive advantages.
b. Key operational, indicating that the application is
built to sustain business operations and help avoid
any deficiencies. Applications in this quadrant are
must-have applications for every organization to
survive in business competition.
c. Support, indicates that the application can
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
management, but is not an application that must
be owned by a business or type of application that
creates competitive advantage.
d. High Potential, indicates that applications may
create new opportunities for the business for the
future, but have not been proven.
After mapping, an information system roadmap is
carried out which is a road map to be the direction or
reference used for the development of strategic
information systems. On the roadmap will be made a
direction to develop information systems and
information technology in the medium term for the
next three years from 2019 to 2021.
The next three years will be known which
information systems need to be built to gain
competitive advantage and help companies achieve
their goals. The reference for making the roadmap is
based on the priority table and McFarland Strategic
Grid mapping. Urgent or highly prioritized
information and technology systems will be mapped
in the initial year. In addition to the McFarland
Strategic Grid mapping, information systems in the
operational key quadrant receive prior
implementation priority.
In McFarland Strategic Grid mapping, the
information system in the operational key quadrant
becomes a priority. In the operational key quadrant, it
is expected that the information system can
strengthen internal conditions, especially daily
operational activities. The second priority is a
strategy quadrant that can provide information that
supports strategic decisions and provides long-term
benefits. The third priority is the support quadrant to
improve the efficiency and operational effectiveness
of the company. The final priority is the high potential
quadrant because in the near future the information
system does not provide added value.
Based on the analysis that has been made can be
concluded that in the development of information
systems and information technology on the franchise
business model is needed information based on user
data needs. Business modeling in a company is very
important for the identification of information needs
so that it will produce an appropriate architecture on
the needs of users.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Based on the results of the conclusions made from
this study, the suggestions that are expected will later
be useful in the development of further research. The
suggestions include:
a. Use of other approaches to compare with existing
b. Proposed information and technology systems are
more detailed by adding stakeholders and
proposed features.
c. Utilizing a questionnaire to determine the
information system needs from the user side.
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Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Planning for Business Modelling of Franchise Companies