Figure 7 Levels of Protein Gelatin Bone Gourami.
Description: notation different letters indicate a significant
difference at a significant level α = 0.05
Based on Figure 4.7 the value of the highest levels of
the protein present in a concentration of 5%
amounting to 70.24%, while the value of the lowest
levels of the protein present in a concentration of 1%
at 59.68%. Suspected high acid capable hydrolyze
collagen into gelatin. According to Rusli (2004), the
protein content of the gelatin is affected by the
immersion process of bone. Soaking process resulted
in the termination reaction of hydrogen bonds and the
opening of the coil structure of collagen occurring
optimally so that the amount of protein extracted into
many. Table 4.1 Based on the analysis of physical and
chemical properties of gelatin best results are at
concentrations of 5% with the result that much better
with the other concentration. This proves the higher
the concentration, the better the results of quality
gelatin. The value of physical and chemical
properties a concentration of 5% produces the highest
protein content with other concentrations of 70.24%,
with a yield of 12.44%, a value of 6.1 cP viscosity,
gel strength 90.61 bloom, the water content of 12%,
pH 4.64%, and ash content of 2.18%. According to
Martianingsih and Lukman (2010), the immersion
process using the acid solution will convert collagen
into a form suitable at the time of extraction in the
presence of H + ions from the acid solution with
Acid concentrations varying significantly affect the
resulting gelatin. Based on this research the best
concentration present in concentrations of 5%. At the
concentration of gelatin values obtained with the
physical and chemical properties compared with
other concentrations. Treatment of acid
concentrations varying influence on the physical and
chemical properties of Gourami bone gelatin. The
results of the analysis of physical and chemical
properties showed significantly different results with
commercial gelatin and gelatin laboratory
standards. Based on the analysis of physical
properties that yield value of 8.05 to 12.44%, ranging
between 4.74 to 6.13 cP viscosity and gel strength of
71.90 to 90.61 bloom. As for the chemical analysis
that the ash content ranged from 3.78 to 2.18%, water
content ranging between 10-12%, the pH value
ranging between 4.64 to 4.85% for protein content
ranged from 59.68 to 70 , 24.
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Protein Level %
HCl Concentration (%)