Medical records are an important part of patient
management. RM is important for doctors and
medical officers as the patient's medical
documentation correctly in addition to the
importance of medical records due to two things
namely; The first is to help patients evaluate
appropriately and plan treatment protocols. Second,
the legal system relies primarily on documentary
evidence in case of medical negligence. Therefore,
medical records must be properly written and
maintained to serve the interests of the physician as
well as his patients (Amit, Bali et al., 2011).
Referred to the completeness of medical records in
this study is the completeness of medical record
documents regardingthe accuracy of data identity,
improvement of drug safety and certainty of
According to Ilyas (2013), the claim is a request
of one of the two parties having a bond so that his
rights are fulfilled. One of the two parties who
commit the bond will file his/her claim to the other
party in accordance with the agreement or policy
provision mutually agreed upon by both parties. In
this case, the claim is claimedhealth insurance with
one of the requirements is the completeness of the
medical record.
The results of this research are in line with
previous research conducted by Ulfah et al. (2011)
conducted at RSI Sultan Agung Semarang obtained
the result that the importance of medical record data
to the smooth submission of claims. Where Of 9
people with incomplete medical record documents
all are not approved by claims, and from complete
medical records 52.9% are approved by health
insurance claims. In his research Ulfah, et al. (2011)
stated that SOP of claim submission already exists,
but still not according to the procedure, thepatient
often does not bring requirement, delay of claim
process health insurance happened partly because of
some of the data incomplete, often inconsistent
name of the patient.
Feriawati (2015) states that an incomplete DRM
file such as the absence of a doctor's signature and
the doctor's bright name, the diagnosis has not been
filled / not yet written / the diagnostic code, the
history of the course of the disease has not been
completely filled. This will lead to a delay in the
process of submitting a claim to health insurance.
Another study by Changfu (2013) states that the
accuracy and appropriateness of medical record
document information will help the Hospital in
making claims to the insurance provider against the
cost of services that have been issued by the
Hospital. The Hospital will easily obtain fees for
compensation in accordance with the applicable
rules and agreements. This is because a complete
and accurate medical record document can meet all
legal procedures, regulations and audit requirements.
According to the researchers, the completeness
of the medical record document is one of the
supporting in improving the quality of hospital
health services. Proper and correct documentation
will affect the quality of medical records as well as
ongoing medical records and patient care.
Completeness of DRM also affects the smoothness
of the insurance claim process both government and
private insurance to know the amount of payment to
be paid, from the information contained in the
medical record. In this research, the incompleteness
of medical record documentation is because there is
no diagnosis by doctors, incomplete data such as
evidence of laboratory results etc, and errors enter
the code.
Given the importance of medical record
completeness in the effort to file XYZ claim
therefore health officers should be more accurate in
collecting files so that there is no shortage of files in
the previous section, especially data completeness
investigation so that at the time of claiming can be
faster than that remind doctors to enforce diagnosis
according to the standard of medical service
according to the specialization of the case and
complete the complete and correct resume as well as
training for medical record officer according to
coding theory that is book of ICD-10 volume 2 in
order to meet the coding performance accuracy>
84%, and medical record officers need to perform
quantitative and qualitative analysis.
The findings of research results based on
interviews and observations using various data
analysis can be expressed as follows: (1) It causes
incomplete medical records file that is: (a) The
patient did not fill out the data on the consultation
form and the TPP officer did not ask (b) Health
workers are not disciplined in identifying patients
with identification bracelet so it cannot be inputted
in medical record (c) Limitations of time in
document collection medical record: (2) The thing
that causes the claim submission is not approved (a)
Medical record documents are not complete and
there is no signature of the treating physician (b)
Completeness of investigation results such as
laboratory results, Rontgen photo and therapeutic
results, are given (c) Error enter the code