The Meaning Construction of Poverty and Communication Behavior
of Poor Women in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
, Bugi Satrio Adiwibowo
, Halomoan Harahap
and Dani Vardiansyah
Faculty of Communication Science, Esa Unggul University, Arjuna Utara Street Number 9, Kebon Jeruk, Indonesia
Keywords: Construction of Meaning, Poverty, Communication Behavior, Poor Women
Abstract: The research aims to find out the meaning construction of poverty based on what the Poor Women have
experienced by themselves and communication behavior of the Poor Women with their neighborhood, and
to find out the meaning of each neighborhood of the Poor Women in Bandung city. The research uses the
phenomenological paradigm. The data were obtained by using direct observation and in-depth interview
withfifteen informants.The result shows that the poverty experienced by the Poor Women is significantly
defined as the most unpleasant life condition that tends to be negative in which they feel to live in
restlessness, discomfort and insecurity in economic condition that causes the informants to havea
responsibility to work and often makes them forget to socialize. Furthermore, the communication behavior
of the Poor Women with their whole neighborhood varies from very often to very less intensity whether in
face-to-face communication or via the media using the communication tool like a mobile phone. And last,
the neighborhood of the Poor Women including the family, neighbors, employers and friends is defined for
the whole as something important and meaningful, something exist but feels not exist, and something usual.
Women's Life in Social-Economic Proneness
(PRSE) is one of the types of people with social
welfare problems (PMKS) besides street children,
neglected elderly, beggars, homeless people, and so
on. The definition of PRSE according to the
Ministry of Social Affairs (Depsos) RI is an adult
woman aged 18-59 years who are not yet or not
married or a widow who does not have enough
income to be able to fulfill her daily basic needs or a
wife whose husband leaves indefinitely.
Women's Life in Social-Economic Proneness
(PRSE) in the Women's Profile on the Social-
Economic Hazard Profile (PRSE), which is a
collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs'
Social Welfare Data and Information Center and the
Indonesian Statistical Center in 2010 is classified as
poor (living below the poverty line). Poverty is a
condition where people are unable to fulfill basic
needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education and
A woman prone to social economy (PRSE) with
her life experience in dealing with poverty has the
construction of its own meaning about poverty and
also has behaviors including its own communication
behavior with the surrounding environment, such as
with family members, neighbors, people in the work
environment such as employers, and friends, and
have meaning about their own surroundings.
A woman prone to social economy (PRSE)
whose daily work outside the home to help the
family economy besides her husband often very
often becomes the main or single family
breadwinner because she becomes a single parent for
her children or because the husband does not have a
steady income from his job and more often not
making money because of the type of work, often
forgetting to interact and communicate with the
surrounding environment, especially with the
environment outside his family.
The time they have besides taking care of
themselves all the household and child work, a lot is
spent working even they have to have more than one
place and/or one type of work to meet their daily
needs and family. If there is little time after work,
they use it more to rest than to gather, interact and
communicate with their environments such as with
neighbors or friends.
There is also a woman who is prone to the social
economy (PRSE) who does not work regularly
outside the home, does not mean she can freely
gather, interact and communicate with the
surrounding environment. The poverty that they
Fajarina, ., Adiwibowo, B., Harahap, H. and Vardiansyah, D.
The Meaning Construction of Poverty and Communication Behavior of Poor Women in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009948925922598
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2592-2598
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
experience makes them inevitably also have to
accept anytype ofwork even though it is not routine
and only works on the request of someone who is in
need of energy assistance at that time by being
directly rewarded by the work that was enough to
help increase the family's economy at that time.
Because of poverty, the overall association of
PRSE both those who work and those who are
housewives can be limited to parties who are far
away from their homes even though they have a
family relationship or have had close friendships
when they were in the same place. Even poverty
makes PRSE feel that they no longer need friends
like women from the upper middle class have,
namely to be able to walk (hang out), shop
(shopping), go to cafes, to malls or other expensive
entertainment and recreation centers with friends.
This is because the interaction and PRSE
communication with the environment that he has or
has ever had is hampered by financial problems that
do not allow them to meet frequently visit or visit
together. It is even difficult to communicate just to
ask the news even though the HP communication
media for example. Not infrequently they have to be
good at resisting the longing that can only send
healthy prayer strings always for families and
friends who have been far away living with them
and they have been very long as if forgetting worldly
pleasures namely entertainment that requires no
small amount even though make them want.
Poverty also makes women prone to the social
economy (PRSE) have a communication behavior
that is different from the surrounding environment
which can make the PRSE feel inferior and often
withdraw in relationships. Likewise, PRSE's
communication with family, especially with their
children, can influence their parenting to their
children, which can be different from parents with
middle to upper economic conditions. Many children
from the PRSE are forced to drop out of school
either directly requested by their parents or the
child's awareness of the economic situation of their
parents and often help work to make money in an
age that tends to be early rather than studying.
Moreover, there are still many more distinctive
behaviors of PRSE communication with the
surrounding environment in a situation where life is
lacking, limited or poor.
The description above really illustrates that the
problem of poverty can also have an impact on the
communication problem of Women with Economic
Social Hazard (PRSE) with its various
environments. Though as social beings, humans
cannot live without interacting and communicating
with other humans. Because poverty can have an
impact on a person's behavior towards the
environment, the researcher is also interested in
knowing what each neighborhood means for the
PRSE as well as wanting to know the construction of
the meaning of poverty according to what the PRSE
itself experiences and the PRSE communication
behavior with the surrounding environment.
2.1 Women and Poverty
Women and men are created with different
biological functions so that the continuity of human
beings on earth is maintained. Differences will be a
problem if it causes between them to experience
non-biological injustice functions which are the
result of socio-cultural construction. Socio-cultural
construction tends to place women in a subordinate
position by marginalizing women. Differences in the
roles of men and women have been widely discussed
in various theories which can generally be classified
in biological construction and socio-cultural
construction. This difference in the roles of men and
women determined by biological factors gave birth
to the separation of the responsibilities of hunters
and gatherers, in modern societies known as the
public and domestic sectors (Budiman, 1985).
Differences in men and women indirectly affect
the productivity and availability of labor in the labor
market. This concept has given rise to the
assumption that women have lower human capital
than the opposite sex. This concept is used as a
justification guideline, that women have limitations
so that it is difficult if they have to be given wider
responsibilities in the public sector. It is justified
when women remain placed in the domestic sector
by limiting women's movement to increase their
abilities outside the household. Without the ability to
master skills, increase education, and knowledge
will bring women to remain entangled in
powerlessness and poverty.
Poor women do not have priority for resource
development due to limited capital, education, skills.
Poor women will be increasingly marginalized to
less productive and low-income sectors. This
marginalization is supported by the socio-cultural
construction so that women remain in a position to
do domestic work and less productive work because
only the work is considered most suitable for women
because of the low human capital that women have.
Differences in the social roles of men and
women are more determined by cultural factors,
differences that are constructed by the culture of
society continue to be preserved in a patriarchal
society. In a patriarchal society, as adopted by most
The Meaning Construction of Poverty and Communication Behavior of Poor Women in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
Indonesian people, especially Javanese, of course,
socio-cultural construction of the role of male
women tends to benefit men. Many values of gender
bias occur in a society that are not caused by
biological factors but the result of cultural
construction such as power relations. Power
relations to limit women's roles at home and outside
the home because in this way so that the opposite
sex can still control women.
This approach emphasizes that social, cultural
factors have placed women disadvantaged in the
labor market.Women work in households and men
earn a living as a form of subordination is a product
of socio-cultural construction. This construction is
entirely determined by social construction.
Inequality of male and female roles is one form of
oppression. Oppression has brought women to enjoy
poverty without resistance to free the shackles.
Qualitatively rural women have done much work
both in the domestic and public sectors,but women
are still marginalized due to gender bias policies.
Policies in agricultural development in Java in the
1970s had much impact on the shifting of labor from
the agricultural sector, Javanese women were the
group of workers most disadvantaged by
development in the agricultural sector. Some work
on agriculture originally loaded with female labor
must be cut down and forced women out to find
sources of income outside agriculture for the sake of
their household economics (Ann Stoler, 1982;
Pujiwati Sajogyo, 1984; Joan Hardjono, 1990;
Endang S. Soesilowati and Darwin, 1995). Limited
capital owned by women, limited education and
skills forced women to work at very low wages.
Women are increasingly having difficulty increasing
women's resources because the workload that must
be borne is more severe, namely completing the
main tasks in the household, helping to make a
living and carrying out activities that lack economic
2.2 Independence of Poor Women
Independence known as autonomy in Greek
comes from the word autos means self and nemiin
means giving up or giving. Autonomy implies the
power to regulate itself, or the act of regulating itself
or determining and directing itself. Women who
have autonomy or independence means having
freedom without relying on other parties to be free to
move and make choices according to their needs.
According to the Big Dictionary of the Second
Edition of Indonesian Language autonomy is one of
the characteristics of human existence as a form of
recognition of one's independence. People are said to
have independence if someone has self-esteem,
independence and independence. Someone can
determine the will and convey ideas by the desired
goals without fear of threats or attacks from other
parties who intend to control him.
The division of labor that places women in
domestic work and men in public works raises issues
of injustice towards women. Women become
dependent on men because of domestic work that
spends even a woman's life without pay.
Dependence of women on men can be reduced by
placing women proportionally. Women's
independence is the right of women to argue that
they decide or determine the problems that exist in
the household. So the meaning is clear that women
are not just wingking co-operatives but must be
positioned as equal partners who have an equal
position in joy and sorrow. Thus women must be
invited to speak, discuss, discuss in all matters. Of
course, it must be done reciprocally and openly.
Independence of rural women includes self-
regulating daily household needs, arranging and
managing household wealth, determining work
choices outside the home both in agriculture, as well
as other production fields, businesses and services,
and trade and participating in community activities.
Independence is the ability to bring women as
humans who have the value of living alone in
society. Independence can be realized if there is
recognition of humanity for its humanity. These
changes can be made through the construction of
socio-cultural environments as well as those of
women. Independence is an important concept
because it can bring women to humans who have
their own lives in society. Independence or
autonomy is one of the characteristics of human
existence, as a form of recognition of one's
People are said to be independent if they have
self-esteem, independence and self-sufficiency and
have courage. Mandiri means being able to
determine one's own will and ideas and goals; can
realize all on their ability and not acute threats or
attacks from other people. Independence means
someone does not depend on others. However,
independence with the notion of being dependent on
others can cause confusion because women's
independence means women who are not dependent
on men. For example, the independence of women
as wives means that wives know and are involved in
every decision making in solving problems faced in
their households.
Women will achieve independence if women
work and do work that generates wages so that the
income earned can be decided for its use. Women
are said to be independent when acting as wives
related to education and care for children and
domestic work arranged with their husbands is not
only imposed on women as wives. Independent
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
women in carrying out domestic work are not
carried out alone when these women participate in
earning a living do not carry out dual roles and even
multiple roles alone. Domestic work is considered as
an extension of reproductive duties such as caring
for and guiding children, providing food and
education for children can be done by men and
women, as well as public work is not only the
responsibility of men. Women also have the right to
make these job choices. The division of labor that
places women to do domestic work alone where
women must work to earn income, domestic work
will become an obstacle for women in developing
their potential.
Blood and Wolfe in Sajogyo (1983) state that the
imbalance in the division of labor between men
looking for women's wage work leads to domination
or control of the economy by men towards women.
Women who have the opportunity to develop their
potential so that they do not depend on men by
having their own income women become
economically independent. The independence of
women in the household is determined by
involvement in making decisions about what foods
and dishes are purchased and must be served for the
family, freedom to organize household wealth
including the purchase of household appliances, and
the freedom to get the opportunity to work outside
the home.
The role of women in the economy and
household expenditure does not necessarily indicate
the high status and power of women. It means that
women's independence is not only determined by the
role of women in managing the household economy.
The expansion of women's opportunities to interact
outside the household is likely for women to develop
their potential. Women who earn income to meet
their own needs or help with household needs can
make women economically independent. Even
though economic independence is not always related
to independence in other fields. Women's
independence is not only determined by the social
status and economic status of women in the
household. Nevertheless, women's participation in
economic activities allows women to have
independence (Sadli, 1997).
The economic contribution of women in the
household is a forceenable women to play a role in
decision making in various aspects of household
activities and their environment (Sajogyo, 1990).
Although mastery of some resources by women does
not necessarily positively correlate to women's
power in their households (Abdullah, 2001). The
ability of women to earn income can bring women to
have independence in managing their income but not
directly strengthen the bargaining position of women
in the household. Women with economic abilities
have the opportunity to choose work in their own
household or be done by someone else by paying
wages. The economic capacity possessed by women
by having their own income will open opportunities
for women to be able to engage extensively outside
the household and in social activities.
Revenue is one variable that can be used as an
indicator to see the power in the household that is
related to decision making (Cohen, 1998). Women
who have income make women more independent so
they can meet their needs and even help in fulfilling
their household needs. Women tend to have
independence if they have income and economic
activities (Sadli, 1991). Research on women in rural
areas of Yogyakarta Special Region stated that with
their own income women are very independent,so
they dare to make decisions independently (Hull in
Budiman, 1991).
In a society that adheres to a patriarchal culture,
it is considered one the cause of the injustice
between men and women as happened in Javanese
society. To understand Javanese rural women, there
are two perspectives. The first view emphasizes the
positive aspects and factors that benefit Javanese
women in the household and society. The second
view emphasizes the existence of structural and
cultural mechanisms and ideological hegemony
which gives birth to subordination to women. In
patriarchal culture gave birth to the reality of a
gender-based division of labor, the role of
reproduction has placed women in the domestic
sector considered weak because reproduction has no
economic role. The wife does almost all work.
Domestic work is carried out routinely and takes up
most of the time and energy of women If women
participate in earning a living for domestic work it
must still be their responsibility, husband's
participation in domestic work remains small.
Men in production have an economic role. This
division of labor produces economic dependence of
women on men so that women become not
independent (Abdullah, 1995). If women have
economic independence in the ideology of gender
that gives birth to subordination to women does not
necessarily bring women to have a strong bargaining
position (Abdullah, 2001). Patriarchal society as a
product of cultural value systems has a strong
contribution in positioning men and women,
patriarchal society places women in subordinate
positions. This subordinate position makes women
have a dependency on men for example
economically. Women are willing to work with low
wages,and even women are willing to continue
working without being paid, making women have
low incomes and do not even have income so that
women do not have independence (Sajogyo, 1984).
The Meaning Construction of Poverty and Communication Behavior of Poor Women in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
Women's independence has an important role in
efforts to improve women's welfare. Independent
women have the opportunity to choose activities that
can be used as capital to improve their abilities so
that they have a position that is economically strong,
social in the household and outside the household.
The research approach used in this study is the
constructivism approach. According to this
approach, the social reality observed by a person
cannot be generalized to everyone. Social
phenomenon is understood as a constructed reality,
which means that the construction of the meaning of
poverty is a construction of reality that is
experienced and felt by each of the Social Economic
Prone Women (PRSE) in the city of Bandung.
Therefore, the concentration of analysis on this
approach is to find out how women who are prone to
socio-economics (PRSE) undergo the poverty they
face (experience and circumstances) and find a
verstehen of women socio-economic prone (PRSE)
about poverty constructed from the reality
experienced and he felt.
The reality of meaning in each individual
develops over time from the environment. The
environment influences or gives color to the
individual in constructing and constructing the
meaning construction he has.
This research uses a phenomenology method,
also known as a qualitative descriptive method and
is used in an constructive approach to
Phenomenology as one form of research that is
based on existing meanings in cognition, and is
related to the overall phenomenon (Moustakas,
1994: 58). This refers to the continuous assessment
of phenomena from various positions and
perspectives so that this condition requires
researchers to understand the whole phenomenon
(real and imagined), which appears as a conscious
effort of someone who is examined on the aspect
under study. Thus, phenomenology research will
describe and explain that all questions related to
social phenomena must refer to intersubjective
reality as part of the research process. (Moustakas,
1994: 59).
Phenomenology research seeks to understand the
meaning of events and their relationships to the
people involved in a particular situation. This study
emphasizes the subject aspects of a person's
behavior. The researcher seeks to enter the
conceptual world of the subject under study so that
researchers will be able to understand what and how
an understanding they develop around events in
everyday life. Someone will interpret the experience
through interaction with others through his or her
awareness. Furthermore, the understanding of
experiences formed during the interaction process
will shape the reality that exists in the individual.
Thus, this study will reveal a person's awareness in
understanding the phenomenon experienced, so that
it will be known how one can construct phenomena
experienced according to what is in the mind and
Interpretatively, the meaning of life for each
woman is prone to the social economy (PRSE) itself
can vary, especially when viewed from their
different backgrounds and perspectives. In this study
revealed that the meaning of life experienced by the
PRSE is described by informants as a life that is still
difficult, living deprived, living in economic
constraints/life, life is concerned, and life is
Likewise, all the actions or behaviors of the
Women of the Social Economy (PRSE) as the
implications of poverty experienced have their
respective subjective meanings. First, the behavior
of informants owing and asking for help from their
families or other parties means solely to meet their
daily needs and family members.
Second, the behavior of crediting or repaying
new clothes and/or furniture that he bought is aimed
at being able to own some items without
incriminating them if they have to buy them in cash.
Third, the behavior of renting a house or more
precisely a map room is intended so that the
informants together with all their family members
have a place to gather, rest, and do the activities of
another family were to have their own place, they
cannot. Besides that, it is still related to the place of
residence, the behavior of moving around (nomadic)
is to get a place to stay where the rent is cheaper and
for informants who have been evicted by rented
owners, finding a new place to live is an obligation
where to avoid recurrence of the eviction incident
again, the informants must be more selective in
finding a new place to live with a variety of
considerations in addition to the consideration of
rent, also to know the nature of prospective new
rented owners and others.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Furthermore, fourthly, the behavior of
informants who only buy traditional medicine or
herbal medicine in a stall to treat the illness and/or
illness of their family members is aimed at reducing
their expenses that have often not met their daily
basic needs. Also, with regard to treatment, some
informants choosejust to leave the pain because they
simply do not want to drag on thinking about the
Lastly, fifth, the behavior of informants in line
with Weber's social action theory is related to the
behavior of informants asking their children not to
go to school anymore and helping informants in
making money is to be able to get income from other
family members especially if their husbands have
not made money because you have not got a job call
or because you are suffering from prolonged illness.
PRSE, with poverty inherent in itself and its life,
builds itself as a hard and strong worker so that it
has an impact on its behavior that is to work for
anything as long as it produces halal money where
this indicates that many informants still have
positive meaning. The PRSE's working behavior
itself is also included in the social action put forward
by Weber where the actions of informants to work or
want to work are solely to make money.
Furthermore, there are still many PRSEs who
build themselves up as people who pay enough
attention to their neat and clean self-appearance even
though they do not have to wear new clothes. There
are even some informants who still dress up. Based
on the results of the interviews, some informants
further explained that even though living in poverty
does not make it not pay attention to appearance or
become intentionally dirty (dirty).
As mentioned above, many informants still see
themselves positively even though their positivity is
still limited to assessing their physical strength based
on the information they obtain from other people
and also based on the measurement of abilities
conducted by the informants themselves where most
they have felt various types of physical work.
However, there are also some PRSEs with the
poverty they experienced to have a negative view of
themselves as if they felt stupid because they could
not attend high school. Or have an inferiority or low
self-esteem in society and often withdraw from the
environment. The perspective of the informant who
views himself stupid is also based on his own
reflection. While informants who have a sense of
self-confidence (inferior) or low self-esteem are
based on the spontaneous reaction of informants to
the surrounding environment which is quite different
from the situation.
Next, the conditions of poverty affect the
meaning of the PRSE self where the unbroken
poverty they experience, makes the informants build
the meaning of themselves as people who remain
poor or unable. They actually admit that they are
very difficult to determine whether poverty is a
divine destiny or only their destiny can change for
the better someday. This is because of the results of
their hard work is alone and coupled with the
husband's income when the husband is working, still
felt by them not or not able to make them a little
"breathe a sigh of relief" in living their lives let
alone get out of the circle of poverty itself. In the
end they can only surrender to the extent that they
assume that their poverty is very natural because it is
based on the results of reflection of themselves plus
input from other people's assessment that their
poverty has come from their families (parents) who
are poor plus those who are live in their
neighborhood (the surrounding environment) also
has the same fate as those living in poverty.
In this study, the results of the study found that
the poverty experienced and felt by Women in
Economic Social Security (PRSE) from the past to
the present is the only "motive of reason" (because
of motive) of the PRSE in carrying out subsequent
actions or behaviors. To create "goal motives" (in
order to motive) in carrying out work activities and
subsequent PRSE efforts in order to realize their
"goal motives" (how) is nothing but continuing to
work and find work if possible for informants who
have not worked. The "order" motive (in order to
motive) of the PRSE in working based on the results
of the research is the improvement of the life of the
PRSE and their families which can be broken down
into three (3) specific "goal motives" namely: (1) the
motive of wanting to own a home; (2) the motive of
wanting to send their children to the highest level;
and (3) the motive of wanting to live more quietly in
old age.
In this study, the meaning of the environment
around the PRSE is known. The first is the meaning
of the family, the PRSE reveals that the meaning of
the family for them is (1) meaningful, important and
everything; (2) normal; and (3) It is like nothing.
The second is that the neighboring meaning of
the PRSE has two variations: (1) It is like family,
brother, important and meaningful; and (2) normal.
The third is the meaning of the employer for the
PRSE who works and who has a permanent
employer. From the results of the interviews, all the
informants who worked considered it as an
important party who was the source of their
obtaining legal money from the results of their hard
Finally the third is the meaning of friends. There
are three (3) variations of answers from informants,
including: (1) necessary, meaningful and important;
(2) normal; and (3) no friends or no friends.
The Meaning Construction of Poverty and Communication Behavior of Poor Women in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
The communication behavior of the informants
with the family based on the results of the study was
first, the communication behavior of the informants
with the family was carried out from very less
intensity to very often both directly face to face and
media through HP. Secondly, the communication
behavior of the informants with neighbors is done
with very little intensity to very often where
communication is carried out face to face. Third, the
communication behavior of the informant with the
work environment that is the employer is carried out
from intensity rather often to very often both directly
and on HP. And fourth, the communication behavior
of informants with friends is done from very less
intensity to very often both directly and media.
Based on the conclusions above, here are some
suggestions that researchers can suggest or
Academic, this research is still the beginning of a
picture of the life of the poor, one of which is the
Woman of the Social Economic Prone (PRSE)
which is revealed through a phenomenological
perspective so that in the subchapters the results of
research can bring up new research themes or topics
for the next good in the field communication,
sociology, psychology, economics, health and
Practically, poverty is not merely the
responsibility of the government. For every citizen,
it should also help to participate in combating
poverty around them, which can be started from
small things such as giving jobs to women who are
vulnerable to social economy (PRSE) in their home
or home business, willing to provide assistance as
long as they can to the PRSE who are in need of
help at that time, and others. As for the government,
it is time to fix this problem of the people, namely
poverty. The results of this study are expected to be
able to make regulations or policies that are more
appropriate for the problem of women prone to the
social economy (PRSE).
Practically, any woman prone to the social
economy (PRSE) whomever she is should not be the
main breadwinner of the family breadwinner so that
men who become their life companions can work
harder as they are done by PRSE so far. This is
because in essence the man is destined to be the
head of the family who is very responsible for
earning a living for all family members without
exception. Men should feel that they are most
responsible for protecting their families from
vulnerability. Not the other way around. Men should
also be able to work not just to let their wives and
children participate in making money which can
seriously threaten the health and safety of their own
wives and children.
The researchwas supported by Faculty of
Communication Science, Esa Unggul University.
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