The Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Grogol Petamburan Health
Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi
, Ika Putri Yanuarti
, Ade Heryana
and Rokiah Kusumapradja
Public Health Faculty, Esa Unggul University
Departement of Hospital Administration, Esa Unggul University
Keywords: Influencing Factors, Exclusive ASI giving.
Abstract: The low rate of breastfeeding (ASI) giving is a threat to growing children. As we know, babies who are
not ASI giving for at least 6 months are more prone to nutritional deficiencies. Health Center in Grogol
Petamburan West Jakarta has data regarding mothers who provide exclusive breast (ASI) in 2015 reached
39%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence ASI giving in health centers in
the district of Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta in 2016. The research method used in this study was a
descriptive analytic study with cross-section analysis. The results of the study are the relationship between
knowledge and exclusive ASI giving and there is support for family relationships with ASI giving. It is
concluded that there’s a significant relationship between knowledge and support of exclusive ASI giving
families and there is no relationship between age, occupation, place of delivery and exclusive ASI giving.
The low supply of breastfeeding (ASI) is a threat to
a child's growth and development. As it is known
that babies who are not given breastfeeding at least
up to the age of 6 months are more prone to
experience nutritional deficiencies. Based on data
from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010, the
provision of Asi in Indonesia is still a concern.
Percentage of exclusively given breastfeeding babies
for up to 6 months is only 15.3%. The results of
2007 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey
(IDHS) showed that exclusive ASI coverage of
infants from 0-6 months is 32% which later had a
meaningful increase to 42% in 2012.
DKI Jakarta area so far only reached 62.7%, the
target expected in the year 2013 is 75%. Therefore it
is necessary to make efforts to increase the coverage
of exclusive ASI giving and achieve predetermined
targets. For DKI Jakarta area, it is divided into 6
Regencies / Cities, namely Central Jakarta, North
Jakarta, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta
and ‘Pulau Seribu’. For West Jakarta, Exclusive ASI
coverage only reached 10.5% (City Regency Health
Profile in 2012).
The decrease of exclusive ASI giving can be
influenced by various factors; human behavior
factors from the level of health. The health of a
person or community is influenced by three factors:
predisposing factors that manifest in knowledge,
attitudes, beliefs, beliefs, values and so on.
Supporting factors manifested in the physical
environment, health facilities. The driving factor is
manifested in the attitudes and behavior of health
workers or other officers who are a reference group
of community behavior (Notoatmodjo, 2012).
Exclusive ASI giving can be influenced by many
factors, namely knowledge,maternal age, parity,
maternal education, mother's work, place of birth,
childbirth assistance, family support and support
from health workers. The coverage of ASI giving in
West Jakarta is still low at only 10.5%, so the
researcher is interested in researching at Grogol
Petamburan District Health Center, West Jakarta.
Coverage of exclusive ASI giving at Grogol
Petamburan District Health Center in West Jakarta
in 2015 only reached 39%. Based on these data, the
researcher wanted to find out the factors that
influence exclusive ASI giving in West Jakarta
Grogol Petamburan District Health Center in 2016.
The importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding:
Breastfeeding has many health benefits for both the
mother and infant. Breast milk contains all the
Puspitaloka Mahadewi, E., Putri Yanuarti, I., Heryana, A. and Kusumapradja, R.
The Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Grogol Petamburan Health Center.
DOI: 10.5220/0009950026572662
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2657-2662
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nutrients an infant needs in the first six months of
life. Breastfeeding protects against diarrhoea and
common childhood illnesses such as pneumonia, and
may also have longer-term health benefits for the
mother and child, such as reducing the risk of
overweight and obesity in childhood and
Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant
receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids
are given – not even water – except oral rehydration
solution, or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or
For infants to survive, grow and develop
properly, they require the right proportion of
nutrients. Breast milk is rich in nutrients and
antibodies and contains the right quantities of fat,
sugar, water and protein. These nutrients are major
pre-requisites to the health and survival of the baby.
When a child is exclusively breastfed, their immune
system is strengthened, enabling it to life-threatening
illnesses like pneumonia and diarrhoea amongst
other infections. Reports indicate that babies who
are not breastfed for the first six months of life are
15 times more likely to die from Pneumonia
compared to newborns that are breastfed exclusively
for six months after birth.
The World Health Organization estimates that
around 220,000 children could be saved every year
with exclusive breastfeeding. It recommends that
colostrum, the yellowish sticky breast milk that is
produced at the end of pregnancy as the ideal food
for newborns; to be given within the first hour of
birth, a process referred to as early initiation. Infants
breastfed within the first hour of birth are three times
more likely to survive than those who have their first
breast milk after a day. Exclusive breastfeeding
should be given from birth up to 6 months and
continued breastfeeding is recommended with
appropriate complementary food until the child
celebrates his/her second year birthday without
water, food or drink. The only exceptions are
rehydration salts and syrups that contain medicine.
The Research location is in Grogol Petamburan
District Health Center, West Jakarta, on May to June
2016. This type of research is quantitative. This
research is a descriptive analytic study with Cross-
Sectional method. Where all variables consisting of
dependent variables and independent end variables
were measured at the same time as the study took
The population in this study were all mothers
who had babies aged more than 0 months to 6
months (monitored babies) recorded at Grogol
Petamburan Subdistrict Health Center, West Jakarta
in 2016. The sampling method used was an
estimated proportion formula of Notoatmodjo (2012)
the researcher managed to obtain 185 samples.
Purposive sampling is based on a particular
consideration by inputting the health parameters of
the Health Center and those made by the researchers
The source of research data was primary data
obtained by conducting interviews with
questionnaire tools. Secondary data were obtained
from data from Grogol Petamburan District Health
Center in the form of 2015 exclusive ASI giving
coverage data and the number of infants monitored.
Data analysis phase uses univariate and bivariate
analysis. The univariate analysis aims to see or get
an overview of the distribution of respondents and
to describe the dependent variable in this study. The
bivariate analysis aims to find out if there is a
significant relationship between two variables or
more sample groups. This bivariate research or
analysis uses the Quadratic Kai test (Chi-Square),
aims to determine the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable.
4.1 Univariate Analysis
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Mother's Knowledge
Based on the table above, it is known that the
proportion of mother’s knowledge
at Grogol Petamburan Public Health Center, West
Jakarta in 2016, are mostly lacking; 98 respondents
Variable Total
Frequency (n) %
Mother’s Knowledge
Lacking 98 53
Good 87 47
Total 185 100
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Mother’s Age
Frequency %
<20 years old an
>35 years old
69 37.3
20-35 years old 116 62.7
Total 185 100.0
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the
proportion of respondents’ age at Grogol
Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta In 2016,
was mostly aged 20-35 years old; 116 respondents
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Mother’s Occupation
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the
proportion of respondents' work in Grogol
Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta in 2016
mostly unemployed / not working; 112
respondents (60.5%)
Place for Giving Birth
Table 4: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Place for Giving Birth
Frequency (n) %
Place for Giving Birth
Health Facility 172 93
Non-Health Facility 13 7
Total 185 100
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the
respondents’ proportion of places for giving birth in
Grogol Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta in
2016 was mostly health facilities; 172 respondents
Family Support
Table 5: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Family Support
Variable Total
Frequency(n) %
Family Support
Supportive 70 37.8
Not Supportive 115 62.2
Total 185 100.0
Based on the table above, it is known that the
proportion of the mother’s family support at Grogol
Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta in 2016
were mostly not supportive 115 respondents
Exclusive Breastfeeding giving
Table 6: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Variable Total
Frequency (n) %
Exclusive ASI giving
Giving exclusive
ASI giving
98 53
Not giving exclusive
ASI giving
87 47
Total 185 100
Based on the table above, it is known that the
proportion of exclusive breastfeeding at Grogol
Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta in 2016
mostly didnot provide; 98 respondents (53%).
4.2 Bivariate Analysis
The relationship between Knowledge and
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Table 7: The Relationship between Knowledge with
Exclusive Breastfeeding in Grogol Petamburan, West
Jakarta in 2016
74.5 25
28. 62
71. 87
The highest proportion of respondents with poor
knowledge who does not give exclusive
breastfeeding were 73 people (74.5%), while from
respondents with good knowledge, the highest
ot Working
The Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Grogol Petamburan Health Center
proportion in giving exclusive breastfeeding were 62
people (71.3%). Thus it can be concluded that there
is a significant relationship between knowledge and
exclusive breastfeeding.
Relationship Between Age and Exclusive
Table 8: The relationship between Age and exclusive
breastfeeding at Grogol Petamburan Health Center, West
Jakarta in 2016
No Yess
n % N % N %
<20 and >35
years old
41 59.
28 40.
69 100 .175
20-35years 57 49. 59 50. 116 100
In this study, the age of respondents <20 and> 35
years have the highest proportion on not giving
Exclusive breastfeeding, which was 41 respondents
(59.4%) and the age category of 20-35 years have
the highest proportion of 59 respondents (50.9%)
who gives exclusive breastfeeding. It can be
concluded that there is no significant relationship
between age and exclusive breastfeeding.
Relationship Between Works and Exclusive
Table 9: The relationship between work and exclusive
breastfeeding at Grogol Petamburan Health Center, West
Jakarta in 2016
Exclusive Breastfeeding
No Yes
N % N % N %
Working 37 50.7 36 49.3 73 100
61 54.5 51 45.5 112 100
The highest proportion of working respondents is
not giving exclusive breastfeeding as many as 37
people (50.7%), while the highest proportion of
unemployed respondents (IRT) are not providing
exclusive breastfeeding as many as 61 people
(54.5%). Thus it can be concluded that there is no
significant relationship between works with
exclusive breastfeeding.
Relationship Between Place of Giving Birth
and Exclusive Breastfeeding
Table 10: The relationship between giving birth and
exclusive breastfeeding at Grogol Petamburan Health
Center, West Jakarta in 2016
Exclusive Breastfeeding
No Yes
N % N % N %
Place of
8 61.5 5 38.5 13 100
90 52.3 82 47.7 172 100
The proportion of respondents who uses non-health
facility as a place to give birth and not giving
exclusive breastfeeding were as many as 8 people
(61.5%), while from respondents who use health
facility as a place to give birth and giving exclusive
breastfeeding were as many as 90 people (52.3%).
Thus it can be concluded that there is no significant
relationship between place of giving birth and
exclusive breastfeeding.
Relationship Between Family Support and
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Table 11: The relationship between family support and
exclusive breastfeeding at Grogol Petamburan Health
Center, West Jakarta in 2016
Exclusive Breastfeeding
No Yes
N % N % n %
70 60.9 45 39.1 115 100
Supportive 28 40 42 60 70 100
The proportion of respondents with less family
support and not giving exclusive breastfeeding were
as many as 70 people (60.9%), while respondents
with good family support and give out exclusive
breastfeeding were as many as 42 people (60%).
Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between family support and exclusive
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
5.1 Overview of Exclusive Breastfeeding
Exclusive breastfeeding is giving out breastfeeding
without additional food at the age of 0-6 months.
Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given
breastfeeding from birth without additional fluids
such as formula milk, oranges, honey, tea water,
water, and without solid foods such as bananas,
porridge, milk porridge, and steamed rice
(Maryunani, 2012, p.98). In this study, the results of
the univariate analysis showed that mothers who
carried out exclusive breastfeeding were mostly not
giving exclusive breastfeeding as many as 98
respondents (53%) and respondents who gave
exclusive breastfeeding were 87 respondents (47%).
5.2 Knowledge
Based on the results of the study, it was also
found that there’s a significant relationship between
knowledge factors with exclusive breastfeeding at
Grogol Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta.
Knowledge is a domain that strongly shapes one's
actions (Overt Behavior) (Notoatmodjo, 2012).
5.3 Age
The result also found no significant relationship
between age factors with exclusive breastfeeding at
Grogol Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta.
Age is the age of an individual starting from the time
of birth until now. Age <20 and> 35 years is a risky
age for childbirth which will affect exclusive
breastfeeding and can affect lactation ability. While
the age of 20-35 years is fertile or reproductive, so it
has good lactation to provide exclusive
breastfeeding (Utami, 2012).
5.4 Occupation
Based on the results of the study, it is also found that
there’s no significant relationship between
occupation and exclusive breastfeeding in Grogol
Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta. The
increase in the female workforce can affect
exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia, because it is
feared that female workers who have babies
experience difficulties in giving breast milk because
they do not get the opportunity and means to
breastfeed at work (Center for Data and Information
of the Ministry of Health, 2014).
5.5 Place for Giving Birth
Based on the results of the study it is also found that
there’s no significant relationship between the place
of for giving birth and exclusive breastfeeding at
Grogol Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta. It
is very important for all health facilities to support
breastfeeding and commit to exclusive breastfeeding
because health facilities are institutions that are
trusted by the use of childbirth services (MOH,
5.6 Family Support
Based on the results of the study it is also found that
there’s a significant relationship between place for
giving birth and exclusive breastfeeding at Grogol
Petamburan Health Center, West Jakarta. Most
pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers who
have received counseling about breast milk do not
practice their knowledge because they are not the
maindecision-makers in the family to provide
exclusive breastfeeding (Utami, 2012).
In this study frequency of knowledge, age,
employment, place of birth, family support and
exclusive breastfeeding were tested. It is found that
there is a relationship between knowledge with
exclusive breastfeeding and there is a relationship
between family support and exclusive breastfeeding.
Forage, work and place of delivery, there were no
relationship with exclusive breastfeeding. From the
results of this study, following suggestions for the
future were concluded:
The need to increase maternal knowledge
about breastfeeding until the baby is 6
months old, by expanding promotion and
education about exclusive breastfeeding, not
only to mothers but can be done for
husbands, parents, and in-laws.
Establishment of breast milk Support Groups
as support for health workers to help promote
exclusive breastfeeding in the community.
Health workers must provide education about
exclusive breastfeeding to pregnant women
so that they can carry out exclusive
Ministry regulation policy on providing
breast milk space in each existing company
must be applied to each company so that
working mothers continue to provide
exclusive breastfeeding for their babies.
Health workers must provide education so
that the community gives birth in health
The Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Grogol Petamburan Health Center
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation