the data, date and time, the results of the history, the
results of physical examination, investigation,
diagnosis, management plan, treatment, observation
record, home summary, name and sign of doctor /
dentist for dental cases equipped with odontogram.
Further scores on item no. 2 of 21 (84%) with RM
note notes regarding physical examination of the
patient include information in the form of
inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
Though it should be information of RM physical
examination not only that but also include an
examination of the head to toe which contains the
result of the check of vital signs (temperature, blood
pressure, pulse, respiratory rate) and basicbiometric
(TB, BB, Pain).
As for the informed consent, the lowest score on
item no 14 (7%) is the RM informed consent form
not required for emergency patients who are not
accompanied by the patient's family. In this
question, many nurses who assume in emergency
conditions must continue to fill in informed consent.
Whereas according to Permenkes No 209 / Menkes /
Per / III / 2008 in Article 4 paragraph (1) that no
informed consent needed in emergencies. However,
if an action has been taken to rescue the emergency,
the physician is obliged after that to explain to the
patient or immediate family.
The next lowest score on item 8 with a score of 9
(36%) with the question on the RM form of
Informed consent contains the consent of the
medical treatment signed by the patient/family of the
patient before any specific action/therapyis
performed. Many nurses consider informed consent
only for certain therapies. Whereas informed consent
is written and oral consent which is done for all
medical actions in normal circumstances and
emergency situations.
Overall nurse knowledge about RM physical
examination and informed consent included in good
category, this can be seen from the mean value of
The results of this study in line with research
conducted by Agus Siswanto in 2012 obtained the
results of nurse knowledge about the regulation of
medical record in the category very good 43.6%,
both 25.5%, quite 23.6%, and less 7.3% . Another
study conducted by Ardika (2012) found that 11
people (73.3%) who know medical records in either
The low score on statement item # 1 concerning
the inclusion of minimal data on medical record
documents is very fatal because most respondents
answered wrongly (60%). Similarly, question no 2 is
about RM records on physical examination of the
patient. This proves that there are still many nurses
who do not know about the procedure of filling the
medical record correctly. According to the medical
record document, researchers should be given
sufficiently detailed data, as this relates to treatment
and care to the patient and the implementation of
further examination to the patient. As for the
informed consent the lowest score on item No. 8 and
14. This indicates that many nurses who do not
understand the use of informed consent.
The nurse as one of the medical record personnel
has the responsibility to evaluate the quality of the
medical record itself to ensure consistency and
completeness of the content. Therefore, the RM
report, in this case, the physical examination and
informed consent is in full condition and contains all
positive and negative discovery data.
According to the researcher the good level of
knowledge by the nurse this is caused by 60% age of
respondents are in the range of 27-40 years it shows
the nurse at productive age to produce good
performance besides the highest nurse education
level is DIII (52%) and work experience <10 years
(40%) this is also a good input for nurse knowledge
because education influences the learning process,
the higher the education of a person the easier it is
for the person to receive the information. With
higher education then one will tend to get
information both from others and from the mass
media. The more information that goes in,the more
knowledge gained about health. Knowledge is
closely related to education where it is expected that
someone with higher education then the person will
be more knowledgeable. Further experience or high
work can increase the knowledge of nurses because
experience as a source of knowledge is a way to
obtain the truth of knowledge by repeating the
knowledge gained in solving problems faced in the
past so that with long service can develop a person's
ability to increase knowledge.
Also, nurses who have a good knowledge of
medical records (80%) are nurses who are always
active to find out about SOP filling the medical
record. While 20% of nurses with knowledge of
filling the medical record is not good, this is
according to the researcher because the nurses are
not active to seek information about medical records
either ask through RM officers, doctors, midwives,
verifieretc. and never participate in training and
workshop about medical record. Nurses who do not
yet have a good knowledge of medical records are
usually new nurses who have not been input from
long-standing nurses with good experience in filling
out medical record data. According to Notoatmodjo