Implementation of Working Contract with Degree Certificate as a
Collateral Related to the Freedom of Contract Principles and Human
Nin Yasmine Lisasih
, Suryanti T. Arief
, Henry Arianto
and Fitria Olivia
Law Faculty, Esa Unggul University, Jl. Arjuna Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Keywords: Work Contract, Collateral, Freedom of Contract, Human Rights.
Abstract: This research examines the issues related to the detention of degree certificate as collateral by the employer
who provides the consequence that the employee cannot get the better jobs. The powerful position of the
employer from the economical side provides the outcome for the contract characteristic as a standard
contract and as well as its model as a vertical contract. This research will examine how the contract should
be, that provides the equilibrium principle for both parties. From the results of the study, the authors will find
that the previous researchers "mostly examined legal protection for workers who were detained by their
degree certificate, and never examined their roots, namely the basic rights of workers who were violated in
detention of degree certificate and the basic principles of contract violated, so that the implementation of
work ties by using a degree certificate as a collateral by examining its relation to the principle of freedom of
contract and human rights have never been done before " The methodology is normative juridical of which
the result of this research is the problem is not regulated whilst there are some cases reported. The result
showed that the principle of freedom of contract which is implemented in the form of a standard contract and
there is no supervision from the government. Therefore, in the case of work bond with degree certificate as
collateral, the impact of loss for the workers, where there is a violation of Human Rights of the workers.
The phenomenon of degree certificate’s detention is
a matter that can not be tolerated by its existence in
the working contract, either in private company or a
government institution. When an applicant is
accepted for work by a company, sometimes the
company requires the holding of a degree certificate
for a certain period. Regarding the principle of
freedom of contract as stipulated in Article 1338
paragraph (1) of the Civil Code, of course, the
detention of such degree certificate is allowed. This
is because basically according to the principle of
freedom of contract, the covenant-makers are free to
arrange anything in the agreement provided that by
its nature it is required by propriety, custom or law.
The terms of the working contract with the
detention of this degree certificate are often
encountered in various job vacancies either through
the internet or in newspapers, both job vacancies for
private companies and government agencies. There
is no academic research found on the detention of
degree certificate by the company. However, the
writer found articles in the newspaper,and electronic
media, which conclude the detention of degree
certificate by companies is a violation of human
rights and the law.
Several violation cases occurred. In Palembang -
Indonesia, the case of PT. Indomarco Prisma Tama
(Indomaret) holds the employee’s degree certificate
and ex-employee’s degree certificate. This case
received the spotlight from Palembang city
government officials, where the Head of Palembang
Labor Department said based on Law number 13 of
2013 there are no rules that allow companies to hold
their employee’s degree certificate. It is even said
that the policy violates the employee's human right
to find the best job.
The practice of detention of this degree
certificate also happens in Yogyakarta. According
to the Head of the Private Ombudsman Institution
(LOS) of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), there
are some workers from several companies in
Yogyakarta who reported cases of injustice that
occurred in the employment relationship between
workers and employers to LOS. The case examples
occurred in five employees of a leading Internet
service provider in Yogyakarta. In the employment
agreement, it is stipulated that the final graduation
certificate of the employee is submitted to the
Yasmine Lisasih, N., T. Arief, S., Arianto, H. and Olivia, F.
Implementation of Working Contract with Degree Certificate as a Collateral Related to the Freedom of Contract Principles and Human Rights.
DOI: 10.5220/0009950826932700
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2693-2700
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
company as collateral for the cooperation to be
returned if the agreement expires. Workers are also
required to pay a fine of Rp 6 million (six million
rupiahs) and are required to return all compensation
received if they cancel the agreement by resigning
before the term of the agreement expires
The practice of detention this degree certificate
also occurs in Banten. Many retailers in Serang City
allegedly do the practice of detention of degree
certificate. They hold the worker's degree certificate
as one of the conditions of employment. They argue
as a guarantee when something bad happens.
Generally, this practice is mostly done by retail
companies. Not only in Serang City, this practice is
also suspected to occur in other cities in Indonesia.
The findings were submitted by Commission II of
Serang City DPRD (Regional People's
Representative Assembly).
The detention of degree certificate certainly
benefits the interests of the employer as an
employer. In the context of the agreement, the issue
is whether the custodial certificate is an act of
obligation in the Civil Code which may occur if a
party denies the content of the agreement.
The working contract is the most important legal
basis of employment. It can serve as a protection of
interest, juridical grip and legal certainty for the
Employee as well as the Proponent. (Koko Kosidin,
1999) Besides, it is also the initial juridical guidance
and also the final juridical reference of the legal
subjects involved in it if there will be a dispute
within the execution of work (Lanny Ramli, 2001).
The purpose of the contract is to regulate the
legal relationship and give born to a set of rights and
obligations. The agreement proves that the legal
relationship of the parties is a legal fact. Work
relationships are the activities of mobilization of
personnel/services a person regularly for the benefit
of others who govern (employers/employers) by an
agreement that has been agreed (Hartono,
Judiantoro, 1992
The working contract must be made in writing.
This is because some forms of labor agreements
exclude the principle of consensuality, namely a
treaty required by employment law must be held in
writing (Hidayat Muharam, 2006). The Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2003 about
Labor stipulates the working agreement and Article
51 paragraph (2) of Labor Law require that the
employment agreement is made in writing and
executed by applicable laws and regulations.
According to the article, if in the working
contract made a rule that is not appropriate or not
regulated in the applicable laws and regulations then
the rules in the working contract need to be studied
further. The issue of detention of degree certificate
in the relation of working contract between the
Employer and the Employee has not been regulated
in Law number 13 of 2013 so that the problem of
detention of degree certificate can be briefly
assumed to be contradictory to Article 51 paragraph
(2) of Law number 13 of 2013.
Other issues in the detention of this degree
certificate are the requirement of detention of the
degree certificate is not specified in the employment
contract. If included then the next problem is the
working contract is generally in the form of a
standard contract that is only made unilaterally so
that no opportunity for workers to negotiate in the
standard work contract. Standard contracts are made
wherever possible to optimize contracts, especially
those that focus on the company's interests
(Christina Maria Vogerl, 2007).
If within the period of the employment contract
the worker in the bond is uncomfortable in
performing his / her work, surely the detention of
this degree certificate may be categorized as the
implementation of the principle of freedom of
contract which exceeds the limit to violate the
human rights of the Employee. The Government
itself regulates such human rights provisions in the
provisions of public law. So it can be seen that in
labor law there is a conflict between public law and
private law. On one side of the contract should be
implemented as the implementation of the principle
of pactasuntservanda, but on the other hand, the
government must also guarantee the rights of
workers by the provisions of human rights
Human rights are the rights that are owned by all
people at all times and in all places because human
beings are born as human beings. These rights
include the right to life, freedom and wealth as
proposed by John Locke. Recognition is not required
for human rights, either from the government or a
legal system, because human rights are universal.
For this reason, the source of human rights comes
solely from humans. (Todung Mulya Lubis, 1993).
This universal freedom of human rights applies to all
human rights including workers' rights.
The heterogeneous and autonomous law is the
result of public and civil law aspects of employment
relations. Thus the labor law can be said to be dual,
on the one hand, is a public law, and on the one hand
is also the nature of civil law. Half people say labor
law is no longer privaatrechtelijk (civil matter), but
publiekrechtelijk (public law) (Imam Supomo,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Employers often misuse the absence of
regulatory matters in the legislation. For example,
even if the Employee applies to quit his job but his
degree certificate remains in custody until the
contract expires. This necessarily results in the
person in the position will be uncertain in his work
so that it is contrary to Article 27 paragraph (2) of
the 1945 Constitution which states that everyone is
entitled to a decent living and work.
Another problem is whether in this case the
government can interfere with or tolerate the
existence of the degree certificate’s detention so that
the welfare of the citizens is fulfilled and there is no
human rights violation. Also, there are roles from
institutions such as the National Commission on
Human Rights, the Labor and Transmigration Office
and the Trade Union in addressing this issue.
With the conduct of this study, it is hoped that
the results of this study will be contributing, among
others: First, contribution to knowledge which is a
contribution to the problem by analyzing problems
that occur in the perspective of freedom of contract
and human rights; Second, contributions to the
government, it is expected that the government can
draft legislation that explicitly regulates the
detention of a degree certificate in a working bond
so that there is no violation in the employment bond;
Third, contribution to the society, it is expected that
the society will understand how the detention of a
degree certificate is legally permissible or not.
The method of research used in this study is
normative juridical, namely legal research conducted
by examining the literature (Soerdjono Soekamto
and Sri Mamudji, 1985). This method is used
considering the problems studied revolve around the
relationship of legislation to each other and equipped
with legal theories and practice of diploma detention
in the relationship of work bonds between employers
and workers. Approach method used in this research
is a method of approach of Act (statute approach).
The law approach is carried out by reviewing all
laws and regulations relating to the legal issues
being addressed (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2006).
Data collection techniques in this study are through
literature study to obtain secondary data in the form
of laws, decisions, and other legal materials and
tertiary data by researching Sub-Office of Labor and
Transmigration of North Jakarta Municipality. Field
data collection is used only to complement this
normative study.
(58.8%), laptop by 9 students (17.6%), Ipad by
6 students (11.8%), DVD Player by 3 students
3.1 Implementation of Freedom of
Contract Principle in Working
Bond with a Degree Certificate as a
In the context of the legalagreement,several
important principles must be considered by the
parties in making agreements, namely the principle
of consensualism, the principle of freedom of
contract, the principle of personality, the principle of
pactasuntservanda, and the principle of good faith
(Abdulkadir Muhammad, 2000). These principles
are the basis of the will of the parties in achieving
their goals. However, this paper will only focus on
the principle of freedom of contract as a basis for
making work agreements between employers and
The meaning of freedom of contract is that
everyone is free to determine with whom he will
agree, free to determine the form and content of the
agreement and free to choose law (Taufiq El
Rahman, 2011). The principle of freedom of contract
indicates that there needs to be a bargaining position
between the parties. In the context of employment
agreements, the principle of freedom of contract
prevents the possibility of workers being treated the
same as commodities, because by giving workers the
opportunity to vote, this principle means in
accordance with the principle of respect for the
dignity, freedom and equality of workers as citizens
(Hugh Collins, 2003). In its development, this
principle appears to be a new paradigm in contract
law that leads to unrestricted freedom of contract
(Lammy Betten, 1995).
Countries that have the Common Law legal
system know the freedom of contracting with the
terms Freedom of Contract or laisseizfaire.
Formulated by Jessel M.R. in the case of "Printing
and Numerical Registering Co. Vs. Samson: “Men
of full age understanding shall have the utmost
liberty of contracting, and that contracts which are
freely and voluntarily entered into shall be held and
enforced by the courts…… you are not lightly to
interfere with this freedom of contract” (Jessel,
Implementation of Working Contract with Degree Certificate as a Collateral Related to the Freedom of Contract Principles and Human
The implementation of the principle of
consensualism according to the Indonesian
agreement law solidifies the principle of freedom of
contract. Without agreeing from one of the parties
agreeing, without agreeing the agreement can be
cancelled. This principle provides information that
an agreement has basically existed since the
agreement was reached between the parties to the
agreement. The principle of consensualism
contained in Article 1320 of the Civil Code implies
the willingness of the parties to bind themselves and
this will to raise the belief that the agreement will be
The principle of consensualism relates to the
born of a covenant. Consensualism implies that the
agreement occurs because of a free agreement or
will from the parties agreeing on the content or
subject matter of the agreement. (Wiryono
Projodikoro, 1992). Article 1338 Paragraph (1) of
the Civil Code states that: "All legally-made
agreements act as laws for those who make them".
In the article is found the principle of consensualism
contained in the word "... legallymade agreement..."
which refers to article 1320 Civil Code, especially in
paragraph (1) that they agree to bind himself.
With the principle of consensualism, it means
that the agreement was born at the time the
agreement was reached from the parties who agreed
to bind themselves. In an obligatory agreement, the
agreement made has been binding on the parties.
This principle of consensualism then influences the
form of agreement, namely by the existence of
consensualism, the agreement was born or formed at
the time the agreement was reached between the
parties so that there was no need for another form of
formality. As a result, the agreement that occurs
because the agreement is a free agreement so that it
can be oral or written.
Based on an interview at Sub-Office of Labor
and Transmigration of North Jakarta Municipality,
in the conduct of employment relations, the
construction of this law in which degree certificate
are used as collateral in employment bonds
continues to operate in the practice of employment
relations. Such legal construction makes the
Procuring Entity have the right to make provision of
degree certificate detention as work security. This
can be seen with the reports related to the detention
of the certificate in the office of the Sub-Office of
Labor and Transmigration of North Jakarta
The legal relationship between Workers and
Employers in their implementation is essentially
unbalanced. This means that the Employee's
obligations are more than the Procuring Entity. In
such a working relationship between Worker and
Employer is sub-ordination (vertical relationship).
This is in contrast to the legal relationship in general
in a general co-ordination engagement (horizontal
relationship) (Aloysius Uwiyono, 2014).
As a treaty that has special characteristics, the
employment agreement in principle is an agreement.
Therefore, as far as the general provisions are
concerned, such as on the terms of the validity of the
agreement, the subject and the object of the
agreement. Similarly to the terms of the validity of
the agreement, the conditions for the validity of the
employment agreement are mutual agreement, the
ability or the ability of the parties to perform legal
acts, the existence of the contracted work, and the
contracted work is not contrary to public order,
morality, and legislation applicable (Article 1320 jo
1338 jo 1339 Civil Code). If there are unfulfilled
requirements, the consequences may be cancelled
(for subjective terms) or null and void (objective
terms) (Aloysius Uwiyono, 2014).
A work agreement is a dovish contract because
the parties can not determine their intention in the
agreement. Freedom of contract in such employment
agreements has made a distinction between the
positions of the parties entering into a contract of
employment, causing the parties to not determine
their intention in the agreement, especially the
Beneficiary. The parties in such employment ties are
subject to the provisions of labor law as lex
specialists of the treaty in general (Aloysius
Uwiyono, 2014).
This condition is harmful and violates the
principle of freedom of contract even though it has
been agreed by the parties. In modern contract law
theory there has been a classical paradigm shift
towards the modern paradigm which is mentioned
by Atiyah: "Pacta suntservanda is not really a rule
on its own, but is merely a reflection of the nature of
a contractual obligation. The problem is to decide
when the rules of admittance of exceptions ".
3.2 The Role of Government in the
Working Bond with Degree
Certificate as a Collateral
The role of the government in providing legal
protection to the Employee is more to provide
facilitation in the event of a dispute between the
Employee and the Employer. In this research, if
there is a dispute between the Employee and the
Employer related to the detention of the diploma,
then the normative government provides an
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
opportunity for both parties to resolve the dispute in
Bipartite. If there is no common ground, the
Employee may record the matter to the Employment
Authority in his / her territory according to the
location of the workplace. The Employment
Agencies may call the disputing parties to facilitate
the settlement of the issue of their degree certificate
detention through mediation.
The role of the government in providing legal
protection in labor agreements is a State intervention
over the possibility of exploitation of the Employer
as a strong economic party to the Employee as a
weak economic party. Protection by States is
generally contained in public statutory legislation, as
a compelling restriction on the principle of freedom
of contract adopted by liberal States. Government
intervention in the principle of freedom of contract
according to law expert M.G. Levenbach also S.
Mok is an emergency exception (Aloysius Uwiyono,
Thus the public does not see again that the
Employee and the Employer in the employment
agreement are not equal partners but indeed an equal
partnership. The nature of public law in the
employment relationship provides the State's role to
intervene by imposing sanctions on those who are
obliged to enforce the provisions of the legislation.
Regarding the role of this government in the
implementation of employment, in general, will be
very dilemmatic. On the one hand, whether the
government should have a very dominant role in
determining the Corporatist Model or the
government should reduce its dominant role in
facing the effects of globalization (Aloysius
Uwiyono, 2006).
In the context of the employment agreement as
the standard contract, in Article 18 paragraph (1) of
the Consumer Protection Law, the Government has
made a prohibition on a standard contract. The
restrictions are limitative: (1) The transfer of
responsibility of the business actor, (2) The business
actor refuses to hand over the goods, (3) the business
actor refuses to refund the consumer's money, (4) the
granting of authorization from the consumer to the
business actor on the goods purchased with (7)
Declare that consumers are subject to the
arrangement of unilaterally made clause changes, (8)
Providing power to business actors by consumers to
impose warranties on items purchased by
In the context of an employment agreement that
refers to the principle of freedom of contract, as
stated by Treitel, restrictions must be exercised to
suppress the abuse caused by the principle of
freedom of contract, and also for the public interest.
So there is no absolute freedom of contract. The
Government may, in this case, arrange or prohibit a
contract which may adversely affect or harm the
public interest.
3.3 The Degree Certificate is Not the
Object of Civil Warranty Law in
the Context of a Degree
Certificate as collateral of contract implementation,
the first problem is that the degree certificate is not a
material right that can be transferred or used as
collateral. So it can not be executed which means
there is no use economically for the party given the
guarantee. Secondly, the term of guarantee relates to
debt problems in Indonesian Legal Law, while the
certificate as a guarantee of contract implementation
is related to work bond law problem instead of the
debt agreement. So the legal construction of the
certificate holder in the bond of work does not
provide economic benefits for the Employer but
gives the effect of loss both moral and material loss
for the Employee.
The government should regulate the issue of
guarantee of the execution of this contract as it
concerns the rights of the Employee. Substantively
the rights of the Employees who are pledged can be
very wide if not regulated. An employer may freely
determine the right of rights be guaranteed.
Consequently, the rights whose substance is the
Human Rights of the Employee will be injured or
violated by the principle of freedom of contract.
According to the Researcher, as outlined in Article 8
of Law number 10 of 2004, is a human rights
material that must be regulated by law.
3.4 The Standard Contract in the
Employment Agreement Does Not
Provide Justice Rights
In the context of the theory of justice for freedom of
contract in the execution of the contract of labor
relations, as Rawls says, the situation of inequality
must be given such a rule that it is most beneficial to
the weakest. Furthermore, John Rawls asserted that a
democratic justice enforcement program should pay
attention to two principles of justice, first, giving
equal rights and opportunities to the widest freedom
of the broadest extent of equal freedom for
everyone, and secondly, being able to reorganize the
socio-economic disparities that happens so as to
provide reciprocal benefits for everyone, whether
those from lucky or disadvantaged groups.
Implementation of Working Contract with Degree Certificate as a Collateral Related to the Freedom of Contract Principles and Human
Here the role of government in the opinion of the
Researcher is needed to provide justice for the
Employees who fall into the category of the weak
group of society. Government funding can be
improved through regulatory and institutional
aspects. So it will protect the Rights of Employees
who have not been poured or not yet regulated in the
legislation, in this case, is the law of employment.
3.5 Protection of Human Rights for
Workers in Working Bond with a
Degree Certificate of Collateral
Based on an interview at Sub-Office of Labor and
Transmigration of North Jakarta Municipality, in the
context of human rights, the detention of degree
certificate has become a problem for the rights of the
workers as the Workers Enforced by the Employer.
In the implementation, there have been complaints
and reports of several workers at the Office of Labor
and Transmigration Office of North Jakarta
In the case of degree certificate’s detention, in a
study at the Office of Labor and Transmigration
Office of North Jakarta Municipality, it is found that
there is no regulation of diploma detention in Law
number 13 of 2003 there is also no regulation in the
labor regulations related to the detention of
diplomas. So that the government does not make
normative requirements of custodial
detention.Protectiongiven by the government in this
case that the government controls the contract or
work agreements that must refer to Law number 13
of 2003 and Ministerial Decree number 100 of 2004
on Implementation of Working Agreement of
Certain Time.
In labor law, the general principle of protection
for workers according to Imam Soepomo is
categorized into three categories: (1) economic
protection, in the form of efforts to provide
sufficient income for workers to meet the daily
needs of workers and their families, (2) protection
social, ie community-driven efforts for workers to be
able to grow and develop their livelihoods as human
beings in general as well as members of family and
society, and (3) technical protection that seeks to
prevent workers from the danger of accidents which
can be caused by tools, tools, aircraft, machinery or
other work tools, or materials that are processed and
worked by workers in the company (Imam Supomo,
From legal provisions stemming from the
autonomous rules of workers' protection can indeed
and openly be stipulated in employment agreements,
collective bargaining agreements between trade
unions and companies. This is because the system in
the treaty law itself is an open system. In
government heteronomic rules, the rights of the
Employee as part of the substance of human rights
can be implemented in the labor legislation
However, in the opinion of the Researcher, the
rights of the Employee who are the substance of
human rights in the view of natural rights theory
(natural rights theory) are not written in the rules, or
in other words have not been positive. Examples of
this are the loss of rights or violations of the rights of
the Employee due to the detention of the degree
certificate by the Employer as job security. This
limits the rights of the Employees to get a better job.
Since this substance has not been positively
regulated, it consequently opens opportunities for
the Employer to violate the Human Rights of the
3.6 Arrangement of Ban of Degree
Certificate's Detention as a
In the opinion of the Researcher, the Government
shall regulate the prohibition of the granting of the
Workers' Acceptance certificate by the Employer as
collateral for employment. The arrangement must be
in the form of law. So even if based on an agreement
with the principle of freedom of contract, the
employment agreement made with the standard
contract form would be null and void because it is
against the law. This refers to Article 1339 of the
Civil Code.
At various levels and the environment of human
rights violations can occur by the level or
environment. The higher the position of one party
the greater the opportunity to commit human rights
violations against the other party. However, this
does not mean that those who can commit human
rights violations are those who have certain powers.
Ordinary people can also commit human rights
violations if their actions are clearly contrary to the
dignity of humanity (Richard Bennet, 2000).
It is acknowledged that the wider power held by
one party will tend to be more wide open to human
rights violations. Moreover, if the violated party does
not have a bargaining position in balance with the
offending party, so in the end that owned power is
more open opportunities for human rights violations.
Power here does not merely refer to the power of
government, but also other forms of power existing
in society, including within an employer company.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Therefore, in Article 8 of Law number 10 of
2004, mention human rights as content material that
must be regulated by law (Maria Farida Indrati,
2007). Based on this case, according to researchers,
the government should regulate the issue of
detention of diplomas in relation to these work
bonds in the rules of labour legislation.
The role of the government to raise the issue of
detention of degree certificate of Employees by
Employers in the context that must be implemented
in the perspective of the Welfare State. The welfare
of the state is focused on the implementation of an
institutionalized social protection system for
everyone as a reflection of the right of citizenship on
the one hand and on the other the state obligation. So
as to maintain and improve the well-being of the
citizens fairly and sustainably.
In the context of protecting the Employees
whose rights to obtain a better job, the Government
shall exercise control over the implementation of the
employment agreement. In the opinion of the
Researcher, the right of the Employees to get a
better job so as to obtain a more prosperous
condition socially constitutes the human rights
material which must be regulated in the law as
stipulated in Article 8 of Law number 10 of 2004.
Thus, the Employer which makes the
employment agreement in the standard form, in
which the clause of detention of degree certificate as
job security is a violation of human rights. The
standard contract is null and void by reference to
Article 1339 of the Civil Code. The prohibition of
making a degree certificate as employment collateral
between the Employer and the Employee in law will
provide a basis for the Government to exercise
control over the implementation of the employment
The implementation of the principle of freedom of
contract in the bond of employment in its
implementation is still a vertical relationship in
which the Employer has a stronger position than the
Employees. This refers to the principle of freedom
of contract which is implemented in the form of a
standard contract and no supervision. Therefore, in
the case of work bond with degree certificate as
collateral, the impact of loss for the Employee,
where there is a violation of Human Rights of the
Employee. It is based on the theory of natural rights
theory that there are rights of the Employees who are
part of the human rights that are not written in a
positive manner in the law which is violated by the
Employer. The government also can not perform its
functions to provide welfare, justice equitably and
equitably, because the prohibition has not been made
to make diplomas as job security, which according
to John Rawls's theory of justice, the situation of
inequality between the Employer and the Employee
must be given such a rule that which is most
beneficial for the weakest group of people.
The withholding of the Workers' Degree
Certificate by the Employer shall result in a
violation of the rights of the Employee. The non-
acceptance of the Employee due to the imposition of
a degree certificate by the Employer constitutes a
violation of the Employee's Rights, namely to
withhold the right of the Employee to obtain a better
job and more prosperous life. Because this matter is
a substance of human rights, then he is included in
the substance that must be regulated in the form of
law. In this case, it is part of the labor law.
The research was supported by Law Faculty, Esa
Unggul University.
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