company as collateral for the cooperation to be
returned if the agreement expires. Workers are also
required to pay a fine of Rp 6 million (six million
rupiahs) and are required to return all compensation
received if they cancel the agreement by resigning
before the term of the agreement expires
The practice of detention this degree certificate
also occurs in Banten. Many retailers in Serang City
allegedly do the practice of detention of degree
certificate. They hold the worker's degree certificate
as one of the conditions of employment. They argue
as a guarantee when something bad happens.
Generally, this practice is mostly done by retail
companies. Not only in Serang City, this practice is
also suspected to occur in other cities in Indonesia.
The findings were submitted by Commission II of
Serang City DPRD (Regional People's
Representative Assembly).
The detention of degree certificate certainly
benefits the interests of the employer as an
employer. In the context of the agreement, the issue
is whether the custodial certificate is an act of
obligation in the Civil Code which may occur if a
party denies the content of the agreement.
The working contract is the most important legal
basis of employment. It can serve as a protection of
interest, juridical grip and legal certainty for the
Employee as well as the Proponent. (Koko Kosidin,
1999) Besides, it is also the initial juridical guidance
and also the final juridical reference of the legal
subjects involved in it if there will be a dispute
within the execution of work (Lanny Ramli, 2001).
The purpose of the contract is to regulate the
legal relationship and give born to a set of rights and
obligations. The agreement proves that the legal
relationship of the parties is a legal fact. Work
relationships are the activities of mobilization of
personnel/services a person regularly for the benefit
of others who govern (employers/employers) by an
agreement that has been agreed (Hartono,
Judiantoro, 1992
The working contract must be made in writing.
This is because some forms of labor agreements
exclude the principle of consensuality, namely a
treaty required by employment law must be held in
writing (Hidayat Muharam, 2006). The Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2003 about
Labor stipulates the working agreement and Article
51 paragraph (2) of Labor Law require that the
employment agreement is made in writing and
executed by applicable laws and regulations.
According to the article, if in the working
contract made a rule that is not appropriate or not
regulated in the applicable laws and regulations then
the rules in the working contract need to be studied
further. The issue of detention of degree certificate
in the relation of working contract between the
Employer and the Employee has not been regulated
in Law number 13 of 2013 so that the problem of
detention of degree certificate can be briefly
assumed to be contradictory to Article 51 paragraph
(2) of Law number 13 of 2013.
Other issues in the detention of this degree
certificate are the requirement of detention of the
degree certificate is not specified in the employment
contract. If included then the next problem is the
working contract is generally in the form of a
standard contract that is only made unilaterally so
that no opportunity for workers to negotiate in the
standard work contract. Standard contracts are made
wherever possible to optimize contracts, especially
those that focus on the company's interests
(Christina Maria Vogerl, 2007).
If within the period of the employment contract
the worker in the bond is uncomfortable in
performing his / her work, surely the detention of
this degree certificate may be categorized as the
implementation of the principle of freedom of
contract which exceeds the limit to violate the
human rights of the Employee. The Government
itself regulates such human rights provisions in the
provisions of public law. So it can be seen that in
labor law there is a conflict between public law and
private law. On one side of the contract should be
implemented as the implementation of the principle
of pactasuntservanda, but on the other hand, the
government must also guarantee the rights of
workers by the provisions of human rights
Human rights are the rights that are owned by all
people at all times and in all places because human
beings are born as human beings. These rights
include the right to life, freedom and wealth as
proposed by John Locke. Recognition is not required
for human rights, either from the government or a
legal system, because human rights are universal.
For this reason, the source of human rights comes
solely from humans. (Todung Mulya Lubis, 1993).
This universal freedom of human rights applies to all
human rights including workers' rights.
The heterogeneous and autonomous law is the
result of public and civil law aspects of employment
relations. Thus the labor law can be said to be dual,
on the one hand, is a public law, and on the one hand
is also the nature of civil law. Half people say labor
law is no longer privaatrechtelijk (civil matter), but
publiekrechtelijk (public law) (Imam Supomo,