accounting and ABC is the amount of cost drivers
used in the ABC method more than in conventional
cost accounting systems.
Table 6. Calculation of Cost of Goods Manufactured per
Unit with Activity Based Costing System (ABC) For
Redceri Orange
Table 7. Calculation of Cost of Goods Manufactured per
Unit with Activity Based Costing System (ABC) for
Redceri Carica
Table 8. Projected Cost of Goods Sold Y0-Y5
Companies can use Activity Based Costing
(ABC) system to analyse activities. The
implementation of ABC is an innovation, one of
which is to reduce non value-adding activities, add
value to products / services to be produced, and
eliminate activities that are not in accordance with
the wishes of customers or who do not create added
More accurate per-unit pricing is important for
management as a basis for decision-making.
Management can be made easier in making
decisions, among others in determining the selling
price, considering refusing or accepting an order,
monitoring the realization of costs, calculating the
profit / loss of each order and determining the cost
of the finished product and product inventory in the
process to be presented on the balance sheet.
Determination of cost of goods sold in industrial
companies, generally on the initial inventory of
finished products coupled with the amount of
production price (cost of goods manufactured) and
reduced by the end product inventory. So the notion
of cost of goods sold, based on Accounting
Principles Indonesia explains that the beginning
balance of inventory plus the cost of goods
purchased for sale, minus the final inventory
amount. For industrial enterprises in cost of goods
sold including all direct wages and materials costs
plus all factory costs (production) is not directly
corrected by the number of beginning and ending
inventory balances.
The calculation of cost of goods sold can not be
separated from the total cost of raw materials, direct
labour, and overhead. However, excludes counting
of operational costs such as marketing,
administration and general costs. Cost of goods sold
also involves all costs used for employee wages and
the cost of direct production materials and indirect
factory production costs.
Cost of goods sold has three basic structural
elements: (1) Inventory; (2) direct labour costs; (3)
Overhead (overhead cost). The inventory element
includes raw materials inventory, work in process
inventory or WIP and stock of finished goods
The company uses Activity Based Costing
(ABC) system to analyse the activity. From the pre-
made budget planning covering the sales budget,
production budget, raw material budget, indirect
labour budget, factory overhead budget and cost of
product cost for each product type, it can be
projected cost of goods sold (cost of goods sold) As
in Table 8.
DirectLaborCost(Rp) 190.952.639,00
41,57Rp x 10.493.036 un it 436.209.008,31
179.946,24Rp x1.267 jam 228.027.871,80
395.256,92Rp x304 M2 120.000.000,00
TotalofFactoryOverheadCost(Rp) 784.236.880,11
TotalofProductionCost(Rp) 19.004.352.914,11
TotalofProductsManufactured(Units) 10.493.036,00
Unit(Rp) 1.811,14
RawMaterialCost(Rp) 11.549.503.079,95
DirectLaborCost(Rp) 114.571.5 80,00
41,57Rp x 6.995.357 unit 290.805.991,69
179.946,24Rp x 845 jam 152.018.581,20
395.256,92Rp x 202 M2 80.000.000,00
TotalofFactoryOverheadCost(Rp) 522.824.572,89
TotalofProductionCost(Rp) 12.186.8 99.232,84
TotalofProductsManufactured(Units) 6.995.357,00
Unit(Rp) 1.742,14
NO Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
InitialSuppliesof RawMaterials ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
PurchaseofRawMaterials 24.744.032.817 27.583.688.314 33.762.434.496 57.080.459.881 75.688.689.490
Total RawMaterial 24.744.032.817 27.583.688.314 33.762.434.496 57.080.459.881 75.688.689.490
FinalInventoryofRawMaterials ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
UsedRawMaterials 24.744.032.817 27.583.688.314 33.762.434.496 57.080.459.881 75.688.689.490
InitialSuppliesof Auxiliary ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
PurchaseofAuxiliary 4.834.633.658 5.389.462.138 6.467.354.565 10.509.451.169 13.662.286.463
Total Auxiliary 4.834.633.658 5.389.462.138 6.467.354.565 10.509.451.169 13.662.286.463
FinalInventoryofAuxiliary ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
UsedAuxiliary 4.834.633. 658 5.389.462.138 6.467.354.565 10.509.451.169 13.662.286.463
III DIRECTLABOR 305.524.219 360.621.055 432.745.266 540.931.583 703.211.058 914.174.371
IV FACTORYOVERHEADCOST 1.307.061.453 1.471.346.342 1.765.615.611 2.869.125.367 3.729.862.962
+III+IV) 34.805.117.849 42.428.149.939 53.879.248.286 93.995.013.286
InitialInventoryofWorkInProcess ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
FinalInventoryofWorkInProcess ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Invent oryofWorkInProcess ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
InitialInventoryofFinis hedGoods ‐ 112.828 530.920 637.104 796.380 1.035.294
FinalInventoryofFi nishedGoods 112.828 530.920 637.104 796.380 1.035.294 1.345.882
Invent oryofFinishedGoods 112.828 643.748 1.168.024 1.433.484 1.831.674 2.381.176
COSTOFGOODSSOLD 31.191.364.975 34.805.761.597 42.429.317.963 53.880.681.770 93.997.394.462