also have normative obligations, among others: (1)
create an active, meaningful, fun, inspirational,
creative, dynamic and dialogical education
environment; (2) have professional commitment to
improve quality of education, (3) show the excellent
role model and maintain the reputation of the
institution, profession and position in accordance
with the belief (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, 2009). The
elements of professional lecturer consist of: (1)
knowledge of technical and particular issues, law
and constitution, environment, social, economy and
culture, (2) attitude / attitude, including ethics,
morals, integrity, responsibility and accountability,
and (3) skills, namely: technical skills,
communication, interpersonal skills, quality
consciousness, organization, business, management
and leadership. (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, 2009).
The Professionalism of lecturers will be realized
in an academic atmosphere, that is a conducive
climate for academic activities, the interaction of
lecturers and students, among fellow students and
among lecturers in optimizing the learning process,
with one goal, to educate students.Lecturer
professionalism is as a professional educator, has
sufficient capacity to carry out the task of guiding,
fostering, and directing students in encouraging a
spirit of excellence, motivation to learn, and having
a personality and noble character that is appropriate
to the culture of the nation (Astuti, 2014; Sinambela,
2017). Moreover, Professionalism of lecturersis
defined as: (1) lecturer's ethics integration, which
includes the dimension of relationship and
interaction of lecturers with educational community,
both among lecturers, students and supporting staff
in the scope of universities, including how lecturers
have teaching preparation (Semester Learning Plan),
attendance fulfilment, the responsibility in
managing, evaluating and feedback process and
learning outcomes (2) has academic cultural
standards, namely basing the learning process on the
value of scientific truth and objectivity, using
various learning methods that provide forecasting of
learning to students of various forms, problem-based
learning, project-oriented, individually or in groups
that engage students actively in learning and
integrate in research through the conditioning of
reading, researching and writing culture, practice
design and field observation, community service
program (KKN) and internship(Tampubolon, 2012).
To conclude, professionalism of lecturers in this
study is synthesized as the level of ability in
implementing tridharma (Sambung et al., 2012),
with dimensions: the fulfilment of teaching
responsibilities, the creation of a conducive
academic atmosphere, the creation of academic
culture, a good role model. The framework of
thinking in this research variable is the higher level
of proficiency of lecturers in implementing; the
more professional is the lecturer. Thus it will impact
directly and indirectly variables in this research.
2.3 Student Perception
Perception is an individual process of organizing and
interpreting things and giving meaning to them
(Robbins and Judge, 2016). Similar with previous
explanation, perception is the process by which
individuals manage and interpret the impressions
captured by one's senses to give meaning to an
object such as environment, people, and things
(Sadhana, 2012; Saputra and Semuel, 2013; Astuti
and Mustikawati, 2013; Chan, 2012).Perception
issignificant because it affects action. Each has a
different perception toward the same object. It
occurs because (1) the individual himself/ herself as
an assessor, (2) the characteristics of the target being
observed or perceived, and (3) different situations.
Perceptions can be formed because of these three
factors. Perceptions formed by factors of the
individual himself/herselfon the same object can be
same or different depending on the similarities or
differences of internal factors, attitude, motives,
interest, interest, past experiences and expectation.
Perception is often identified with one's view of
everything and gives meaning or value to the object.
The second factor that can affect perception is
the target or characteristic of the observed object.
The similarities of things observed, whether people,
objects or events tend to be grouped. In this case, if
she/ he had past experience in interacting with
her/his teachers, she/he also had a similar perception
to her/his lecturer. The higher the similarity of
experience in perceiving the figure of teachers and
lecturers, the more similar their tendency to perceive
them as the same group. Components in target
factors that may affect perception arenew
experience, motion, sound, size, background and
The third factor is the situation. Different
situations can give different perceptions.
Components that exist in the situational factors that
affect perceptions are time, circumstances/places
and social circumstances.
The study focuses on students' perceptions
toward lecturer profession. The perception toward
the human is different from perception to inanimate