(energy and time) of individuals in doing their work.
As stated by Adenan (2015), that effort expectancy
refers to how easily one thinks in using a system, it
can be said that accountants within the company
have not felt that the system is capable of supporting
their work and it requires effort and time to be able
to use,thus with the system makes the acceptance of
accounting information systems to be down.
According to Venkatesh and Davis (2000), social
influence has an impact on individual behavior
through three mechanisms of compliance,
internalization, and identification. It can be
concluded that the more influence an environment
gives to the prospective users of information
technology to use new information technology, the
greater the interest arising from potential personal
users in using the information technology because of
the strong influence of the surrounding environment.
Social influence can negatively affect the acceptance
of the system may be due to the desire of
individuation, namely the need to maintain our
individuality. Most of us have a desire for
individuation to be differentiated from others in
some ways.Also, it is possible because of the desire
to maintain control over the events in his life. The
stronger the individual needs for personal control,
the less likely they are to comply with social
Facilitation Condition has a significant positive
effect on Acceptance of Accounting Information
System. The conditions that facilitate the use of
information technology are the extent to which one
believes that organizational and technical
infrastructure exists to support the use of the system.
If the facilities provided to use the system more
complete, then the acceptance of the system will
The conclusion of this research is that the
acceptance of the accounting information system
due to management accountant has realized the
importance of an accounting system to support the
work.This is becauseof ease of accessing accounting
data in various formats, flexibility to communicate
with leaders and peers, flexibility report format,
positive experience and systems that are user-
friendly. Acceptance of an accounting information
system makes accountants tend to feel comfortable
during work so they will feel helpful in completing
the work.
Some of the limitations of this study lead to
many things that can not be explained more deeply,
especially the discussion of the causal factors of
individual performance improvement from
individual control over their work and their belief in
self-efficacy. Then further research can be proposed
to add the variables locus of control in order to
improve the performance of individual accountant
management about the acceptance of the accounting
information system
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