3.2 VO2Max
Based on Table 1, the fitness test results of the
hockey athletes showed 18 Hockey athletes (56.2%)
had VO
Max levelunder the standard category. The
average VO
Max levelis 36.55 ± 8.58 ml / kg / min
with a minimum levelof 26 ml / kg / min and a
maximum of 50.80 ml / kg / min. At the time this
study took place the athletes had just been in a quiet
stage after facing the championship. During a quiet
period where within one week of their breaks are
allowed by the trainer not to exercise,so it is likely to
affect the VO
Max results. Some other factors may
affect the levelof VO
Max in hockey UKM
Pancasila University that is the age of hockey
athletes who have been above 20 years, discipline
athletes on training programs provided by trainers,
the arrival of athletes are not on time so that the
duration of time required for training is reduced very
much, not doing the training program with the
Factors affecting VO
Max according to
Burhanudin (2015) include gender, age, exercise,
altitude somewhere (O2 levels), psychological
factors, lung function, nutritional status, nutritional
intake, and physical activity. Research (Indrayana,
2012) using the experimental method, with a 24-
meter run test that is the ability to run training
interval training can be done to improve
cardiorespiratory endurance so that in every game
athletes can overcome fatigue until the end of the
game, and endurance cardiovascular athletes to be
3.3 Intake of Energy, Protein and
Based on Table 1,hockey athletes who have less
energy intake are 17 people (53.1%).The average
energy intake of people in Hockey Pancasila
University at 1783 ± 428 kcal with a minimum
leveland a maximum levelof 858.53 kcal 2673
kcal.A total of 18 people (56.3%) had less protein
intake. The average intake of protein
athlete hockeyat Pancasila University amounted to
50.47 ± 12.61 grams with a minimum levelof 20.83
grams and a maximum levelof 69.83 grams. 19
people (59.4%) had less fluid intake.The average
intake of fluids in the hockey athletesPancasila
University of 1957.64 ± 569.59 ml with a minimum
level of1200.33 ml and a maximum levelof 3459.40
According to the results of a 24-hour food
recall for three days obtained intake of energy,
protein, and the fluid athlete does not vary and has
not been fulfilled.Athletes do not pay attention to
the intake of energy, protein, and fluids consumed
due to lack of knowledge of the importance of
consumption of energy, protein, and fluid intake.In
this case, since athletes do not live in the dorms, the
consumption of food and drink per day is not well
In high-moderate intensity exercise such
as sprints, carbohydrate burning will serve as the
body's main energy source and will contribute more
than fat burning to produce energy in the body. The
contribution of burning carbohydrates as the body's
main energy source will increase to 100% when the
exercise intensity is in the range 70-95% VO2Max
(Nurkadri, 2014).
Increased protein requirement for athletes is due
to athletes more at risk for damage to muscle tissue,
especially during training and heavy sports. Also, in
endurance sports with a long duration, a small part
of the amino acids from proteins will also be used as
an energy source especially as glycogen deposits are
reduced. Because of these things then the need for
protein consumption of an athlete in daily life will
be relatively larger when compared with the needs
of non-athletes (Irawan, 2007).
High activity will generate heat from energy
metabolism will also increase. The fluid inside the
body will perform its function as a thermoregulator.
This function is run with the aim that the body's
internal temperature (coretemperature) can be
maintained. Water will release excess body heat
through sweat. When exercising, the water that
comes through the sweat is not only water produced
through metabolic processes but also water obtained
through the consumption of fluids. So if the process
of reduced fluid from the body during exercise is left
in a long time and not balanced with adequate fluid
consumption, then the body will become dehydrated
(Bellisle et al., 2010).
3.4 Physical Activity
From Table 1 it is found that most of the activities
conducted by Hockey athletes Pancasila University
in the category of 11 people (34.4%) with an
average of 1.77 ± 0.44 with a minimum levelof 1.23
and a maximum of 2, 87.
Interview result gets physical activity of hockey
team of the University of Pancasila being.
Researchers argue that it may be due to a lack of
hockey athlete's memory interview that can not
explain the exact duration of activity,so the hockey
athlete only estimates. It can be the effect of the