contraction will improve the neuromuscular
coordination that caused the improvement of motor
unit recruitment, which will improve the number of
myofibril. At the same time, the number of actin and
myosin will also be improved.
The improvement of neuromuscular coordination
is also affecting the proprioceptive stimulation in the
muscle, joint, and ligament, so it will stimulate the
afferent neuron to send the information to the central
neuron about body position. This will also increase
the kinesthetic sense which will improve the
stabilization. At the same time, muscle contraction
will improve muscle strength. With the biomotor
components of the archers, they can improve their
5.3 Hypothesis III
In hypothetical test III, using a parametric test
(Independent Sample T-Test), the result is p = 0,346
where the score p > score α (0,05). It can be concluded
that the HO is rejected and there is no difference in
the impact between elasticband archers exercise
treatment and dumbbell rows exercise treatment with
the accuracy for the beginner archer.
Both of the treatment groups did not have a
significant difference, which may be caused by the
measurement tools that lack the accuracy to measure
arm muscle strength, the durability of the arm muscle,
and the archery ability.
The researchers used a single target put in a 10
metres distance to see the accuracy from the samples.
Based on the research, the ability and skill of each
sampleare very influential. The sample which has a
better skill has a better score. Meanwhile, the test
should have emphasized the significant difference
between each treatment for muscle strength and
muscle durability for the data. This test could not give
a specific explanation for these two data (muscle
strength and muscle durability). However, it shows
that the accuracy of the samples is improved during
the exercise.
Another reason for why the results are not
significantly different is because there is a dose
modification for some samples. The dose of the
exercise was set at 60%. Thiswas modified since
some of the samples felt that the dose is too heavy.
Therefore, based on Holly J. Benjamin (2003) said on
a journal titled “Strength Training for Children and
Adolescents, The Physician and Sports Medicine”,
weight training for adolescents start at maximum 2
kgs since they are still adapting physiologically to the
training. After that, it can be increased gradually
based on their ability. In this case, the samples are
students who were active on extracurricular activities
such as volleyball, national flag raising ceremony,
and scout. These activities involved some weight
training which made them adapt to the first weight
toleration (2 kgs). In the treatment group I, the
elasticband weighted 6kgs per pull, which still can be
tolerated by the samples. As for the treatment group
II, the researchers gave the same weight for the
samples by increasing their repetition.
Based on the analysis of research that has been
done, we can conclude that elasticband archers
exercise can improve the shooting accuracy to the
target with 10 meters distance at the beginner archers
in SMP Negeri 5 Rangkasbitung meant the value of
(p = 0,000). Dumbbell rows exercise can improve the
shooting accuracy to the target with 10 meters
distance at the beginner archers in SMP Negeri 5
Rangkasbitung meant the value of (p = 0.000). On the
other hand, based on the hypothesis test II, we can
conclude that there is no different effect towards the
improvement of the shooting accuracy to the target
with 10 meters distance at the beginner archers in
SMP Negeri 5 Rangkasbitung meant the value of (p =
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