satisfy one's desires. The results of this study are in
line with this and support the results of researches
Khan & Nemati (2011) and Princess (2010) who
found that job involvement positively affect job
5.1 Managerial Implications
This study discusses the factors that influence work
involvement, job satisfaction, and good turnover
intention in PT. SCTV. In an organization, employees
are important aspects and assets that must be
maintained and cared for because the employee is the
driver of all the processes that exist within the
organization. Therefore, it is important for an
organization to create comfortable conditions, respect
each other, provide opportunities and employment
opportunities to all employees and sufficient
circumstances so that employees will feel happy in
working and eventually have a high commitment.
Because basically with the involvement and high
satisfaction of employees, the results expected by the
organization will also be better. Managerial
implications that can be suggested are the company
can increase employment to the employees in
PT.SCTV, the company must also be able to convince
and provide opportunities for all employees to work
and trust each other against their colleagues. Because
in this industry all work is very specific and when the
program runs employees will all be combined into a
solid team in running all of their duties. Basically, this
company must really understand the needs of
employees not only materially but also
psychologically for each of its employees so that such
employee can play an active role in his work. The
company should design new standard operating
procedures (SOP) to ensure the level of satisfaction
with the values of employee work. SOP is important
in implementing all stages of work on the employees
of PT. SCTV, because the SOP, of course, can make
uniformity of all programs in the implementation of
the work so that the lack of possible coordination can
make mistakes in the work itself.
The company also needs to facilitate and provide
comfort as well as able to provide more career
opportunities to the employees in order to develop
their skills to reduce employee turnover intention
from the company. The issue which, of course, affects
the improvement of employee satisfaction is rewards
and relationship with the management. The
management can increase the rewards for employees
‘achievement. In addition to maintaining
relationships with employees, it is also important to
manage employee job satisfaction and continue to
increase it. It can be done by holding a family
gathering and the like. The management can also
provide motivation and give direction so that
employees grow the feeling of having the company
and generate personal commitment to achieving
common goals with the management. A comfortable
working environment will also make employees feel
comfortable in the workplace and can continue to
improve employee performance in the company.
5.2 Limitations of Research
This study has some limitations that can be
considered for further research. This research uses
questionnaires as a measuring tool to save time and
energy. However, the questionnaires have usual
limitations are,i.e. dealing with the filling ofthe
question. One of those limitations is the authorsmust
spend quite a long time towait for the respondents to
filling in the questionnaires because if they are not
observed there will be the possibility thatthe
respondents do not fill in the question based on their
truth condition or just fill them all based on ideal
conditions expected by them instead of the actual
conditions that are happening.This can cause the
measurement used does not describe the variables
significantly. Also, there are limitations of variables
in this study which only discuss job involvement, job
satisfaction and turnover intention.
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Based on the above explanation we can put forward
some suggestions that can be given to permanent
employees of PT. SCTV for the sake of progress in
all television programs and progress of the company.
The authors hope that presumably as employees, they
can give the good value of work and maintain good
cooperation in order to get maximum result of their
work and to be able to be more creative in presenting
more broadcasted programs to the society so that
society will find those things (entertainment
programs) are positive for their everyday life.
Moreover, the company should give more
opportunity to its employees to be able to give
ideas,and insights and develop new innovation that
can help the success of the company.
This study is still very limited because it only
examines the extent of the influence of job
involvement, job satisfaction and turnover intention.
More researcheson the analysis of job involvement,
job satisfaction affecting turnover intention arestill
possible to be further developedin the future. Thus,
future researches are suggested to add new variables