The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational
Structure to the Quality of Management Accounting Information
Systems and It Implications to the Quality of Management
Accounting Information
Yanuar Ramadhan
, Novera Kristianti Maharani
, Ahmad Sururi Afif
and Rilla Gantino
Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta
Keywords: Environmental uncertainty, organizational structure, quality of management accounting information
systems, quality of management accounting information.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of environmental uncertainty and
organizational structure on the quality of management accounting information system and its implications
on the quality of management accounting information. The phenomenon that occurs in some companies in
Indonesia shows that the management accounting information system at the company has not qualified so
that the impact on the quality of accounting information management. The data of this research were
obtained through a survey by distributing questionnaires to manufacturing companies in the consumer goods
industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Testing data using Partial Least Square (PLS). The
research method used explanatory research method. The results showed that the environmental uncertainty
affects the quality of the management accounting information system, while the organizational structure
shows the results do not affect the quality of the management accounting information system. The
simultaneous, environmental uncertainty and organizational structure affect the quality of management
accounting information systems and implicate the quality of management accounting information.
Wilkinson et al. (2000) explains that "Data are the
raw facts and figures and even the symbols that
together form the inputs to information system".
Gelinas and Dull (2008) and Stair and Reynolds
(2010) argue that the value of information is directly
related to how to help decision makers achieve
organizational goals and that valuable information
can help people and their organizations carry out
more tasks efficient and effective. As for high-
quality management accounting information
according to O'Brien and Marakas (2010), DeLone
and McLean, 1992, Gelinas and Dull (2008) is an
information product whose characteristics, attributes
or quality will help that information become
valuable to users. Related to the system, the quality
of the management accounting information system
according to DeLone and McLean (1992) is
conformity in measuring.
According to Heidmann and Schäffer (2008),
and Belkaoui (2002) states that management
accounting information systems are formal systems
that provide information from the internal and
external environment to management. In line with
the results of Chitmun and Ussahawanitchakit
research (2011) which shows that "timeliness
management accounting system has a significant
positive effect on information quality, integration of
management accounting systems has a positive
impact on information quality".
In reality in Indonesia, there is still a lack of
quality in the application of management accounting
information systems both in government and private
sectors. This was conveyed, among others, by Yudhi
Chrisnandi, Minister of Administrative Reform and
Bureaucratic Reform (2014), Karsani Aulia,
Samudra Energy's Head of Technology (2014),
Surjanto Yasaputera, Corporate Secretary, PT
Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk. (28/02/2013), and Eka
Suharto, FFI Information and Communication
Technology Manager, PT Frisian Flag Indonesia
(27/09/2007) which stated in essence that as long as
Ramadhan, Y., Kristianti Maharani, N., Sururi Afif, A. and Gantino, R.
The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Structure to the Quality of Management Accounting Information Systems and It Implications to the Quality of Management
Accounting Information.
DOI: 10.5220/0009952527702777
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2770-2777
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the system not being integrated, it would cause
various problems.
Hansen and Mowen (2007) explain that the core
of management accounting information systems is
the process described by activities to produce
outputs that meet the objectives of the system.The
results study from Strumickas and Valanciene
(2010), and Ajibolade (2013) concludes that
management accounting information systems are
influenced by the external environment
(environmental uncertainty).
Management accounting information systems
also relate to organizational structure.
Organizational structure can affect management
accounting information systems as stated by Stair
and Reynolds (2010), Miyamoto (2008), and
Valanciene (2010) namely that organizational
structure can have a direct impact on organizational
information systems.
Based on the background described above, the
formulation of the problem that can be submitted is
as follows:How much influence is partially
Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational
Structure on the Quality of Management Accounting
Information Systems and how much influence does
the Quality of Management Accounting Information
System have on the Quality of Management
Accounting Information.
The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical
evidence in the field that Environmental Uncertainty
and Organizational Structure affect the Quality of
Management Accounting Information Systems and
have implications for the Quality of Management
Accounting Information. The results of this study
are intended to be able to contribute to the
development of science and also can provide
alternative solutions to problems faced by
manufacturing companies in improving the
operational quality of the company, the quality of
production, and the right decision making, and
ultimately can increase the productivity of the
2.1 Environmental Uncertainty
Dimensions of external environmental uncertainty
according to Robbins and Coulter (2013),Duncan,
(1972) are the degree of change and the degree of
environmental complexity. While indicators of
external environment uncertainty (Robbins and
Coulter, 2013; Duncan, 1972; Gordon and
Narayanan, 1984; Mejia et al., 2005) are:
Environmental stability (Gordon and Narayanan,
1984); Changes in government regulations (Duncan,
1972); Competitor complexity (Robbins and
Coulter, 2013); Supplier complexity (Robbins and
Coulter, 2013).
2.2 Organizational Structure
The dimensions and indicators of each characteristic
of the organizational structure chosen by the
researcher are as follows: Span of Control: a.)
Communication between superiors and subordinates
(Ivancevich et al., 2014); b.) Level of supervision
(Ivancevich et al., 2014); Centralization: a.) The
level of decision making (Robbins and Coulter,
2013; b.) The level of formal authority (Robbins and
Coulter, 2013); Formalization: a.) Documentation of
procedures (Robbins and Coulter, 2013); b.) Written
regulations (Robbins and Coulter, 2013);
Departmentalization: a.) Coordination between
sections (Robbins and Coulter, 2013); b.) Task
grouping (Robbins and Coulter, 2013)
2.3 The Quality of Management
Accounting Information Systems
Dimensions and indicators of the Quality of
Management Accounting Information Systems are
as follows: Integration, consist of (a) Integration
between system components (Heidmann and
Schäffer, 2008; Azhar, 2013) and (b) Integration
between sub-components system (Azhar, 2013);
Flexibility consists of (a) Being able to adjust user
needs (Heidmann and Schäffer, 2008) and (b) Able
to adapt to changes in the environment (Heidmann
and Schäffer, 2008); Accessibility consists of (a)
Can be accessed easily (Heidmann and Schäffer,
2008; Stair and Reynolds, 2012) and (b) Can be
accessed according to the development of
information technology (Heidmann and Schäffer,
2008; Stair and Reynolds, 2012) ; Formalization:
Following the rules and conditions that apply
(Heidmann and Schäffer, 2008), and Media
Richness consists of (a) Using many channels that
facilitate communication (Heidmann and Schäffer,
2008) and (b) Facilitate interaction between parts
(Heidmann and Schäffer, 2008).
The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Structure to the Quality of Management Accounting Information Systems and
It Implications to the Quality of Management Accounting Information
2.4 The Quality of Management
Accounting Information
The dimensions and indicators that can be used for
each component of the quality of management
accounting information are as follows: Relevance
(Hall, 2011); Accuracy (Laudon and Laudon, 2014);
Completeness (Laudon and Laudon, 2014) and
(Heidmann and Schäffer, 2008); Timeliness
(McLeod and Schell, 2008; Chenhall and Morris,
1986) and (Heidmann and Schäffer, 2008); Scope
(Heidmann and Schäffer, 2008) and Chenhall and
Morris, 1986); Aggregation (Chenhall and Morris,
2.5 The Influence of Environmental
Uncertainty on the Quality of
Management Accounting
Information Systems
Delivered by among others Laudon and Laudon
(2014); Wilkinson (2000); Hoque (2003);
Azhar (2013); and research by Gordon and
Narayanan (1984), Duncan (1972); Ajibolade et al.
(2010); and Nita (2008); it can be said that
environmental uncertainty affects the quality of
management accounting information systems.
2.6 The Influence of Organizational
Structure on the Quality of
Management Accounting
Information Systems
Based on opinions between Stair and Reynolds
(2010); Wilkinson (2000); Laudon and Laudon
(2014) and the results of the study include Salehi
and Abdipour (2011); Indeje and Zheng (2010);
Strumickas and Valanciene (2010) can be said that
organizational structure influences the quality of
management accounting information systems.
2.7 The Influence of Quality of
Management Accounting
Information Systems on the Quality
of Management Accounting
Hall (2011), Stair and Reynolds (2012), Hansen and
Mowen (2007), Bagranoff et al. (2010), Atkinson
(2012), Xu (2003), Heidmann and Schäffer (2008),
Richardson et al. (2014) and also the results of
research from Shoommuangpak (2011), Valanciene
and Gimzauskiene (2007) can be said that the
quality of management accounting information
systems will be able to influence the quality of
management accounting information so that
decisions are made be right.
Figure 1 shows the thought framework as a basis
for submitting hypotheses.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
In this study, the method used is descriptive and
explanatory research (Sekaran and Bougie, 2013).
Researchers want to get a basic answer about the
cause and effect by analyzing the causes of
phenomena in the concepts raised in the study
(Cooper and Schindler, 2014). While the indicators
in this study use an ordinal scale which is measured
based on the attitude scale using a Likert approach.
3.1 Population and Sample
Based on data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange,
in 2015 there were 511 companies including 147
manufacturing companies. Whereas those included
in the category of consumer goods industry sector
amounted to 40 companies. To test the hypothesis of
this study researchers used Structural Equation
2013:77; Miles&Snow,
2003; Mejia et al., 2005;
GordonAnd Narayanan,
1984; Duncan, 1972;
Hoque, 2003)
(Mejia et al., 2005;
Robbin &Coulter, 2013;
Robbins, 2013;
McShane&Glinow, 2010;
Gibson, 2012:399;
Ivancevich, 2011)
(Heidmann, 2008;
Hansen&Mowen, 2007;
Azhar, 2013;
Stair&Reynold, 2012;
Horngren et al. 2002)
(Heidmann, 2008;
Stair&Reynold, 2012;
Atkinson, 2012;
Turban&Volonino, 2011;
McLeod and Schell, 2008)
Y terhadap Z (H3):
(Hansen&Mowen, 2007;
Stair&Reynolds, 2012;
Hall, 2011; Xu, 2003;
Atkinson, 2012;
Bagranoff et al., 2010;
Laudon&Laudon, 2014;
Shoommuangpak, 2011;
Heidmann, 2008)
X1 terhadap Y (H1):
(Wilkinson et al, 2000;
Laudon dan Laudon,
Azhar, 2013; Hoque,
2003; Haldma andLaats,,2
Nita, 2008;
Ajibolade et al., 2010)
X2 terhadap Y (H2):
(Stair dan Reynolds,
2010; Laudon & Laudon,
2014; Wilkinson, 2000;
Strumickas, 2010;
Salehi&Abdipour, 2011)
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS)
3.2 Method of Collecting Data
Data collection method used in this study is to use a
questionnaire method, provide direct questionnaires
or postal self-administered questions or via e-mail
(internet survey).
3.3 Data Testing Method
Data collection is done using a questionnaire.
Therefore, to test the sincerity of the respondent's
answer, two types of tests are needed: a test of
validity and test of reliability. Testing is done in data
analysis using SEM.
3.4 Analysis Design and Hypothesis
3.4.1 Analysis Design
Two types of analysis were carried out to obtain
results that were consistent with the objectives of the
study, namely descriptive analysis and analysis
through Structural Equation Model (SEM).
3.4.2 Model Evaluation
The model in structural equation modelling through
the partial least square (PLS) approach consists of
two types, namely the measurement model
suitability test (outer model) and the structural
model suitability test (inner model).
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
Based on the calculation of the outer loadings value,
all indicators of each construct have Loading Factor
above 0.5 said to be valid. The value of composite
reliability (CR) of each construct is reliable because
its value is above 0.7. All constructs have good
convergent validity because they have AVE values
above 0.5.
The discriminant validity evaluation results
which are seen from the cross loading value
concluded that the construct of Environmental
Uncertainty (EU) and Quality of Management
Accounting Information System (MAIS)
discriminates its good validity. The construct of
Organizational Structure (ORGSTR) and Quality of
Management Accounting Information (MAI)
discriminates its validity less well.
Subsequent evaluation of discriminant validity
shows the construct AVE root value Environmental
Uncertainty, Organizational Structure, and Quality
of Management Accounting Information System is
greater than the maximum correlation with other
constructs so that it can be said discriminant validity
is good because AVE root value must be higher than
the correlation between constructs.
4.2 Model Evaluation Structural
The complete relationship between variables in this
study can be explained as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2:Model of the influence of Environmental
Uncertainty and Organizational Structure on Quality of
Management Accounting Information through Quality
Management Accounting Information Systems
Testing of the structural model is done by testing the
significance of each parameter by comparing the t-
statistic value with t table (at 5% significance level),
then looking at the R-square value which is a
goodness-fit test model.
Table 1: Parameter Coefficient
Organizational Structure
->MAIS Quality
0.212 1.334
Uncertainty ->MAIS
0.532 3.473
MAIS Quality ->MA
Information Quality
0.531 4.566 0.282
**significant at the level 0.05, t
= 1.96
The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Structure to the Quality of Management Accounting Information Systems and
It Implications to the Quality of Management Accounting Information
Based on Table1, MAISQ = 0.212 ORGST + 0.532
EU + 0.500 and MAIQ = 0.531 MAISQ + 0.718
The parameter coefficient of Organizational
Structure and Environmental Uncertainty on the
Quality of Management Accounting Information
System is positive. This means that the
Organizational Structure and Environmental
Uncertainty can improve the Quality of Management
Accounting Information Systems. If the
Organizational Structure increases by 1 unit, it will
improve the Quality of Management Accounting
Information System by 0.212 and if the
Environmental Uncertainty increases by 1 unit, it
will improve the Quality of Management
Accounting Information System by 0.532. R square
value of 0.532 indicates that the Organizational
Structure and Environmental Uncertainty can
explain the Quality of Management Accounting
Information System constructs by 50.0%, the
remaining 50.0% is explained by other constructs in
addition to Organizational Structure and
Environmental Uncertainty. Parameter coefficient of
Management Accounting Information System
Quality variable on Management Accounting
Information Quality variable is positive. This means
that the Quality of the Management Accounting
Information System can improve the Quality of
Management Accounting Information. If the Quality
of the Management Accounting Information System
increases by 1 unit, it will improve the Quality of
Management Accounting Information by 0.531. R
square value of 0.282 indicates that the Quality of
Management Accounting Information System can
explain Management Accounting Information
Quality variables of 28.2%, the remaining 71.8% is
explained by other constructs other than Quality of
Management Accounting Information Systems. Next
to see the effect of each variable partially and
simultaneously obtained the following results:
Table 2: Partial Test of Environmental Uncertainty on
MAIS Quality
λ T-Statistic
Environmental Uncertainty
->MAI Systems Quality
0.532 3.473
Based on Table 2, it is obtained a statistical t
value of 3.473. Because the value of t statistic is
greater than t table (t table with a significance of 5%
at 1.96), then it gives a significant conclusion that
there is a significant influence of Environmental
Uncertainty on the Quality of Management
Accounting Information Systems.
Table 3: Partial Test of Organizational Structure on MAI
Systems Quality
λ T-Statistic
Organizational Structure ->
MAI Systems Quality
0.212 1.334
Based on Table 3, the statistical t value is 1.334.
Because the t value of statistics is smaller than t
table (t table with a significance of 5% at 1.96), then
it gives a non-significant conclusion, meaning there
is no significant influence from the Organizational
Structure on the Quality of Management Accounting
Information Systems.
Table 4: Partial Test of MAI Systems Quality on MAI
λ T-Statistic
MAI Systems Quality -
>MAI Quality
0.531 4.566
Based on Table 4, the statistical t value is 4.566.
Because the value of t statistic is greater than t table
(t table with a significance of 5% at 1.96), then it
gives a significant conclusion which means that
there is a significant influence of the Quality of
Management Accounting Information System on the
Quality of Management Accounting Information.
Table 5: Simultaneous Test, Environmental Uncertainty
and Organizational Structure on the Quality of
Management Accounting Information Systems
Environmental Uncertainty and
Organizational Structure -
>Quality of Management
Accounting Information Systems
0.500 31.000
Through test statistics with = 5% and df1 = k = 3,
df2 = n-k-1 = 65-2-1 = 62 obtained F table value of
± 3,145.
Based on the following test criteria: Accept Ho if
F counts <F table and Reject Ho if F counts> F
table. Based on the data in Table 5, it can be
obtained the Fcount value of 31,000. Because the F
value is calculated (31,000)> F table (3,145), then
Ho is rejected. That is, the Organizational Structure,
and Environmental Uncertainty have a significant
effect jointly on the Quality of Management
Accounting Information Systems.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 6: Direct Influences
MAIS Quality
0.532 0.283 28.35%
0.212 0.045 4.5%
MAIS Quality –
0.531 0.282 28.2%
From Table 6 can be seen that the total effect of
Environmental Uncertainty on the Quality of the
Management Accounting Information Systems is
28.35%, and the total influence of the Organizational
Structure on the Quality of Management Accounting
Information Systems is 4.5%; and the total effect of
the total influence of the Quality of the Management
Accounting Information System on the Quality of
Management Accounting Information at 28.2%.
Based on the discussion and analysis related to the
phenomenon, the formulation of the problem,
hypothesis, and the results of the study concluded, as
a. Environmental uncertainty affects the quality of
management accounting information systems.
Thus the company's ability to anticipate/follow
up on any changes related to the level of
environmental change, such as environmental
stability and changes in government regulations.
The company has also been able to anticipate the
complexity of the environment, for example
against competitors and suppliers.
b. Organizational Structure does not affect the
quality of management accounting information
systems. The quality of the management
accounting information system in the company is
not yet high due to the high span of control, the
low communication between superiors and
subordinates, and the low coordination between
c. The quality of the management accounting
information system affects the quality of
management accounting information. Thus the
consumer goods industry sector manufacturing
companies listed on the IDX have implemented a
quality management accounting information
system, so as to meet the needs of stakeholders.
Based on the results of the research and discussion
and conclusions in this study, it is recommended:
a. Submission of information to management on
environmental changes that occur, for example,
changes made by competitors, suppliers,
customers, government regulations.
b. Improvement in the organization so that the
company has a structure that can facilitate
supervision, direct communication or through
technological devices, and coordination between
parts in processing data becomes information so
that the decision making the process by
management can be made appropriately.
c. Increase flexibility in management accounting
information systems, such as the ability to adjust
to user needs so as to produce quality
information and also improve the ability of the
system to adapt to changing situations and
d. Increase the accuracy of management accounting
information which will ultimately be taken into
consideration in management decisions.
e. Perform replicability and generalibility, it is
recommended for other researchers to conduct
research again based on the results of this study
using the same research method, in different
units of analysis and samples.
f. Other researchers are expected to examine other
variables such as company strategy, manager
competence, organizational culture, management
changes, ethics, and others.
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The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Structure to the Quality of Management Accounting Information Systems and
It Implications to the Quality of Management Accounting Information