by Thomas J Liesz and Steven J Maranville.
6.4 The Influence of Interest Burden’s
Variable toward Return on Equity
Based on the results of the research that has been
done. The calculation of multiple regression equation,
the results of the test t (partial test) explained that
Interest Burden’s positive significant effect/
influence toward Return On Equity. It shows the H4
stating the existence of the influence of the Interest
Burden’s toward Return On Equity on the company's
food and Beverage Industry, that is listed on the
Indonesian Stock Exchange Periode 2011 -2015 is
In financial management perspective, the Interest
Burden (IB) is another Income divide by Other
Expense (OI/OE). It is measure how much of the
operating income can cover the interest expenses. The
IB is also an EBTdivide by OP. The higher of the
EBT/OP is means,thegreater operating profit because
of other income greater than the burden of others.The
results of this research are consistent with research
conducted by Kusi et al. (2015).
6.5 The Influence of Tax Burden's
Variable toward Return on Equity
Based on the results of the data analysis has been
done. The calculation of multiple regression equation,
the results of the test t (partial test) explained that tax
Burden’s have a negative influence and insignificant
toward Return on Equity. It shows the H5 was
rejected. This study the ratio of the tax burden has no
significant effect on ROE, this is because the
company has short-term corporate debt that is used
for the cost of raw materials and so on. The increase
in interest costs paid by the company will reduce the
amount of tax paid to the government, but the tax
expense paid by the company is insignificant.
The conclusion of this research, as follows: (1)
Partially, Financial Leverage Multiplier toward
Return On Equity on the food and beverage
companies have significant positive influence, (2)
Partially, Total Asset Turnover toward Return On
Equity on the food and beverage companies have
significant positive influence. (3) Partially, Operating
Profit Margin toward Return On Equity on the food
and beverage companies have significant positive
influence.(4) Partially, Interest toward Return On
Equity on the food and beverage companies have
significant positive influence. (5) Partially, the Tax
burden toward Return On Equity on the food and
beverage companies have a negative influence and
insignificant. (6) Simultaneously, Financial Leverage
Multiplier (FLM), Total Asset Turnover (TATO),
Operating Profit Margin (OPM), Interest Burden
(IB), and Tax Burden (TB) toward Return On Equity
on the food and beverage companies have significant
The suggestions for this research, as follow (1)
For the next researcher is expected to use more
samples of this research so that research results will
be better. (2) For the next researcher is expected to
add to the independent variable. Because there are
still many factors that could affect the dependent
variable, like size (3) For the next researcher not only
on a registered company in Indonesia but also to
compare with other companies in the other country.
(4) In cooperation with subsidiaries to save costs of
raw materials the company so that it can increase
revenue, it also can revive the company with a
consistent price. Based on the results of the research,
conclusions and suggestions that have been presented
before, This research resulted in the conclusions on
the importance of analyzing the financial statements
to assess the financial performance of a company and
where the funds to finance the operational activities
of a company are acquired.
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