in their microenvironment. Therefore they find out
the information on their own or together with the
peers who are also curious. Information received by
the internet can cause children to behave badly, while
parents as directors fail to realize the effects thereof
It complies with Hurlock’s theory (2007) that
each age has certain stages of development. One of
the aspects is socio-emotional and social
development affected by successive waves from
family, friends, and teachers. The small world of
children widens because they grow bigger and
develop their relationships with many new people that
will influence their socio-emotional development.
According to the ecological theory of Bronfenbrenner
(in Hurlock 2007), five environments are ranging
from interpersonal interaction to extensive culture-
based effects. The five systems are microsystem,
mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and
chronosystem. Therefore, children ideally need step-
by-step guidance by completing well the tasks of their
development in the microsystem to enter the
microsystem. However, parents generally fail to
realize that giving electronic devices able to access
the internet can force children toenter the macro
system without any preparation of what to face.
Many children think that electronic devices are
concrete goods in their territory as they interact with
their friends (as if playmates). They get information
from electronic media and think that it is concrete and
can be imitated without realizing that they are in the
macro system where the information is connected in
such a way and controlled by those who have interests
that they cannot understand because their phases of
thought are still concrete.
Times spent to surf the internet indicate that
children tend to access pornography, intentionally or
unintentionally. When their thinking ability is still
dominated by cerebellum than their pre-frontal
cortex, then the information can easily be absorbed
without any filter. Therefore, it is nothing impossible
if children will directly practice things related to
pornography in the real world. Even though, the
tendency of pornography addiction is mostly still a
moderate and low level of pornography addiction is
more than the high one but we should alert those with
the high level. Otherwise, it is feared that their
addictive pornography behaviour will increase.
Likewise, those with moderate level should be
Based on the activities, we can conclude that the
majority of students (92.2%) have seen pornography,
mostly at the internet cafes (31.4%) and their own
homes (23.5%); most have expressions of disgust
(74.5%),but some already find it normal or ordinary
(11.8%). A moderate level of addiction is most
prevalent among the students, but 25.5% were found
to be strongly addicted. There is a relationship
between the level of addiction and sex, where more
male students have a higher level of addiction, and
more female students have a lower level of addiction
The research was supported by Faculty of
Psychology, Esa Unggul University.
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UU Pornografi RI No 44 tahun 2008